Chapter 3

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It was the next day and here I was back in the library. This time, I was working since I didn't have any classes the next day. Armin and Mikasa were somewhere in the library probably putting returned books away. Jean, on the other hand, kept bothering me as I tried to do my homework. Even when I'm at work, I still try to finish as much homework as I can so I wouldn't have to do much.

"Eren, Eren, Eren...Erennn", he extended the 'n' in my name. I looked back at him with my face scrunched up into irritation. He only snorted and continued to annoy me. At this point, I slapped his arm so he would shut up.

"You hit like a girl", he snorted to himself once again. Don't get me wrong, Jean is a great friend, but sometimes I want to rock his jaw. This time, he slapped me back but harder. Right now, we looked stupid slapping each other we didn't realize there was someone waiting in line.

"You guys literally look like a bunch of school girls slapping each other", Levi had slid the book to me. "I'd like to check this book out", I quickly grabbed the scanner and scanned the barcode. Meanwhile, Jean was snickering on the left of me which earned him a quick kick to the leg.

I quickly stamped the log that was located on the first page of the book so he knows when to return the book. I already had written on the receipt and sticked it into the book, giving it back to Levi. He walked away towards the back with no 'thank you'.

The night I texted Mikasa and went over to her house, she has told me some things about Levi. Though, the only way she can describe him as is 'asshole'. He wasn't exactly the friendly type, hence the reason why I only see him with the same two  people. Also the reason he was a little rude to me when I tried to make small talk with him, but I guess he was just focused on the work in front of him.

Jean was waving his hands in front of as an attempt to gain my attention. "Earth to Jaeger, dreaming about your little boyfriend?", he smirked. "It's so obvious you like him", he continued. I had to quickly deny the fact that I didn't like him.

I also had to remind him that I'm straight. I. Like. Vagina. I'm straight as a pole. Straight.

"Right, and spaghetti is straight until it gets all hot and steamy", my face was now red. My cheeks began to heat up as well as my ears.

"Honestly, I'd hit", Jean sent a wink which earned him a slap across his face. I had to remind him that he has Marco, even though Marco doesn't have him. He let out a long, exasperated sigh.

I was going to be stuck with Jean for the next 3 hours since he volunteered to close up with me. I had put away everything on the counter and let my thoughts wander. Then, I was reminded of when Hanji asked me to be Levi's boyfriend. I can tell that Hanji is the most crazy out of the three of them. With Erwin, I could only describe him as quiet.

Levi was something else. Under that cold look he has all the time, he may turn out to be a great guy. I snapped back into reality as I made my way to the work lounge. I was pretty hungry so I decided to snack on a few things. I tried to keep myself occupied as well, guessing that no one will be checking out any books since the library was almost empty.

"One more hour.." I muttered to myself. Jean had passed out on the couch that was placed in the lounge. I watched his chest rise in sync with his breathing and quietly stood up, not wanting to wake him up. Believe it or not, he's like a women on her period whenever he's woken up for no reason.

I inspected the library making sure that everything was in place. No books or bags were left unattended, and websites were clear from the computers. Making my way to the back, I had spotted Levi once again. His jet black hair which was styled in an undercut had blocked his face. He had a huge textbook laid out in front of him, the page was flipped to the human anatomy.

Don't get me wrong, majoring to be a nurse, doctor, or even a surgeon is great, but I don't think I would be able to handle all the years to accomplish that career. I watched him continue to type in whatever notes he was creating into his laptop.

He had been here since 4 p.m. I stayed outside the room, not wanting to distract him. Good thing he didn't notice me. He seemed stress due to him rubbing his temples every minute or so. He yawned a little showing a hint of tiredness to which that gave me an idea.

I was going to make him a cup of coffee.

I don't even know if he's a coffee guy, but hell, I'm going to do it just to be nice even if he's going to be an asshole to me.

I walked back to the lounge. This time, Jean ended up on the floor. He was still sound asleep, so I walked over him and made my way to the coffee machine. I poured the nice black coffee into a styrofoam cup and made sure the lid was closed tight. Walking quickly but making sure I don't trip on anything because that would end on a bad note, I made it back. It was now 8, thirty more minutes until the library would close.

I slowly made my way to Levi who finally glanced up at me. I slid the cup of coffee to him which earned him a confused look. "You looked I bought you a coffee from the lounge. Now, drink", he slowly picked the cup up and brought it to his lips.

"Thank you", he said before going back to work. "You're welcome", I sighed. I took the seat next to him, not caring if he was annoyed by it. He gave me a get-away-from-me look before sighing to himself. I reminded him that we were going to close up soon to which he nodded at.

Then, there was that same feeling again. Like butterflies in my stomach, and my heart beating so hard it could practically rip out of my chest. I began to study Levi's features. He looked so..beautiful. I know it may sound ridiculous, but he actually is beautiful.

"Would you like to hangout sometime?" I asked him. I didn't even know what I was saying. That question just popped out of nowhere. He stopped typing and slowly turning his head so our eyes can meet.

"Thanks for the nice offer, but no thanks. As you can see, I have to study for a big test next week", I sighed. I didn't mind him denying because I was still going to ask if we can hang out one day. I managed to mutter a small 'okay' before getting up and walking back to the lounge.

This time when I got back, Jean was up. He was stretching his back after realizing that sleeping on a hard floor is painful. "Satan has woken up", I laughed at how his ash hair was all over the place. Drool was still sitting on the side of his mouth before he wiped it using his shirt. He glared at me after what I had said and took an empty chair to sit next to him.

"What?" Jean said after I had stared at him for too long. "Help me ask Levi out" I plainly said. I don't know why I was asking him for advice, he can't even get Marco to talk to him.

Jean had such a mischievous smile on his face and we began discussing until it was time to close up.

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