Chapter 9

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After that night of Levi venting to me about his past relationship, he didn't exactly give me an answer when I asked him that we should give 'us' a try. Maybe he wasn't ready yet, or maybe he's just unsure. He looked at me with confused eyes before burying himself into my chest. We were still in each other's arms that night and I enjoyed every moment of it. Although he didn't give me an exact answer, I started to notice little changes in him. He texted me more often, not about homework and studying, but more like checking up on me throughout the day which he's never done before. He's even asked me a few times if we wanted to hangout together when we both weren't busy.

"Dude, are you sure he isn't gay?", Jean poked the side of me which made me jerk a little bit because I was ticklish. Jean and I weren't working but we still found ourselves in the library. We didn't come to the library to work, but to bother Armin and Mikasa who was working together. I shot Jean a glare but he rolled his eyes and proceeded to ask the same question. I told all of them what happened that night, including what Petra had done to Levi but I skipped out on most of the details because it wasn't my place to tell.

"Are you sure you're not gay?", now Jean turned the question onto me. Armin and Mikasa shot glares at Jean as well. Mikasa even thwacked Jean's temple for asking such a question.

I swear I wasn't gay until I met Levi. I thought that by continually telling myself I'm straight would be more convincing for myself and others but boy, was I wrong. Very wrong.

"I think I am gay", there was no point in trying to cover it up. I'm gay in all kinds of ways. I thought by saying that they would be surprised, but Armin looked at me with his bright blue eyes and smiled. I heard Mikasa mutter a small 'finally', but it was still loud enough for me to hear so I gave her a playful punch.

"Dude, finally! Eren Jaeger is now Eren Gayger. I'm definitely changing your contact name to that. It was obvious from the start that women didn't interest you when we all tried to hook you up with them. Now, let's find out if Levi swings that way", and right on cue was when Hanji walked in with Erwin, Levi was nowhere in sight. My thoughts trailed onto him as I thought about what he was doing. We didn't text each other today, but I had planned to text him once I got home. Hange and Erwin immediately spotted us and walked to where we stood.

"Is Levi gay?", way to fucking pop a question Jean. It seemed like there was nothing wrong with the way he asked, but a big grin appeared on Hange's face. "He's bisexual but he's never dated a man. His first relationship was a girl, but I think he prefers men more over women now", she winked at me. My face started to feel hot and she took that into satisfaction. "You are just too cute, it's no wonder that Levi has grown closer to you. I approve of you", Hange proceeded to pinch my cheeks hard enough to leave it red. Erwin, on the other hand, gave a small nod of approval before the both of them walked away. What did she mean when she said that?

"Eren, you got your fucking answer. He's gay, you're gay, what are you waiting for?", I rolled my eyes at him once again.

"If you can recall from what I told you dumbass, his last relationship destroyed him. I want to take things slow, that is if he lets me", he scoffed at my reply until he spotted Marco pushing a cart full of books and that's when Jean left to go to him.

"I can tell you really like him", it was finally Mikasa's turn to speak. Armin nodded his head in agreement as they both hugged me from over the counter.

"I really do", I looked at my feet with a smile on my face.

Levi, in his own way, made me grin and smile like crazy in a way that no one else has. He would be staring at his phone and I would instantly get the urge to grab his face and kiss him all over. His voice sounded like music to my ears, and each time he would say my name I'd automatically melt. Just the thought of him immediately sent me into a spiral.

Call Me Yours (ERERI) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now