Chapter 17

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Levi's POV

As I listened to Eren read each line, his voice grew shakier until the last sentence left his mouth and that's when I spotted the tears that I wanted to kiss away, roll down his beautiful face. He stared at the piece of paper that now had wet droplets from his tears, but he pushed it to his chest and began sobbing. I couldn't help but start tearing up as well but I quickly composed myself before pulling Eren onto my lap so we could look at each other.

"Why are you crying, baby? I should be the one crying my ass off right now", I rubbed my palms against his waist in a way to comfort him while he cried into my shoulder. After quite some time, Eren finally managed to calm himself down as I continued rubbing small circles on his back, carefully tracing his spine with the tip of my finger. He pulled away to look at me, I still found him beautiful even with his tear stained cheeks and slightly puffy eyes.

"I'm sorry", he chuckled as he snaked his arms around my neck. "I'm happy to be with you. I'm thankful that it's you who can handle the bullshit that I throw at you", I tucked a lock of hair behind his ear as he continued on to speak. "You don't know how much you drive me crazy. Like I'd literally do anything, anything for you", he leaned into me with a chastised kiss. "Would you rob a bank with me?", I said while we kissed and he pulled back with such a serious look on his face. "Baby, I will literally be driving the get-away car", we laughed at the joke for a few seconds before it fell silent again.

Our foreheads pressed against each other as our eyes were closed, enjoying each other's company. In a whisper, Eren said "Thank you so much for tonight. I love you, you know that right?", my sterling gray eyes met his emerald pair.

"You never fail to remind and show me everyday. I love you even more", I pulled him closer to me until the distance between us closed. His hot breath was against my ear and caused me to shudder when he suddenly spoke into it. "I think I'm missing one more gift, though", he pulled back to look at me with the most mischievous smile ever. I shot him a confusing look, waiting for him to tell me what it was.

"Birthday sex, dummy!", he rolled his eyes at me as I let out a small 'ooh'  earning me a slap to the shoulder. "Did you seriously forget that?", he crossed his arms and huffed but I only chuckled because of how he was acting. In one quick movement, his back was now on the couch as I hovered over him and kissed him with hungry lips. I pulled away to whisper in his ear, "How could I forget something so important", my voice dropped low as I began palming his now erected cock with my hand earning a few groans from him.

We smashed our lips together, tilting our heads a bit to deepen our kiss. Our tongues slid against each other fighting for dominance but that's when I took the opportunity to bite down on his bottom lip earning a gasp from him to slip my tongue in again. At this point, my hands were down in his pants as I lightly stroked his length causing Eren to buck his hips due to how impatient he was. I pulled away as a string of saliva connected our lips. Our breaths were hot and heavy against each other.

"We've never done it on the couch before", he smirked as I made trail of kisses down his neck while sucking on his sweet spot earning me a moan from him. "Well, we're doing it on the couch now. Unless you want to move things to my room?", I looked at his face for any change of expression but he smiled and said "The couch is fine with me". With that, I stood up beside him and began undressing my pants fully revealing my erected length as the tip overflowed with pre-come. I sat back down on the couch and pointed at my dick while looking at Eren. "Suck", and he was quickly on his knees for me. No questions asked.

He left a trail of kisses from my thigh to the base of my cock until his mouth was right in front of my tip. I groaned at how long he was taking because at this point, he was teasing. I grabbed a fistful of his hair as he sucked the pre-come off and took me whole, causing me to groan at the sudden warmth of his mouth as he maintained eye contact the entire time. He licked every inch of my member before taking me whole again until I could feel the tip of his nose touch my skin.

Call Me Yours (ERERI) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now