Chapter 19

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My early morning was spent getting ready to see Levi with breakfast that had already been packed. My backpack rested on top my couch with keys in my hand as I was about to head out. Fishing my phone out of my back pocket, I unlocked it and quickly went to Levi's contact so that I could call him. Pressing the green button to call, I brought my phone up to my ear and waited three rings until he finally answered.

"Hello?", I called out but it was quiet on the other end for a few seconds. All I could hear was rustling in the background.

"Hey", Levi's familiar voice traveled to my ear leaving me with a small smile appearing on my face. Though, his voice sounded as if he was crying all night. It sounded so broken and raspy, leaving my heart to hurt because of that.

"I'm coming over in fifteen minutes with breakfast. Are you up to talk? If not, I can just leave your breakfast on the table and I'll be on my way to school", all of me was hoping he wanted to talk. We needed to talk. My mind this morning kept wandering off to Petra— the dumbest bitch to ever live on Earth. Out of all the times she's had the chance to come, why now? Especially since she showed up unexpectedly when Levi was in the process of healing all the things she's broken.

"I need to see you, Eren. Please", he choked out and that's when I grabbed all of my stuff and practically ran out the door, not forgetting to lock it before I left. "I'll be there soon. I'll use your key to get in, okay?", I reached my car and immediately unlocking it to get in, throwing all of my stuff in the passenger seat.

"Okay, just drive safe. I'll see you soon", with that he hung up as I quickly drove onto the road going to Levi's complex.

I arrived to his complex and parked in the next open stall, quickly turning it off and getting out of my car. I made sure to grab our breakfast beforehand as I left my backpack in the car and made my way to the lobby. I was greeted by the same receptionist, Sasha, while I got into the elevator pressing the button non-stop until it closed. It took a few seconds to get me to Levi's floor as I practically ran to his front door as soon as the elevator doors opened. One hand holding our breakfast while my other hand fumbled to get my keys out as I sifted through my keys until I got to Levi's.

My heart pumped faster as I inserted the key into the hole and turning it until I heard a faint 'click', slowly opening it to reveal his apartment and oh was a mess. Books and papers were sprawled out all over the living room floors, pillows were everywhere, dishes that looked like it was from the night before were not washed. This was a sight I've never seen from Levi, and it shows how much he was affected from yesterday.

He was nowhere to be found, so I quietly shut the door closed and locked it before making my way to the kitchen to place breakfast down. "Levi?", I called out while making my way to his bedroom to reveal an even bigger mess. My eyes trailed to his bed, spotting a big lump in the center as I watched the blanket pulled over him rise and fall. I slowly made my way to the bed making sure to avoid tripping over anything that was thrown to the floor and sat right next to him.

With my weight pushing the mattress down just a little bit, I grabbed the top of his blanket while slowly pulling it down to reveal Levi's eyes. I frowned at the sight as it was puffy and red while I pulled the rest of the blanket to reveal his whole face. Slight bags appeared under his eyes as I caressed over them.

"Hey", I said while pushing his hair out of his face so I could kiss his forehead. A small smile appeared on my face as I ran my fingers on his tear-stained cheeks until I decided to lie in bed with him. Lifting the other end of his blanket, I slid right under it and pulled Levi to my chest  as he quickly wrapped his arms around my hips. We laid there for a few minutes, my fingers brushing through his hair as I traced small circles with my other fingers. I continued to place kisses against his forehead until he pulled away to look at me.

Call Me Yours (ERERI) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now