Chapter 18

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As I stood in front of the door, glancing at both the red-headed lady and Levi, I was in confusion. But as I looked at Levi, his face contorted into different emotions until he settled with one once he realized who was now standing in front of him. His eyebrows were furrowed, eyes filled with hatred, and I could hear his heavy breathing that he tried to regulate. I grabbed onto one of his clenched fists, slowly unclenching them until our fingers interlaced. All while the petite woman observed everything, a smirk grew onto her lips as if this confirmed something.

"Levi! Long time, no see!" she quickly invited herself into his apartment, engulfing him into a hug that forced us to break contact. I stood there taken aback by what just happened, but not once has Levi even attempted to wrap his arm around her. Instead, he laid there limp for a few seconds until he finally got the energy to push her back, forcefully. I watched as she stumbled a bit, but quickly regained her balance until she was in front of Levi once again. A million thoughts were going through my head, but most importantly...

Who was she?

She stared at Levi's face for a few minutes, Levi doing the same thing until she turned her head to look at me. "Aren't you going to introduce me to your little friend?", she glanced at him with a smirk before looking at me with a smile. "Boyfriend", he quickly interjected as she strode up to me until she was standing in front of me, a little to close. "And you don't need to know him", Levi finished. But it seemed like she wasn't listening at all when she held her hand out to me.

"I'm Petra! I'm sure Levi's told you all about me", her hand still held out in front of me.

My eyes widened in surprise as I looked back at Levi who had a hurt and guilty look on his face. His head laid low a little bit letting his hair fall down to his face, his fists were clenched once again. Petra, on the other hand, still had her hand out for me with the same expression. She kept smiling, but it wasn't an innocent one. Levi has told me everything about Petra but I never thought to ask about how she looked like. I mean, why would I want to know anyways?

"Eren", I simply stated as I ignored her hand and walked towards Levi to wrap one arm around his waist to pull him next to me. His tensed muscles immediately relaxed once we made contact.

"I see", Petra managed to say. Her eyes now fixated onto the both of us.

"What the fuck are you doing here?", Levi spat out, but his voice was shaky like he was ready to cry.

"To talk."

"There's nothing to talk about", he moved my arm off of him to walk towards the door, swinging it open as he pointed out the door. "Leave", is all that he said but Petra stood there staring at him.

"You don't want closure? After like what? A year and a few months after our breakup? We've been friends for a long time, couples that went through hell and back. It's a shame we're not like that anymore" chuckled slightly. He stood there quiet, trembling a little bit, and I could see that his hand on the doorknob were slowly turning white from how hard he was gripping it. Levi and I have been doing so well the past few months of being together, but I knew that closure is something that he wished he's gotten even if it's a year later. He was still healing from their relationship and I was here helping him out through everything while giving him what he truly deserves, but I knew closure is something that he needed right now.

I quickly walked to Levi and leaned into his ear to whisper something. While putting my hand on the small of his back I said, "Hey, relax. I think getting closure is what you need to understand all the things she's done to you. You can talk to her, I can give you guys privacy if you want it". I stood there waiting for a reply until he nodded his head up and down but as I was ready to go into the other room, he grabbed my hand and I knew he wanted me to stay.

Call Me Yours (ERERI) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now