Where Are The Stones?!?

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Author POV

Peter, Steve, Rhodey, Bruce, Thor, Rocket, Nebula and Carol are on The Benatar and are heading into space to get the stones, to bring everyone back. "Okay, who hasn't been to space?", asks Rocket, as Peter, Steve and Rhodey raise their hands, "try not to throw up in my ship." "Jumping in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...", says Nebula.

As the ship passes a few jump points, the ship comes to a complete stop, and Carol flies out, "I'll do recon", she says, flying out of view. Peter just looks at the planet, being so impatient, just wanting to get the Stones and bring back Natasha and Wanda.

Steve notices Peter's expression, "it's gonna be ok Peter, we're gonna get the Stones and bring then all back", he says, "yeah, I know... this is gonna work, I...", Peter trails off, as Steve puts a hand on his shoulders.

Steve has seen how hard Peter has been taking this, losing Wanda and Natasha at the same time, then finding out his Aunt May was also dusted away, he could tell Peter was a changed man, and he hopes this works, because he fears Peter will lose himself if they don't get the Stones.

Carol soon flies back, "he's alone, no satellites, no armies, no ships, just him", "then that's good enough", says Nebula.

As Thanos returns to his hut, he cooks the berries he gathered, but his left arm and side of his face are burned even more.

He stops as he hears something, the a beam hits him but he puts the Gauntlet in the way to protect himself. Carol flies in and tackles him to the ground.

Carol then grabs him in a chokehold and holds down his left arm with her foot, and then Bruce in The Hulkbuster grabs his left arm while Rhodey grabs his right arm, both coming from the ground. Thor comes in and cuts off his left arm, making Thanos scream in pain.

Steve, Peter, Nebula and Rocket walk in and stand by Thanos, and Rocket grabs the Gauntlet and flips it and reveal the Stones are gone, "oh no", says Rocket.

Peter, Steve and everyone else look, "where are the stones?", asks Steve, "The universe required correction, after that, the Stones served no purpose beyond temptation", says Thanos.

"You murdered trillions!", screams Bruce as he pushes Thanos to the ground. No one see's the pissed off face on Peter, "you should be grateful!", says Thanos, then Peter just punches Thanos really hard, that he losses a tooth.

Peter just looks at him, "where are the stones?", he asks with venom in his voice. "You better answer him, or next time I'll join him in killing you, now answer!", says Carol.

"Gone, reduced to atoms". "You used them two days ago", says Bruce, "I used the Stones to destroy the Stones, and it nearly killed me, but the work is done, it always will be... I am inevitable!", says Thanos.

Peter just gets more pissed off, so pissed off that Steve decides to put himself in front of Peter, "we have to tear this place apart, he has to be lying", says Rhodey, "my father is many things, a liar is not one of them", says Nebula, as she looks down, "thank you daughter, perhaps I treated you too harshly", Thanos says.

Thor just roars and chops off his head, making blood splatter around, "what did you do?", asks Rocket, "I went for the head", says Thor. He just walks out in a depressed mood, as Peter just looks at the head of Thanos.... nothing... he let's go of his anger and walks out of the hut, lost... broken... a changed man.... and not for the better.... for the worst.

Author Note

Okay.... dark!!!

Thanks for following these books, and I hope you enjoy what I've done with Peter in this series.

Pain... thats all Peter gets is pain!!

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