Everybody Comes Home!

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Author POV

Peter and the team are silently mourning over the loss of Clint Barton. Everyone can be seen in a saddened state after Peter told everyone what happened on Vormir.

"He told me... to watch over his family", Peter says, as he cries again. Steve comforts Peter by putting a hand on his shoulder, "and we will watch over them... it's the least we can do for him", says Steve.

The then walks up, "why are we acting like he's gone?!? We're acting like Barton is gone forever? He's not, we have the Stones, right? As long as we have the Stones, we can bring him back, isn't that right? So, stop this shit. We're The Avengers, act like it".

"... We can't bring him back", "w-what?". It can't be undone. It cant", says Peter, as reality sets in for everyone.

"No, it can be undone, nothing is permanent. He can be-", Thor was saying, before being stopped by Peter. "It can't be undone. Or atleast that's what that red floating guy said. Maybe you wanna talk with him? Okay? Go grab your hammer, and you go fly, and talk with him!.... It was supposed to be me!", Peter says angrily.

Peter rubs his hands through his hair, "Clint sacrificed himself for that goddamn Stone. He bet his life on it!", screams Peter. Bruce just looks at the others. "He can't be brought back. He's not coming back. He gave us the chance to finish this, we got to make this worth his sacrifice.", says Bruce.

Steve then gets up, "we will, we'll finish this for Clint, we have the chance because of him. Let's make this count, for Clint!", says Steve.

Tony, Bruce and Rocket are making the Gauntlet, while everyone else is already suited up, just waiting. For Peter, the nerves get bigger and bigger, he's about to be reunited with Natasha and Wanda, the two who he truly loves and wants to spend the rest of his life with. He'll have May back, his aunt, but more of a mother.

He's currently on the phone with Laura Barton, "... and he jumped... to his death. I'm so sorry I couldn't stop him Laura, I really am.", says Peter, as he tries holding back his tears. "Peter, I'm glad your telling me this, he's says Natasha is a stubborn person, but he's equally as stubborn, so there was no stopping him... I'm just gonna miss him", she says, as she cries.

"Well, we're gonna bring Natasha, Wanda and everyone who was dusted away back soon, and were gonna hold a private funeral for Clint". "Thank you, that would mean alot for us... and I'm glad your back, I hope you don't go Ronin again", she says, making Peter crack a smile, "I won't, I'm done being Ronin, for good too", he says.

Bruce walks in along with Tony and Rocket, "Okay, we're ready", he says, "Laura, it's time. We're gonna bring everyone back", "good, do it for Clint", "yeah, for Clint".

Peter hangs up the phone and joins the others, as he then sees Bruce walk up to the Red and Gold Gauntlet, "It has to be me."

"You saw what those Stones did to Thanos. It almost killed him. None of you could survive",

"And how do we know you will?", asks Peter.
"I don't. But the radiation's mostly gamma. It's like...I was meant for this".

Bruce looks at the glove as Tony starts speaking, "remember, we only want to bring back the people we lost, don't change anything about the last 5 years", "Got it."

Steve brings his shield up, as Scott and Rhodey shut their visors. Thor puts up an arm in front of Rocket to protect him, while Tony activates his suit, putting up a shield to cover Peter, who closes his suits mask.

"FRIDAY, do me a favor and activate Protocol Eight", says Tony. The doors and windows get barred shut, as Bruce look at the Gauntlet, "Everybody comes home."

Bruce slowly puts on the Gauntlet and screams in pain, as the energy of the Infinity Stones surges through him.

"Take it off. Take it off", says Thor, "No, wait. You alright?", "Bruce, talk to us", says Tony. "Yeah... I'm fine, I'm okay", he says.

Outside at the Quantum Tunnel, Nebula, starts messing with it, activating the machine and opens a gateway. A giant ship flies through the tunnel at atomic size and comes through, and goes regular size, breaking through the ceiling above.

Bruce screams as he snaps his fingers, and a light flashes for a few seconds, as Bruce falls on the ground, and the Gauntlet coming off. Peter then kicks away the Gauntlet, as the Compund opens again.

"Did it work?... did we do it?", asks Peter before a phone rings, shocking Peter. He looks and finds the old flip phone of his and see's the contact name , 'May'.

He picks up immediately, "May... May.... oh gosh, your back... it worked", he says. As Tony helps with Bruce's arm, Scott looks outside and the sun shine brighter, and birds chirping, "Guys. I think it worked".

The Sanctuary aims their weapons, making Peter sense it, "Guys. I sense danger. Somethings gonna happen", he says, getting everyone's attention.

Bruce looks up as The Sanctuary blasts the Compound, blowing it to pieces.

Scott shrinks down as a blast hits, sending him flying, as Bruce, Rhodey and Rocket fall through the floor, as it shattered.

Peter gets separated from the others, and falls unconscious as the blasts stop, and near him is the Gauntlet, with the Infinity Stones.

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