Iron Spider!

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Peter and Clint are on the Quinjet heading back to The Compound, and it's been mostly quiet, "hey Clint... umm, I just wanna say... jeez, I just wanna say-", "don't worry Peter, I know, I'm just glad you're coming back, I'm glad you're coming home", he says.

Peter can't help but to smile, The Avengers Compound has been home for him, even if he hadn't been there in 5 years, "it gonna be good to go home", says Peter.

They land and walk inside, "everyone's waiting, you ready Pete?", asks Clint, Peter nods and follows him. As they walk into the Compound, Peter see's the whole team working on some kind of machine, but they stop as Scott looks at Peter, "hey Pete, it's been a long time", he says.

Peter stops in front of them all, still wearing The Ronin suit, with the sword still attached to him, "hey guys", he says, as he looks down, "hey Peter, welcome back", "yeah, welcome home", says Steve.

"Listen, I don't belong here, not after what I've done", he says, "we know what you've done Peter, and we don't care, we want you here, we... we love you Peter, we're all family", says Steve. Peter starts feeling emotional, but he doesn't cry.

"We want you here, your an Avenger Pete, or atleast Spiderman is, Ronin is not, not our cup of tea to be apart of the team", says Tony. "We want you here, we have a chance to bring back everyone who was lost 5 years ago, and we can't do it without you", says Steve.

"We've been looking for you to bring you home, but you kept moving", Rhodey says, "it's my fault Peter, I should've done something to help, but-", "it's not your fault Steve, I never blamed you, I never blamed Tony or anyone of you... I just-", Peter starts letting the tears come out, "I lost everyone who I loved in a matter of seconds and all those emotions came out at that damn hut on that damn planet when I learned that the Stones were gone", says Peter.

Clint comforts Peter, "I- I don't wanna be alone anymore, I hated it, it just brought out all that anger inside me and-", Steve hugs Peter, who continues to cry.

5 minutes pass as Peter starts to get a hold of himself, "how you feel now?", ask Clint, "still guilty of what I've done, but I wanna be here, this is my choice", says Peter. They all smile, "glad you wanna be here, but like I said, Ronins a no no, but Spiderman is allowed", says Tony.

Peter laughs, "thanks Tony, but the suit probably doesn't fit me anymore", "yeah, I kinda made a new suit for you, welcome back Spiderman!", says Tony, as he presses a button on his watch and reveals a new suit, made out of nanotechnology, "I present, 'The Iron Spider Mk 1'!".

"Now that's a suit, welcome back Pete!", says Rhodey, as he messes with his hair, which makes Peter smile, "thanks, it's good to be back here

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"Now that's a suit, welcome back Pete!", says Rhodey, as he messes with his hair, which makes Peter smile, "thanks, it's good to be back here... what do we need to do to get everyone back?", he asks, "well, we're nearly done with building the Quantum Tunnel and we're gonna test it out later today, before we actully get our hopes up", says Tony.

"I'll do the test, it'll be fun", says Peter, "besides, I'll be the world's first time traveler", he says, making the team chuckle, "then let's finish adding the last part and get the test done shall we!".

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