Chapter 13

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It's funny how Levi and I went from strictly study buddies to being a couple now. I'd say that our relationship has been amazing, but I'd be lying if I said we weren't fighting more than usual lately. I remember Mikasa telling me that every couple goes through a fighting stage, and that's exactly where we were at in our relationship. Lately, our fights have been mostly about the smallest things and I'll admit that I've been getting frustrated over it. Levi has been the one that mostly starts our arguments and I'd try my best to deescalate the situation.

One time we got into an argument because I didn't immediately wash my dish when I ate a snack over at his house and I quickly apologized for it. Obviously, an apology wasn't enough because he ended up ignoring me for the rest of the day which hurt me a bit. I noticed that he would ignore me when he was mad, and I would do anything to cheer him up but he's stubborn. Very stubborn. I would kiss his face, hug him, even cook for him, but he wouldn't give in. He wouldn't even tell me why he was mad. All I would get is 'figure it out yourself'.

I'd say that communication is very important in a relationship and right now, Levi was doing none of that so imagine my frustration when I would try to talk and apologize to him only for him to push me away.

Hell, we weren't even talking right now and I have no idea why. I've tried to pry it out of him but I'd get the same answer every time, 'figure it out yourself'. Trust me, I've been trying to figure it out for the past two hours and I came up with nothing.

That's when I finally snapped at him.

"Levi, every time you're mad you can't just push me away like that!", I raised my voice at him slightly. I never liked yelling and I certainly do not want to yell at Levi. But, all he did was look at me with a straight face and averted his attention back to his book that he was reading. I was frustrated, and he knew that. "Lately, you've been ignoring me every time I do something wrong. You can't even tell me what I did that upset you so I could make up for it", his eyes were still on his book but I knew he wasn't reading. "You start fights over the smallest things that aren't even worth fighting over for!", his eyes finally shot up to mines, but I could see tears forming.

"It's nothing", that's all he managed to stay. It wasn't nothing at all.

"You need to talk to me, and if you can't..I'm leaving. You need space and I need space", it kind of hurt to say that but I had to say it. Sooner or later he will realize that no communication will get him nowhere in our relationship. I made my way to his front door to grab my keys and proceeded to put my coat on all while he was watching. "Are you gonna say anything?", my hand touched the door knob as I looked at him. I needed him to say something, to tell me to stay, but he didn't. That hurt, but I've tried my best to get him to talk to me.

"I'll text you when I get home, okay? I love you, Levi", I quickly left and shut the door behind me. I walked through the hallway as slow as possible, hoping that he would change his mind and make me come back inside, but it didn't happen. I reached the library looking to my right in hopes that I'll see him but I stepped into the elevator once it had open. I finally made my way to my car and quickly hopped in, started my car, and drove away as fast as I could.

It was a quiet fifteen minute drive back to my apartment. My thoughts were mostly on Levi, hoping that he was okay when I left. I got out of my car once it was parked and practically jogged back to my home because all I wanted to do was just lie down in my bed. I needed it. I had finally reached my door, inserted my keys into the keyhole, turned it until it clicked and let myself in. I threw my keys in the direction of my couch and walked straight to my room and plopped down into my bed.

At least my bed was comfortable enough to cheer me up just a little. I snuggled my face into my pillow and let out a deep sigh, my thoughts were still on Levi. I knew how toxic Levi's relationship was with Petra and how much she damaged him, but how badly did she hurt him? I was mad...mad at Petra for treating Levi like shit when he didn't do anything to hurt her at all. Because of her, he built up walls around himself that I can't even get through sometimes. Levi was hurting me in a way, but it wasn't his fault that he acts this was Petra's.

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