Chapter 7

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Over the course of the next weeks, Levi would come and study in the library whenever I'd be working. If I wasn't working, we'd both be found together in the back of the library studying together. Who knew being a pre-med student meant having quizzes every week, hundreds of pages to read over in their medical textbook, listening to hours long worth of lectures, and so much more? It was no wonder that Mikasa would always come to school exhausted. This can't be good for them mentally and physically.

You would only find me and Levi in the library, if not, maybe the Starbucks across the street but we were never at each other's houses. Levi says being in the library helps him focus better. It was always quiet and peaceful, the sound of book pages fluttering back and forth, small faints of typing on the computer, seeing students studying and doing work was always a motivation for myself and others. But, a small part of me thought that the only reason we were never at either of our houses to study together was to avoid doing anything else other than work. Although we were always alone in the library, we were never really alone when there's people around us.

Hanji and Erwin would accompany Levi at the library most times, the trio were always together. Kinda like Mikasa, Armin, and I, although we've never hung out in a while other than work because we've all been busy with our own thing.

It was currently 8pm on a Friday night in the library, so we'd be closing in an hour. Of course I'd be working with Jean, though I told him that he could leave early as long as he finished the closing duties before he left. I watched him roll around our cart full of returned books to which he was putting them back in it's correct place. Lately, Jean and I have grown more close over the weeks and I guess it's because we've been working more. Not that I mind, he always made our boring shifts turn into something fun.

I walked over to the break room to make a cup of coffee, not for myself, but for Levi who was in the back of the library working as usual. I've grown to enjoy the company he gave me, and might I just say that Levi could say the same thing about me. The company we gave each other was different, at least for me. We were always engulfed in comfortable silence, exchange a few glances at each other here and there, but there was never a time that being together became boring. Levi would text me if I'm working and when I say yes, I would see him walk in through the library a few minutes later. If I ever worked a closing shift, he would always be waiting for me to walk me to my car.

His presence became something that I appreciated.

He always loved his coffee black, two packets of sugar, nothing more or nothing less. He must've felt me walking towards him despite the fact he was wearing his headphones to study better. A soft smile tugged onto my lips as we made eye contact and his eyes relaxed a bit when I placed the cup of coffee in front of him. "Just the way you like it", I whispered even though he didn't hear me with his headphones on. He mouthed a small 'thank you', and just as I was about to walk away I felt a hand pull me back.

"I'm done studying for the night. 30 minutes left till your shift ends, I'll wait for you", he proceeded to put away all of his textbooks and papers laid out on the table. "I'll be in the front, Jean should be done. We might be able to leave early", he nodded at my response.

Levi and I have never made physical contact since what happened last time. We would accidentally brush against each other's body, or our fingers when we exchange papers and that was about it. But for some reason, I craved his touch in a way that I've never craved for something so bad before. So when he grabbed my arm, all I could feel was his soft hand and the warmth radiating through my body.

As I got to the front, Jean had already packed his school bag as I watched him clock out on the computer. "The entire library is empty..except for Levi", he slung his bag over his shoulder before making eye contact with me. "I'll see you next week, lover boy", and with that he winked at me as I watch him walk through the doors to leave. I rolled my eyes at the name because I didn't love Levi.

I'm not familiar at all with 'love'. I mean of course I love Mikasa and Armin, but I know it's different when it's someone you developed feelings for. I don't know what exactly you're suppose to feel when you're 'in love'. I've heard from many people that you feel your stomach doing these twists and turns when you're with someone you love, sure, but there has to be more than just that.

Love is a wondrous thing that I just haven't experienced, yet.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by the shorter man who was waving his hand in front of me. "Earth to Jaeger?", I looked down at him who gave his usual boring face. It seemed like there were no thoughts behind that head of his. "There's no one else in the library except us, I'm gonna lock up", thankfully Jean finished everything and all I had to do was clock out and lock up. I grabbed everything I brought and Levi followed me out the door. He waited patiently while being aware of our surroundings as I locked the doors.

As usual, it was quiet as we walked to our cars. He always parked his next to mines and I never asked why. Maybe it was a safety thing? Not sure. It was a chilly night considering that it's fall now. You could hear the trees and bushes rustling from the wind, a few owls cooing here and there. Just as we were nearing our cars, I asked him a question.

"What's love like, Levi?", I watched as his demeanor changed as if he saw something disgusting.

"It's the most horrible feeling in the world"

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