Chapter 5

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The next morning, I found myself dancing it out in my room while listening to Baby from Justin Bieber. It's an old song, I know, but I didn't care what was playing right now. I was way too excited to be with Levi later on during the day. Last night, I found myself closing the library at 1 a.m because Levi wanted to stay in.

It was currently 8 a.m. I was running on only 2 hours of sleep due to the excitement I had. I was too busy dancing that I didn't notice Armin and Mikasa walking in. I stopped midway, quickly rushing to shut off my speakers while a faint blush crept upon my face.

"So is it true that you're going out on a date with Levi?" Armin questioned. "Not a date, I wish it was, though. But, I'm just coming over to help him study with that test coming up. Mikasa, aren't you taking it?" I turned to Mikasa who helped herself to the kitchen. She had a cookie in her mouth, along with 4 others in her hand to which she tossed to Armin.

"I already took it a few days ago. It wasn't that hard. Levi is just making it harder for himself because he can't even handle getting a B on anything" she finished off. That's true. Levi did tell me that he was always a straight A student from middle to now. I shrugged my shoulders and sat in between Armin and Mikasa.

We were engulfed with comfortable silence. Only the soft chews coming from the both of them filled the air. It was nice whenever they came over. Being college students, it wasn't easy finding time to spend with the people you love. Armin and Mikasa were the people that I love, they were my family.

Mikasa had broken up the silence, asking if we could play on my Xbox. She suggested COD, and of course we were all up for it. You could describe us as competitive people. It has been a while since we played it, but Mikasa always won. Although, she does cheat sometimes which always makes me and Armin pissed off about it.

I had let Armin and Mikasa play against each other when I remembered to text Levi. I quickly walked to my room to get my phone and typed in the number that was on the sticky note that he wrote on. I put his number on my contacts already.

Eren, Sent At 9:00 a.m:

Hey, Levi, it's Eren. Still up for that study session in the afternoon?

I quickly sent the text while waiting anxiously for a reply. What if he was going to cancel? Maybe he found me weird enough that he doesn't want to be my friend anymore. What if-

Suddenly, my phone lit up.

Levi, Sent at 9:02 a.m:

Yes, brat. Meet me at my apartment at 12 p.m sharp. We're also going to have lunch together if you don't mind. If you're late, no food for you.

I smiled at his text. We're going to have lunch together. Followed by that, he sent me his address. I was reminded about last night. He always called me a brat even though we barely met. He told me that I basically 'earned' that name even though I don't know what I did.

Last night was probably the best night even though I spent it on helping Levi on studying. I learned a few about him. When he's thinking really hard, he sticks his bottom lip out like he's pouting. I found that way too adorable. When he's studying, he likes to have a few snacks with him so it helps him motivate to do more. I mean, food always motivates me.

Then, I asked what type of surgeon he wanted to be. "Simple. Cardiothoracic surgeon", his eyes beamed up as his thin lips tugged up into a smile. I simply asked him why.

"My mom is a cardiothoracic surgeon, a very excellent one. One day, she had allowed me to watch one of her surgeries, a heart transplant. Of course,I accepted. I was never actually in the same room with her, but I was in a gallery where I was able to watch everything she had done" he continued on.

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