Chapter 10

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After a long day of classes, I was so ready to go home and be greeted by my lovely bed. It has never disappointed me because laying on my own bed felt like I was on cloud nine. Just as I was about to leave class, I suddenly remembered that I forgot one of my textbooks in the work lounge and I wanted to get it back since I needed it for one of my assignments. The library wasn't too far from my class, it took me about five minutes to get there when I was immediately greeted by the familiar aroma that radiated throughout the library. It had a mix of woody and earthy smells from the old books that stayed in the library, mixed with hint of vanilla. Mikasa had set up little air fresheners throughout the library just so it wasn't the books that we could only smell.

I immediately greeted Marco who was at the front desk and flashed me a cute smile. He was the sweetest guy ever, friendly as well. He always radiated positivity while he was working. His freckles were his best feature, in my opinion. It was no wonder that Jean took a liking to him so much. Though, he's quite oblivious no matter how many times Jean has shown signs of interest in him. Jean has given up at one point, but he was determined to have Marco notice him.

I walked to the back of the library where the work lounge was at. Every student I've seen were dressed in warm, comfortable clothing while a puffer jacket or winter coat were draped over their chairs. Winter was nearing and it even has snowed a few times. I was met with Jean who was obnoxiously eating a bag of chips, not caring that there were crumbs all over his shirt and floor.

"There's a reason why Marco doesn't like you", I grinned at him as he rolled his eyes at me. I spotted my textbook on the end of our small dining table and picked it up, slipping it into my now opened backpack. Jean stared at me with a smug look on his face before he sat right next to me. "What?", I looked at him pull a square wrapper out and place it in my hand. He gestured me to look at it and I hesitated, but it was already in my hand so I might as well.

I looked down at my hand only to spot a black square wrapper. I turned it around, only to realize that it was a condom. What the fuck. I read the small lettering that was printed on the wrapper, 'Cherry flavored', Jean snickered at my reaction.

"Put that to good use, my friend. Unless you like it raw?", I punched Jean which earned a small 'ow' from him as he started rubbing the area I hit. I could feel my face getting hot at the thought of using this on Levi but I quickly shook it off. The most we've gone to performing 'sexual acts' was our heated make-out sessions. I would've loved to take things to the next step, but I wanted to wait till Levi was comfortable enough. But then again, I'm a virgin and I have never had I have no idea what I'm doing here.

" not tell me you're a virgin?", Jean raised one of his eyebrows. I glared at him because what vibe did I give off that made him think I was still a virgin. I mean, it's true, I'm 23 and I am ashamed that I'm still a virgin. I shook my head no and Jean was very surprised. "Dude, seriously? You're pretty attractive if I say so myself, but you're not my type", I rolled my eyes at him and he snorted. "I mean, we're both gay but I'm attracted to Marco and you're attracted to Levi", he continued on. "I've had sex I guess it's right to teach you my tips and tricks on how to satisfy a man", he clapped his hands but I felt a vibration coming from my back pocket. I raised my finger at him to shut up while I took out my phone. I felt a small smile form to realize it's Levi. I opened it.


Come over tonight? I miss you..we can do dinner and a movie

I smiled at the text and quickly texted back because Jean was groaning out of impatience.


Sounds great, I'll be there by 6. I miss you even more.

"Uhh..can we rain check your tutorial on how to fuck a man? You need to get back to work, and I need to go", I rushed to close my backpack only for Jean to roll his eyes at me. "Eren, I swear I'll teach you how to fuck Levi so good he's gonna want to marry you!", I quickly left the work lounge because Jean said that sentence a little too loud. Thank god the students in the library had some sort of headphones on so they wouldn't be able to hear.I also did not want to hear Jean's sex stories because I would end up concocting images of Jean that will be permanently burned in my mind. 

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