Chapter 11

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Fuck. Maybe I should've stayed back a little with Jean at the library so he could give me advice on sex because honestly, I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing. Levi was still wrapped around my waist has his arms were around my neck to provide him support, and once we got to his bedroom I slowly eased him into his bed while still holding our kiss. I pulled back to look into his lustrous eyes and his kiss swollen lips, I was between his legs as my arms were on either side of his head to hold me up. He looked so beautiful even when his hair was all over the place, and I couldn't help but smile at the sight.

"What is it?", he asked so innocently.

"You are just so beautiful", he smiled shyly as our lips crashed against each other again. I placed kisses that traced down to his neck while lightly sucking on it which made Levi groan on each kiss. Alright, he's moaning..that must mean I'm doing good. I felt Levi grab a fistful of my hair and jerked my head up so we could look at each other.

"Do you want to do this?", he questioned me. I so wanted to do this, but I feel like I'm not prepared enough to satisfy him the way I want. It would've been my first time, and I wanted to make it special for the both of us.

"This is very new to me, I want to make it an amazing moment for us", he smiled before kissing my lips again and pulling back. "You know what..", he trailed off and for some reason my heart started beating faster. I was getting nervous. What if he doesn't want to continue on because I'm a virgin. Goddammit. "Eren, you look like you're about to shit your pants", he started giggling which was adorable but I rolled my eyes at him. "We don't have to do this", he meant as in sex.

"But..", and in one swift movement which caused me to gasp, Levi was now straddling me while my back was against the bed. He leaned into my ear and whispered, "Let me at least take care of that issue you have down there. Is that okay?". His voice sent shivers down my back as his hand trailed down to the fly of my pants. I bit my lip and nodded as he lifted my shirt and started planting soft kisses on my stomach leading down until he was in front of my bulge.

I watched him carefully unbutton my pants and zip the fly down while I helped him take my pants off. My boxers had a slightly wet area from my pre-come and Levi couldn't help but smirk at the sight. He pulled my boxers down and threw it somewhere in the bedroom without a care in the world. Immediately, my dick sprung up with a throbbing vein that was easily noticed on the side. I was kind of embarrassed at the sight but I groaned as soon as Levi's cold hand grabbed the base of my warm member.

"Oh fuck", I watched as Levi traced the vein of my member with his tongue and swirled it around once he met my tip. He sucked on for a few seconds as his hand reached for one of mines and interlaced our fingers together. Right as our fingers interlaced, he took me whole and my hips bucked up at the sudden motion. His mouth felt warm in me, so with my free hand I snaked my hand down to his head and grabbed his hair. With each bobbing motion he made against my dick, I was a panting mess. I groaned each time he pushed his head far enough to the point I could feel him in his throat. Levi moaned against my dick each time, and I was so lost in my own world I didn't even notice he was now stroking himself. My groans turned into muffled grunts as I tightened my grip on Levi's hair.

"Levi—fuck. I'm about to come", he began picking up the speed with his lips and tongue and I couldn't hold it in anymore. I bucked my hips up as I began unloading my cum into Levi's mouth while he began stroking my shaft with his lips around my tip.

"Eren, get on your fucking knees and open your mouth", he got up as he swallowed my load. I took no time on getting on my knees as he was now standing right in front of me as he stroked his dick in a fast rhythmic pace. My mouth was wide open ready for him to cum. As he grabbed my hair to push my head back, he let out a drawn out groan as I felt a warm liquid shoot onto my face..he aimed everywhere except my mouth to which he let out the sexiest chuckle I've heard.

"You look so pretty, baby", I watched him get off the bed and reached into his drawer to pull out baby wipes. "My mouth was wide open and you still came all over my got some in my eye", I felt the bed dip a little as I felt a cold wipe on my face. "I'm sorry, you just looked so sexy. I had to", I waited patiently while he wiped off the rest of his cum off my face.

Just as he finished, I pulled him into bed with me. Our legs entwined with each other as his head was nestled in my neck and our body pressed against each other. We were naked from the waist down, but we didn't care. "You just took my head virginity", I grinned like a moron. Levi's head was like magic.

"Did you enjoy it?", his turned his head to look up at me. "I fucking loved it", I pulled him closer to me and pecked his lips. "I could honestly get used to this. What about you?", he quickly snuggled into me before answering.

"I could get used to this, too"

Call Me Yours (ERERI) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now