Time Travel Test!

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Author POV

A Few Hours Later

Peter changed out of the Ronin suit and into something comfortable, and goes to do the time travel test. Tony finished building the machine an hour ago and finished making the time travel suits, using the last available Pym Particles. Everyone meets at the Quantum Tunnel as Peter takes his position, "you ready Pete?", "yeah, let's do it", he says, setting in a date, a familiar date.

The Quantum Suit activities and protects Peter, "Okay, we'll meet you here, going Quantum in 3... 2... 1!", says Bruce. Peter then disappears in a light.

Peter soon disappears as the light show ends, "how far did you send him Bruce?", "uhh, to the year 2018, about 1 week before Thanos happened... right to Edinbugh, Scotland", he says. "That's where we were laying low for a couple of months, we made a safe house", says Steve.

Edinburgh Scotland: 2018

Peter lands inside a room and instantly recognizes the room, "it's our room...", he says, and he walks out. He walks down the hallway, trying not to get caught, but he stops when he see's... Wanda and Natasha.

He just looks and smiles as they talk and hides, not wanting to be seen, remembering the him of this time not being here at the moment. "I wanna say this, I wanna spend the rest of my life with Peter.... I don't wanna be without him in my life again.... he makes me happy", says Natasha, Wanda smiles, "then that makes the two of us, I Love Peter with all my heart... falling in love with him is something I don't regret", "me neither, I'm glad Stark asked him to join the Avengers, because I, no we met Peter-", Natasha smiles, "I love him, more than he can know", she says

Peter smiles even bigger, then the GPS beeps and in an instant he disappears and appears back on the platform, smiling up a storm, as everyone else walks or jogs towards him, "so, did it work?", asks Tony, and he nods, "it did, it worked Tony, we did it", he says, as everyone smiles now.

Peter is now in his room, changing into normal cloths before they all meet up in the meeting room to discuss how to get the Stones and from what time periods to get then from, but he gets a visit Clint, "hey Pete, how ya doing?", he asks, "I'm doing good, just doing what needs to be done, doing my part", he says.

Clint smiles, "ok, let me as another question, how was it seeing Natasha and Wanda again?", he asks. This time Peter stops moving and puts his head down, but he smiles, "that was amazing, I never thought I'd see them again... but I saw them for the first time in 5 years", he says smiling, "I feel great", he says. Clint just smiles more, "that's good, glad your spirits been lifted Pete", he says.

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