Chapter 2

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Here I was, pushing a cart worth of books through the library. Only the loud squeaks of the wheels filed the whole library, it may have annoyed some people, but I simply didn't care. As I put each book away to its right shelf, I thought about the trio that had come in a week ago. I haven't seen them since them...not like I cared or anything.

I continued pushing the cart towards the back of the library. The back of the library was usually the hangout spot for some people or a napping area. Our school wanted the library to feel as comfortable as possible, hence the reason we have bean bag chairs, sofa's, and quiet areas where you can play board games. Suddenly, a loud piercing voice had came from the back of the library.

Everyone's attention went towards the back and I quickly ran towards that direction. I nearly tripped on the way, but I was met with an overly-excited woman who was screaming over a manga book.

" I didn't know this library has a section worth of Manga! Oh my god, they have Attack on Titan, Soul Eater, Oura-", I was able to finally get her attention due to the amount of 'shh' she got from everyone else in the library.

I let out a deep breath. I couldn't see that women's face due to the fact that she was still facing her back towards me. Then, she turned around and I finally realized that it was Hanji!

She realized she had been screaming too much and finally took a seat.

"Sorry about that..", her hand scratched the back of her head with a sincere look. I replied with a small 'it's okay' and just as I was about to walk away, I was pulled into a chair. The man that was with Hanji kept shaking his head while Hanji just kept doing whatever she wanted.

I tried squirming out of her surprisingly strong grip but gave out instantly since I was not going to be able to get out of this. I tried to speak but Hanji held her finger out which advised me to shut up for a moment.

"Sorry for asking for your number out of the blue last week ", I nodded and waited until she continued. " Erwin and I have a friend, Levi, and we want to ask you if you want to go out with him ? "

I looked at Erwin who continuously nodded his head. First of all, Hanji tries to ask for my number, suddenly screams in the library gaining annoyance from everyone, and now wants me to go out with her friend?! She can't be this crazy.

" Look, it seems like a bad idea, but we're just trying to hook him up with someone, you know ? He just broke up with- ", I rudely interrupted her.

" And you're trying to set me up with him so I can be his rebound 'boyfriend'? If I can recall from last time, he isn't gay. And who are you to think that I'm gay as well?! If you excuse me, I have a job to go back to " I got up from the chair I was sitting on and walked away from them.

I walked back to the counter, not caring if I left the cart filled with books in somewhere in the library. Someone can take care of that. I looked at the clock at the front of the library and seeing that it was only 5:30 p.m. I sighed after realizing it was my turn to close up the library in 3 hours.

" Hard day, Jaeger? ", Jean strode up to me and took the chair besides mine. I nodded. Even though Jean can be an asshole at times, he's a pretty great friend. I took a book that was on a random counter and tried my best to focus on the book, and only on the book.


It was about 7:30 p.m when my attention caught the three of my friends who were packing up. I watched as Mikasa wrapped the red scarlet scarf around her neck that I have given on her 12th birthday. She always took great care of it and she was even able to maintain its color. Armin and Jean, on the other hand, were quietly waiting for her.

" Don't forget to turn off the lights ", Mikasa smiled at me as all three of them walked out the door. Finally, I was met with the too familiar silence in the library. There were still a few people here and there, but I decided to walk around.

It would get boring whenever I'm the one to close up. I'd usually chill in the work lounge where I can snack on the food that we have, but this time I found my way to the back of the library. It was silent. I scanned the room from the window before entering. It seemed empty until my eyes were met by a man who had papers stacked and neatly organized. I sighed to myself and quietly entered, not wanting to make him lose his focus.

As I entered, this man seemed too familiar. Even though he was sitting down, it was like I had seen him before. His face was too focused on the paper in front of him as his right hand held a mechanical pencil and began scribbling away. I wanted to see his face, so I purposely dropped a book from one of the shelves which earned a small jump from him.

My lips tugged into a small smile as I watch his attention avert to me. His calm face turned into irritation. He combed away the hair that was in his face. A small 'tch' came from his lips and his attention went back to the scribbled paper in front of him.

Levi, it was. The same man I had met a week ago when I tried to help him with a book. My stomach felt weak at this point, and my legs felt wobbly. When his eyes met mine, it felt like my heart had skipped a beat. I had never felt this way, ever, not even with the girls I had dated.

After I realized I was staring for a long amount of time, I had scurried to pick up the book and put it back.

"You must be Levi?", he looked up to me and nodded his head, but his attention went back to the paper. I quietly sighed to myself and began to grab books that were out of place.

"How long have you been here?", I was focused on the books. I waited for about two minutes until he gave me a reply.

"Since 6", his voice sent shivers down my back. He's been here since 6? Why didn't I see him? Maybe I was too focused reading my book that I didn't even bother looking at whoever was coming in.

For some reason, I had this weird feeling in my body. It was a feeling that I never had ever, not even with my previous relationships. I didn't want to bother Levi anymore, but something urged me to keep talking to him.

I mentioned meeting Erwin and Hanji, and how Hanji was screaming over how we have a Manga section in this library. It seemed like he paid no attention to it whatsoever, but I still continued talking.

"What are you majoring in?", this time, I tried to pry out any information about him as I can.

" Look, kid, you seem nice and all.. but you're awfully loud for a librarian, aren't you?" my cheeks began to heat up and I swear I was turning into a tomato. " I'm majoring in pre-med, by the way. If you don't mind, I'd love to have as much quiet time as possible before the library closes", I nodded, and quickly left the room.

I pulled out my phone and went to contacts. I scrolled over the dozen of contacts in my phone and finally found Mikasa's number. My thumbs began to dance around as I pressed different letters.

Is there any way you know a Levi? He's a pre-med student just like you.

With a tap of a finger, I sent the text to Mikasa while I waited patiently for a reply.

Call Me Yours (ERERI) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now