Chapter 14

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Levi's POV

As the months go by while dating Eren, I can say that I am in the happiest state that I've ever been in with him and myself. I've began to enjoy old hobbies that I stopped doing and I began doing new things with Eren that we've never done before. I've picked up journaling again, and I didn't realize how therapeutic it was as it was a way for me to take a break from school, or writing down my thoughts and feelings, or if I want to talk about the most random things. Eren and I started this thing where we try new recipes every weekend to switch up the type of food we eat. I used to hate having other people in the same kitchen as me when I'm cooking, but I've gotten used to having Eren help me out and I loved it.

Eren is the most caring person I have ever met, except for Hange and Erwin of course. But, Eren cares for me in ways that I didn't know I could be cared for. When Eren notices that I'm overworking myself in school, he will pull me away from my homework and sit me down in front of the couch and begin massaging me while reminding myself that I need to take breaks. He always paid attention to the smallest details of myself. He always knew how warm I want my apartment or car to be, he always brought me warm water because he knows cold water makes my throat hurt, he knew what type of candle to light around the apartment depending on my mood, and so much more.

He has slowly taught me the true meaning of being in love, and I know for damn sure I am in love with Eren.

"What are you writing in your journal, babe?", I felt Eren's presence behind me as I felt a pair of arms slowly wrap around my neck while he rested his chin on my shoulder. I've began to write about Eren in my journal more than usual, but I've never let him read it before. I quickly shut my book and turned my head to face him with a smile. "I was writing about you until you rudely interrupted", I kissed his lips before he pushed himself off of me and sat on my couch.

"When will I get to read the things you write about me?", he pouted his lips as I joined him on the couch. "Soon, when the time is right", his arm snaked around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I always got butterflies in my stomach whenever he did that. Our faces were inches apart as he said "The time should always be right, it's me and you". Our lips slowly made contact until he pulled away and looked at me with a very serious face. "Unless you're talking shit about me? Because I've never done you wrong."

"Yet", I said it in a joking matter but Eren didn't get that. Suddenly I was on his lap with both his hands cupping my cheeks to look at him. "Levi, I would never do you wrong, I promised that. Did you forget?", his eyes glowed in different shades of green as I looked into them. "I know you'd never do anything to hurt me. It was a joke", we both smiled at each other as he pulled me into a kiss. His arms wrapped around my waist to pull me closer while his hands traveled down to cup my ass, a small moan escaped from my lips.

Eren tilted his head to deepen our kiss as our tongues tangled together. Small moans and groans each came out of us until the both of us pulled away, our breaths were rigid and filled the air. "Levi", Eren breathed out in a way that sounded like he was desperate for me. "I want you", he traced my back with his fingers as I pulled him into a sloppy wet kiss.

"Fuck", he groaned. Suddenly, he stood up from the couch as I quickly wrapped my legs around his waist while his hands were gripped onto my ass. We both made our way to my bedroom as I placed wet kisses on his neck. "You're driving me crazy right now with that", he gently placed me onto my bed with our legs in between each other's and our faces were inches apart. I couldn't help but stare at his kiss swollen lips and his lust-filled eyes that looked like he wanted every inch of me. "This is very new to me, so I apologize in advanced if my performance isn't good", Eren chuckled but I gave him words of reassurance. "The way you fuck me won't determine my love for you. But if you fuck me way too good, I might just marry you", we both laughed.

Eren began planting wet kisses trailing down to my torso while sucking on my skin that left me a moaning mess. Once his lips met the bulge of my sweatpants, he kissed around it as a way to tease me. But, he finally slipped my sweatpants off to reveal the wet patch of pre-come from my shaft and as he took off my boxers, my shaft sprung up. Eren grabbed my hand to interlace his fingers with me as his hot breath met my tip causing me to jerk a little. He spat on my tip as I felt the warm liquid travel down to the rest of my shaft before he took me whole, my breath hitched but soon I was letting out moans that filled my whole room.

Eren kept bobbing his head up and down, at this point so much spit was dripping down from my dick, to my balls, and to my asshole. My eyes rolled back each time I felt Eren's soft throat against my dick and each time I felt like I was about to come. He had finally came up for air as I saw tears streaming down his face from the constant gagging that I found incredibly hot. Eren's saliva filled lips crashed onto mines and when my hands trailed down to his ass, I didn't even notice he had already taken his pants off.

"Are you ready?", I watched as he pulled a bottle of lube out from his pillow that was on his side of the bed. "When did you have that?", I gave him a questioning look as I watch him coat his fingers in the lube. "Jean might've taught me a few things", he chuckled at himself before closing the lid of the lube. He spread my legs wide as he positioned his first finger against my entrance while his other hand wrapped around my neck. God, that made me go crazy.

"Ready?" he looked at me for an answer and I nodded at him. His lips interlocked with mines to distract myself with the pain of pushing his first finger in. I groaned as he did and slightly squirmed when he began slowly pumping his finger in and out, pain mixed in with pleasure as I felt myself tighten around him. "You are so fucking tight", he groaned as he slipped the next finger in and began to stretch me out with his last finger. He began pumping in and out in a fast pace until I screamed out of pleasure.

"Right there!", I became a moaning mess when Eren kept hitting the same spot that was driving me crazy. At this point, I was moaning loud enough for my neighbors to hear. Eren looked at me with satisfaction when I reacted each time he hit my prostate but the feeling of his fingers inside me disappeared. "Turn around and ass up", he groaned and quickly turned myself around as he took my hips and raised it up until my back was arched. He slapped my ass hard and loud but I couldn't hold in the moan that came with the fiery pleasure.

He got onto his knees and I felt his tip being positioned to my entrance. I rocked back a little bit as I was getting impatient only to get my ass smacked again. "You have to wait baby", I couldn't wait. I needed him in me. I felt himself coat his dick with lube while squirting some onto my asshole until he was satisfied with the amount. "Ready?", before I could answer he slowly inserted himself in me and my walls immediately tightened around him.

"Holy fuck", was the only words that managed to escape him as he continued to push in the rest of him into me. "Eren please, I want you", I begged him. His slow thrusts started to pick up the pace as our moans filled the air. His hands held the sides of my waist to guide himself in and out of me. He quickly pulled out and I was now on my back with my legs resting on his shoulder before he repositioned himself in me. My eyes rolled back as I felt his familiar shaft in me and he smirked in satisfaction. With one hand wrapped around my neck and his other arm holding himself up, he began thrusting into me while my legs were in the air. Our eyes lustful eyes never broke contact.

"You look so beautiful, Levi", his breath was raggedy due to how long he was fucking me. I couldn't help but smile at him while my face began feeling hot from the sudden compliment. I screamed once he continuously hit my prostate leaving me a moaning mess.

"Eren, I'm so close", I managed to heave out. I reached to my throbbing cock and began stroking it as I began to moan some more.

"Look at me when you come. Don't hold back, let me hear you baby", Eren's thrust were now getting sloppy and faster and I knew he was about to come. I stared at him as I stroked my length even faster and harder until I arched myself back and felt myself coming. I screamed from the pleasure as I felt the warm liquid land on my stomach, and with that Eren had came inside of me with a groan. "Fuck, Levi", he continued to thrust back and forth into me until he finally had finished ejaculating. His come coated my insides as I felt my inner muscles tightened around him.

"I love you, Levi" I felt Eren's familiar lips place a kiss on my forehead.

"I love you even more, Eren."

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