Chapter 6

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It's been a few days since I've last saw Levi and our little 'falling asleep together' thing, maybe 5 days to be exact. Since then, I've never heard of him. I would shoot a text throughout each day wondering if he's good but get nothing. I would walk through the hallways on my way to class just hoping that I might see him. He hasn't even been going to the library like usual! Every time I hear the sliding doors open, I quickly turn my head only to see other students. But when I see Hanji and Erwin walk through those doors, my excitement turns to pure disappointment when I realize that Levi hadn't come with. Even those two don't know why Levi hasn't been coming by.

The only person I talked to about Saturday was Jean, I mean he was the person that convinced me to ask Levi out. Guess that backfired because I was now being ignored and avoided. I replayed the scenario to Jean so we could both figure out what went wrong, and what I did wrong.

"Okay.. so I picked him up from his couch and placed him in bed", Jean was listening carefully. Hell, he even had a post-it note out writing every single detail. We were at the front desk of the library when I was telling him everything.

"And then right when I placed him in bed he told me to lay with him, he snuggled into me, and then we fell asleep!", I cried out with my hands to my face. Jean still continued to scribble into his stupid post-it note and gestured me to continue. "Now what happened when you woke up?", his pencil rested against the piece of square paper waiting for me to reply.

"I woke up..he wasn't in bed. I was confused so I got up and went to the living room. I saw that everything we took out to study were cleaned up and he was sitting on the couch while staring at me. And then he told me to leave. He didn't even give me the chance to speak, or explain!", at this point I was frustrated. Jean had finally finished writing and began studying the piece of paper.

A few students came by to checkout some books as Jean was still going over everything that he wrote down. The only thing distracting me right now from my thoughts of Levi was my job. "Dude like, I don't even care if he isn't gay. I'm fine with being friends. I want to be friends, period", I stamped the book given from a student and turned around to Jean.

"Two guys don't just cuddle and fall asleep together. What if..", he trailed off while rubbing his temples. I stared at him to finish before another student would stop by. "What if you're just overthinking everything? What if he's just busy with school, with life?" I mean Jean has a point, for once.

"You know what, maybe there is a chance that he's gay but didn't realize it until he was with you", I scoffed at that idea. Levi told me from the start that he wasn't gay, a small part of me hoped he was but he isn't.

"But I mean, out of courtesy it would be nice to know instead of being ignored, right?", Jean was just blinking at me with a straight face. "Dude, he doesn't have to tell you..he's not obligated to tell anyone", he was right. I'm overthinking it even though I'm not suppose to. I turned my back against him while pulling my phone out, hoping that I'd at least get a text from Levi but nothing at all.


I sighed as I walked to the front of the library where there was a table that displayed the 'Book of the Week' and a few papers that I tidied up. I looked at the clock above the front entrance which displayed 11:15pm, fifteen more minutes until we close. As usual, Jean was closing with me. He was in charge of cleaning up in the work lounge and walking around the library to spot any students, letting them know that we close soon. I was cleaning up in the front, making sure that there weren't any misplaced books and picking up any trash that was left behind. Although I tried my hardest to distract myself from Levi, I still thought about him. I couldn't shake that scenario out of my head when he opened his arms for me. It was the cutest thing ever.

I walked back to the front desk to clean that area as well when I heard the doors open. I didn't look up as I was too tired and engulfed in getting the closing duties done.

"We're closing in fifteen minutes", and that was when I made eye contact with Levi. Levi? He was now standing in front of me. He was dressed in sweatpants with a hoodie thrown over him, his hand held a book. I felt like the room got so hot, it felt like there was a lump in my throat, I couldn't even form a sentence. I heard Jean calling for me and as his voice grew closer, I could hear him stop in his tracks once he saw Levi. At the corner of my eye, I saw him slowly back away and run behind the shelves which I knew for a fact he was watching from.

Levi handed me his book. "I'm returning this", his eyes focused on the book. I grabbed my scanner and scanned the barcode to return the book. "You're good", I pushed the book to the side, the person opening tomorrow can put it away. I expected him to walk away and leave, but he didn't. It was awkward between us, but I didn't know what to say.

"So about Saturday..", he trailed off until his gaze met mines. My breath hitched a little with the eye contact but he continued on. "That wasn't suppose to happen." Ouch. "I was just lonely..with my recent breakup with Petra and all.." Double ouch. He asked me to cuddle just to fill that lonely void he felt when him and Petra broke up? I don't even know who this Petra girl is!

"But hey, I got an A on the exam you helped me study for", he finished. But wow, like that was going to make me feel better. I rolled my eyes at him to which he noticed.

"Just so you know I got your texts. Only reason I didn't reply back is because I was busy", at least I know now. He was doing all the talking while I was listening, I didn't have much to say to him after all. "But, thinking back to you helping me study.. I really liked that. We can be like, I don't know, study buddies?" He muttered that last sentence. For some reason, my heart fluttered a little bit at the thought of being 'study buddies'.

"We can be study buddies!", I said a little too excitingly. "Strictly study buddies", Levi added on. I nodded in agreement. Suddenly, my worries and thoughts went away after clearing up the situation between us and all I could think about was us being study buddies.

"See ya, Eren", I watched as Levi walked away to exit the library. I muttered a small 'See you' as I sat there with a grin on my face which probably made me look like the biggest idiot.

And all I could hear was Jean snickering in the behind me after witnessing our encounter.

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