Whatever It Takes & Sacrifice!

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Author POV

Peter has on the Iron Spider under the Quantum Suit, attached to the Time-Space GPS. He walks out of his room and joins the others at the Quantum Tunnel, who are also suited up, then Steve gives a speech.

"All right. We have a plan. Six Stones, three teams, one shot. Five years ago, we lost. All of us. We lost friends...We lost family...We lost a part of ourselves. Today, we have a chance to take it all back." They joined their fists together over the machine..

Steve said, "You know your teams. You know your missions. Get the Stones, get them back. One round trip each. No mistakes. No do-overs. Most of us are going somewhere we know. But it doesn't mean we should know what to expect. Be careful. Look out for each other. This is the fight of our lives. And we're going to win." He looked at Tony, who smiled at him as he said, "Whatever it takes."

"Good luck," says Steve. "He's pretty good at that", "Right!", say Rocket and Scott.

"Alright, stroke those keys Jolly Green!", says Tony. Peter looks at the shrunken down Benatar in his hands, "you promise to bring it back in one piece right?", asks Rocket.

Peter just nods, "yeah yeah, I'll do my best", "as promises go, that was pretty lame!". Peter puts away the ship as Bruce joins them on the platform.

"See you guys in a minute!", says Peter.

The suit gives everyone their helmet, except Rhodey's is shaped like the War Machine helmet and Peter's is shaped like Iike the Spiderman mask. The lights go off and everyone disappears.

Year 2014

Nebula, Rhodey, Peter and Clint land on Morag, "you guys becareful", "you too Pete". Peter and Clint grow the Benatar and leave to Vormir. Thankfully for them, Nebula put in the coordinates, "Clint, can I ask a question?", "sure, what's up Pete?". Peter just smiles, "is this exactly like Budapest?", he asks, making Clint laugh, "shut up Peter!".

Time passes and they reach the planet and shrink the ship down again and see a tall mountain, "looks like we're walking the rest of the way", says Peter, "yeah, looks like it".

"How's the family?", asks Peter, "they're great, Laura says hi, as do the kids, they've been worried for a long time about you, they love you Peter", Clint says. Peter smiles, "yeah, I love them too", says Peter.

They soon reach the top of the mountain, "I bet the racoon didn't have too climb a damn mountain", "technically he's not a racoon!", says Clint. "Oh Whatever Clint, he eats garbage", says Peter.

They look at the view then Peter senses something and warms Clint, "... Now". Clint aims his bow and arrows, while Peter aims the Iron Spiders Web Shooters, "who are you?".

"Welcome. Peter, son of Mary. Clint, son of Edith." A man in black robes appears, "who are you?", "consider me a guide, to the Soul Stone", says the man, revealing himself as the Red Skull.

"Oh good, then you can lead us to it and we'll be on our way", says Clint, "If only it were that easy!".

"What you seek lies in front of you...as does what you fear." Red Skull said as he led them to the cliff, "The Stone is down there. For one of you. For the other..."

He trailed off as Peter and Clint realized what he was saying, "In order to take the Stone, you must lose that which you love. An everlasting exchange. A soul, for a soul."

A few minutes pass as Peter and Clint are away from the cliff, "he's gotta be making this shit up Pete!", "... I don't think he is, remember, Thanos came with his daughter Gamora, he left with the Stone, but she wasn't seen again", says Peter.

"So what, one of us has to die just to get it", says Clint, "unfortunately... and that's gonna be me", "No! Your not jumping Peter, I ain't gonna let you!", protests Clint.

"Let me do it Clint. This my choice!", Peter says, "and mine is your staying here, and I'm going", "you have a family Clint", "and you're gonna start one with Wanda. You're the best thing to ever happen to Natasha. Think of them!".

Peter looks up too the sky, "I do this for them, so they can live!", "and they wanna live with you Peter. They love you, they wanna spend their lives with you, not without you!". Peter just stays quiet, but Clint knows he's crying.

Peter turns back, "... ok... you win", he says, giving Clint a hug, who returns it, but then Peter webs both of Clints feet to the ground. "What the hell Peter?!?", Clint says, grabbing an arrow and shooting it near Peter, who falls back as the arrow explodes.

Clint free's himself and runs towards the cliff, but Peter gets up and tackles him, "no, you're not doing it, I am!". "Peter, I'm Sorry for this!", says Clint, who free's his right hand and sticks an arrow to Peter's head, which electrifies him, and let's Clint go.

Peter immediately rips off the arrow and webs Clint and throws him to the ground, "tell them I'm sorry", says Peter, "no, you them tell them yourself!", says Clint, as throws an EMP, which shorts of the Iron Spider suit.

Clint then hooks Peter to a rope and they both jump, but Peter is saved by the rope, and Clint is saved... by Peter.

"Peter, let me go buddy!", "no... no", "look, it's gonna be okay... just do me a favor? Watch over my family, all three of you!". Clint says.

"Clint no... don't... you brought me back from the dark place I was in... don't save me then leave", says Peter. "Clint your like a brother to me, because Natasha thought of you like that... Wanda is like a daughter to you, don't...", he says.

Clint then smiles and Peter is very close to crying... then Clint let's go and falls, "NO!".

Peter breaks the hook and jumps down and lands on his feet and see's Clint with blood around his head. He then cries as a power surge knocks him out

He wakes up in a lake of water but Clints body is gone. He then see's an orange glow from his left hand and opens it to find the Soul Stone.

Peter cries as the GPS beeps and he's taken back and lands on his feet on the platform of the Quantum Tunnel. "Did we get them all?", "you telling me this actully worked!", say Bruce and Rhodey.

Peter then goes on his knees and everyone looks at him and find Clint isn't with him, "Peter, where's Clint?", asks Steve.

Peter gives him a look, and Steve immediately knows what he means, and he looks down in sadness. Peter punches the platform hard it makes a noise.

The others look saddened that Clint is gone, more so Tony, Steve, Bruce, Thor and Peter.

Author Note

I know the last few chapters have been short, so wanted to make this one more longer.

Yeah. I killed off Clint. Sue me!!! It needed to be done!

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