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Hopes humanity was gone

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Hopes humanity was gone. Nothing was seeming to turn it back on. People in her life have been able to chip at it. Slowly break it down but Hope reacted stronger. So Alaric Saltzman called in the last chance they had. The Mikaelson family.

They all sat around a dinning table waiting for the tribrid to arrive. Anxious on how this will work out. What will they say to bring her back. They all thought different ideas. Kol thought memories. The fun times they had in New Orleans. Freya believed time with family would do her well. Marcel was all for idea of making her battle for her humanity. Just like her father did.

Rebekah was different. She always had one thing she wanted to tell Hope. It was slowly breaking her. She sat at the dinner table sure to tell the tribrid the truth. Hoping. It would bring her back. Also bring the happiness the truth needed.


Hope walked into the room casually. Watching her family. They climbed out of there seats at the site of the girl. Watching as she leaned on the chair at the head of the table. Opposite her Aunt Rebekah. Who she once broke the neck of and drove away from. "So this is why I'm here. Family Catch up." Hope said tilting her head to the side. Kol looked at his niece seeing the look of nothing in her eyes. "Yes. And also to discuss some thing." Kol stated moving to sit down. Hope smirked turning to Kol. "Where's Davina. You broken up. Or are you just scared I'll hurt her. Just like I did Rebekah." Hope smirked reminding Rebekah of both Klaus and Hayley.

"No. She's currently with some witches." Kol explained leaning on his elbows. Freya turned to Hope with a smile. Slowly sitting in a chair. "Sit Hope please." Freya asked. Hope looked to each person around the table before sitting in the seat. "We was going to bring your fathers ashes. But we can't find them." Freya explained looking towards the table with a sigh. Hope let out a emotionless chuckle. "Even when dead you can't control him." She said looking towards her aunt.

"Don't worry Hope. The ashes are where they should be." Rebekah smiled looking at her niece. Watching as she turned to her slowly. "Where they should be. Please." Hope rolled her eyes. Rebekah just smiled as a memory flashed into her head. "Yeah right." Freya rolled her eyes. Rebekah sighed at this action. "They don't belong there." Freya said under her breath but the vampires heard it loud and clear. "Please. You never liked her." Rebekah argued jumping out of her seat pointing at the witch. Hope watched sipping on a glass of blood eyebrows raised.

"Of course I never liked her. She left Hope. When she was a baby." Freya argued back. The Youngest original rolled her eyes. "She never chose to leave. Hayley compelled her." Rebekah sneered. Hope raised a eyebrow watching her aunts amused. "Who are we on about?" She asked tilting her head. Catching the attention of the females. "Hayley isn't your mother." Rebekah said placing her glass on the table. Looking at her niece. "She doesn't deserve to know that bitch." Freya sneered as she took a sip from her wine. Kol slammed his hands on the table standing up quickly. "She isn't a bitch. She's Hopes mother." He told her staring at her with anger.

"Who?" Hope asked rising from her seat. Keeping Eye-contact with Rebekah. "Hayley isn't your mother. A woman named Sapphire Edwards is. She is also your fathers true love." Rebekah explained walking around the table towards the tribrid who just watched her. No emotion showing at all. "She has been wanting to see you and explain. For nineteen years. She wanted you to decide if you wanted to see her." Rebekah told Hope. Placing her hand on the tribrids shoulders. "Would you like to meet your mother?" Rebekah asked. Watching as a small flick of confusion rushed into Hope's eyes but quickly disappeared.

"I mean. Everyone here has set there life goal to bring my humanity back. So why not." Hope shook her head pushing off her aunts hands. Stepping away from her. "We will leave tomorrow. Pack a bag. For a day or two. Who knows how long you will be staying." Rebekah said downing the last of her drink. Slamming the glass on the table. Walking out of the room. As Kol and Marcel followed. Freya stood there. A annoyed and disappointed look on her face. "You don't deserve to meet her." Freya said looking towards Hope. The tribrid tilted her head to the side looking at her aunt. "Well I want to so I suggest you leave." Hope smirked before turning around and Walking away.


Hope walked out of the school. Watching as Rebekah leaned on her car. Phone to her ear. "Are we leaving or not?" Hope asked as she walked to the passenger seat. Rebekah sat in the drivers seat and began the drive. "I won't be staying with you. You deserve the time alone. I'll pick you up when you want to leave." Rebekah explained looking Hope. "Right. You trust me not to kill her?" Hope smirked looking at Rebekah. Tilting her head to the side.

"Not without information. Your like your father." Rebekah smiled as she looked back through the windscreen.



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