Chapter 15

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It's been a few weeks since we've gone back to campus and it was the start of spring semester. Although, it didn't even feel like spring just yet because it was still freezing cold out with some days snowing. Levi and I spent Christmas, his birthday, and New Years with our friends during our break and it was amazing. Levi didn't want to do much for Christmas and his 23rd birthday, so me, him, Armin, Mikasa, Erwin, Hange, and Jean spent time together to just eating, playing games, and watching Christmas movies. We all didn't buy each other gifts just so we could save money, but since this was me and Levi's first holiday together as a couple, I had to get him something.

It wasn't much, but I got him a gold plated necklace with my first initial. Of course he loved it and I told him that he could always have me on him at all times now and he grinned at the idea. But, Hange and I also did get him a birthday cake written 'Happy 23rd Birthday! Love, everyone".

I found myself in the library once I was done with class, but since it was only a few weeks into the semester the library was almost empty. I spotted Armin at the front desk and quickly walked to him. He greeted me with his soft blue eyes and smiled at me. "Hey Armin, is it just you working?", he closed the book he was reading and nodded his head side to side. "Jean is in the work lounge, he's been on his break for a while now. I think I should check on him", just as he stood up and sat him back down.

"Don't worry, I'll check up on him. He's probably sleeping like the lazy ass he is", we both snorted at my comment and waved goodbye to him as I made my way to the back of the library.

I quickly walked to the back of the library and punched in the code to get into the work lounge, but my eyes were met with an all too familiar pair of men. Marco and Jean. Making out..on the table. What the fuck? I guess they didn't hear me walk in from the loud kissing noises they each made until I cleared my throat several times earning my attention from the two, very gay men. I heard Marco quickly scurry off the table while they cleared their throats, both Jean and Marco were dusting off the invisible dust off their clothes.

"Armin said you're way over your break time", I glanced at Marco and back at Jean only to give him the most devilish smirk I had. "O-oh, I should go now. Sorry! I'll see you later", Marco was definitely flustered after witnessing the sight in front of me and watched him pack his things up. "See ya later, babe", Jean waved Marco bye and gave him a small wave as well.

"Babe? You're making out with him in our work lounge", I flailed my arms around gesturing the whole room. "I have so many questions",I looked at him with my arms crossed as he grinned at me. He looked like an idiot. "We started talking after New Years. I didn't tell you only because I wasn't sure if it was going to be a failed talking stage. But fuck, we're a couple now!" He strode up to me and swung his arm over my shoulders. "My lord and savior freckled Jesus finally noticed me!", we both squealed at excitement, jeez we sounded like a group of high school girls. "Anyways, what the fuck are you doing here? You're not on the schedule today", he questioned.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Levi asked me to check out a book for him, and I also just wanted to stop by and say hi to whoever's working", he took his arm off of me. "How are you guys, anyways?", he leaned against the table, the same table that he was making out with Marco on. "You should sanitize that table before you leave", I commented before replying to his actual question. He scoffed at me and rolled his eyes as he rubbed the back of his hand over the table. "This", he rubbed it a couple more times and then began patting it, "Is memories! Now when you guys eat lunch on this table, you'll be eating on Marco's ass basically". Gross.

"Anyways.." I tried to get the image of Jean and Marco making out. "We've been amazing. He's definitely getting better as a person and we're learning as we go in this relationship, it's never been better", I smiled at the thought of Levi. Although it's only been a few weeks into our semester, he was already jammed with homework and quizzes to study. I'm sure Mikasa is the same as well since she changed her work schedule to accommodate her school life.

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