Chapter 4

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Despite my good looks and great charm, I am horrible at flirting. Sure, I have dated many girls back then but I have never grew any feelings for them. Those relationships never lasted anyway which was kind of pathetic.

Here I was, laying on my bed listening to some crappy song playing. I didn't care what was playing, I just didn't want to be engulfed in my own silence. I stared at the pearl colored ceiling while I thought of nothing. I had a day-off from work plus all my classes got cancelled. Coincidentally, Mikasa didn't have any classes today so I texted her to see if she could come over.

Mikasa has been a great friend of mines since we were in our diapers. Our parents had known each other for a while so that held our bond together. Also the fact that we can tell each other everything, almost like we're siblings. I met Armin in middle school when he sat next to me in English class.

I finally got up from my bed and changed into something a little less revealing. Mikasa was going to come over any minute. I stood in front of my mirrors, admiring my body. Now, my body isn't exactly perfect, but it satisfied me enough. I combed my mop of hair that was all over the place and I focused on my eyes.

I never really knew the color of my eyes. It looked more like the ocean with a mix of green in them. I always get compliments of how beautiful my eyes looked, but I never understood why they looked beautiful. I snapped back out of my gaze after hearing my door open. Signaling that it was Mikasa, I quickly put on a shirt and made my way to the living room where she was waiting.

Her eyes never left mines. She is like a sister to me, but she could also be my overprotective mother. "What?" I questioned. She nodded her head no to indicate that it was nothing. The seat she was sitting in sinked a little as I sat right next to her.

We sat in comfortable silence until she asked me a question. "Do you like Levi?" I didn't answer her quick enough. Maybe I did? I honestly don't know at all.

I'm not familiar with love. I never experienced "falling in love". I know for a fact that it was a great feeling, though. Seeing couples happy together makes me sad because I know for a fact I would never find someone I truly love.

"If you do like him, I accept it. I don't care where you stick your dick in", my face began to heat up. "Just tell me if he hurts you if you guys do end up together", she finished off.

I'm pretty sure me and Levi won't have a thing. I mean, he's way out of my league.


Mikasa had left an hour ago to have dinner with her parents which left me to be alone in my apartment again. It was currently 5 p.m and my phone had gone off. Quickly picking my phone up, it was Jean that was calling me.

"Pack your shit and get to the library. Levi is here with that same wack ass girl and the dude with the monster eyebrows. Meet me in the lounge!" with that, he quickly hung up without a chance of me saying anything.

Last night, Jean was teaching me ways of how to flirt and convince Levi to go out with me. Some of his techniques were too stupid, one that literally includes sliding a $20 bill to him. But of course, we sticked to the basics because of how hopeless I am.

I didn't leave my apartment until 30 minutes later. I had gotten into my car and took my time driving to Sina University. Since it was a Friday night, the library was going to close at 11 p.m. Shortly, I arrived and found myself speed walking to the library. Once I entered the library, I found Armin working at the counter and gave me a confused look when I ran to the work lounge.

"Jean!", there he was laying down on the couch as usual while reading a comic book. I stood there patiently until he had gotten up and explain what we were doing.

"Today, you are asking Levi out on a date. Remember, you want to start a conversation with him. Me, crazy lady, and monster eyebrows actually talked about this before you came. They both said Levi was going to stay late tonight again to study for that test he has. So, help him study!" I assumed that he was talking about Hanji and Erwin. I couldn't say anything to protest but he began to push me out the room.

He pointed to the other side of the library where I could clearly see them. "Go get em, tiger!" was all he said. It had taken me a few minutes until I finally had the courage to walk up to them. As soon as I got closer and closer, Hanji began whispering to Erwin's ear and both nodded. That was when they grabbed all of their things which earned them a confused Levi.

They didn't say anything but packed all of their thing and left Levi alone. Hanji winked at me while giving me a thumbs up. Followed by Erwin nodding.

I was right behind Levi who didn't seem to notice me yet. I sighed, really loud, to get his attention. He slowly turned to me without saying anything to me but just a simple 'ugh' from his mouth. I rolled my eyes of how rude he can be. Taking the empty chair next to him, I sat down.

I began to remember the techniques from Jean. One of them was flirting, something I'm so horrible at. But, he told me to just initiate a conversation and keep it light and simple. Compliment him; his eyes, smile, or lips.

All I had to do was get to first base with him. I coughed to get his attention to which I successfully got. He stopped writing, and his pair of silver eyes had met mine which made me melt a little. I barely known this guy and he was already making me feel something.

I closed his textbook that was open and slid it to the other end of the table, along with other things that were scattered around.

"Brat, what are-", I interrupted him.

"Why did you pick the medical pathway?", I asked. Step one, start a conversation.

His eyebrows furrowed and he rolled his eyes. "Look, I don't have time to chit chat. I need to study", he was about to reach for his things until I grabbed his hand to stop him.

His hands were soft, but they were so cold. Maybe because of the A/C, but his hands were way too cold. He quickly took his hand away and sighed to himself.

"I come from a long line of doctors and surgeons in my family", I listened to him while keeping eye contact with him. He quickly looked away though. "Medicine has always interested me, too", he finished off.

"Well I'm interested in you", fuck, I don't know why I just said that. In the inside, I was freaking out, but instead I had smiled and winked at him. I could see that his cheeks were now a light pink color and I could tell I had a good job flirting.

"I'm not interested..and gay", now I think I weirded him out. "Explains the reason you were just blushing earlier? I don't care if you're gay, I want to be friends", I flashed my smile.

He didn't say anything for a while until he sighed. "I guess.." he said. "Now if you please go away, I want to study", he finished off. Of course, I didn't want to go just yet.

"Why don't I help you study? Tonight..and maybe tomorrow?" I looked at him but he wasn't looking at me. " I won't pull any gay shit on you, promise", I laughed and that was when he finally looked at me. I smiled at him which caused him to roll his eyes.

"Fine. Tomorrow, my house. I swear, if you pull any gay shit on me, I won't hesitate to kick your ass out", he took out a post-it note and began writing numbers out. "Here's my number. I'll text you my address and what time to be there", he gave me the post-it and I was mentally jumping in the air.

"I'll be right back", I quickly got out of my chair and sprinted to the work lounge. I still had to come back since I told Levi I was going to help him study. As soon as I arrived, I spotted Jean, Hanji, and Erwin staring at me.

"Well?" Jean questioned. I showed him Levi's number on the post-it note and all 3 of us jumped in excitement. Except Erwin who was just laughing. "That's my boy! Without me, you would be so hopeless just staring at Levi all the time whenever he's here. Thank me!" I rolled my eyes and thanked him.

After 5 minutes of celebrating, I walked back to Levi who had everything out, again. He shoved me a stack full of papers and flash cards that were at least 2 inches tall. I stared at everything wide-eyed and looked at Levi who was smirking.

"Oh my god, how the hell are you going to memorize everything!" I looked through the papers and flash cards which were filled, front and back. All Levi did was shrug his shoulders.

I think helping Levi study will be the death of me.

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