Chapter 1

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" Armin! Get your ass up and start putting the books back to where they were! ", I watch Armin fall from his chair as I yelled at him. He never pays attention when we're working, considering that he's a straight A student in school right now.

Mikasa, Armin, and I are student librarians at Sina University. It was a coincidence of the three of us to actually get a scholarship from here. Of course, we all accepted it to stay together because nothing sets us apart.

" Eren! You have customers ", Mikasa rolled her eyes as the group of girls squealed in excitement.

" Because of your great looks, at least we attract a lot of customers ", Mikasa whispered before making my way to the counter.

I smiled at them as they each handed in their book to check out. Everyday, there would be at least a group of girls coming by to attempt to get my number or ask me on a date. I would give them the same boring answer, 'no'. It wasn't because they weren't even pretty, but because I was simply not attracted.

" Here you go, girls ", I handed their books back and also flashing that sexy smiles of mine earning a small scream from them.

" Eren oh Eren, when will you ever get a girlfriend ", Jean swung his arm around my shoulder. Did I also mention horseface works with us, too?

" Shut up. At least girls notice me unlike your freckled lord and savior ", Jean has been crushing on this guy named Marco. He's this skinny guy, always jumpy, and has freckles all over his face. Whenever Jean tries to hit on him, he'd simply get friendzoned or not get noticed at all.

" Asshole ", was all he could mutter as I continued to fumble with my phone. A few minutes later, the entrance opened up and a gush of cold air immediately hit the inside. Followed by that, there were three people. One of them was very tall, pretty fucking buff, but has monstrous eyebrows. The other was a women who has chocolate brown hair but was tied up, square framed glasses that fit her face, and a big smile planted on her face. The third one had caught my eye, though. His silver eyes pierced through mines. He kept a stoic face as they all walked through the library. His jet black hair was styled into an undercut. But he was pretty short, cute, but it was a turnoff.

" Ooo~ Jaeger has a crush~", Jean sang in a singsong voice. In return, I gave him a good punch to the arm.

" Shut up, I don't ", was all I could say before grabbing a random book on the counter and flipping to the first page.

I tried so hard to focus on the book but I could only focus on the short man struggling to grab a book from the shelf.

" You're staring. Just help him already before he knocks down the shelves ", Jean pulled me up and pushed me out to help him. I rolled my eyes and earned a thumbs up from him.

I slowly walked towards the man who still was struggling to get a book. Once I reached him, I cleared my throat to get his attention.

" What ", his voice was deep but he still was focus on grabbing a book. At this point, he was on his toes.

" Do you need he-", but before I could finish, he finally grabbed the book he wanted.

" No ", and with that, he turned to his heels and walked away from me. I stood there looking stupid but quickly went back to the counter.

Jean was laughing at me while watching from the work lounge. I flipped him off and went back to reading my book. My thoughts were still on the short raven-haired guy and he never seemed to leave my thoughts.


My shift ended in 10 minutes so I was about to pack all my stuff until someone had rang the bell at the checkout. As I walked towards the counter, it was the same three people that had entered a few hours ago. My eyes averted to the same man who had denied my help to get him a book.

The woman wearing glasses had kept ringing the bell nonstop until I came.

" Ugh, finally ", one by one, she placed each books she had onto the counter. My eyes widen at the thick books she had chosen while her friend in the back was slowly shaking his head. But, I didn't say anything and began to scan her books.

" Book worm, are we ? " I looked up to her and flashed her a smile while scanning the last book she had. Her eyes flashed up and nodded her head so quickly.

" Hold on while I get the receipts ", we ran out so I quickly went to the desks that held extra receipts. As I was finding them, I could hear the three people snickering against each other. I tried to eavesdrop on their conversations but I could only make out some of them.

" Come on, Levi ! Ask for his number, he seems like a sweet guy ", the brown haired girl and the blonde said to the short man, who presumably goes by Levi.

" Tch, no. Just because I broke up with Petra does not mean I'm interested. Plus, I'm not gay. Did you guys forget about that ? ", Levi said and I could hear the hint of annoyance in his voice.

" I'm back, sorry to keep you waiting ", I came back and began to write in the receipt and the due dates of the books. I pretended I didn't hear a thing of what they said and gave the lady the receipt.

" Thank you guys for coming ", I smiled at them but glasses lady did not budge at all.

" Hey...Eren ? ", she squinted at the name tag fixed onto my shirt. I looked at her as I waited for her to continue.

" Can I have your number ? " she asked and looked back ay Levi who began to roll his eyes.

" Sorry, no. But better luck next time ", I flashed my smile one last time only to earn a chuckle from the blonde. All of them walked out of the library with the two men carrying Hanji's books.

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