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"Don't say that

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"Don't say that." Hope whispered standing from her seat watching Sapphire as a tear rolled down her cheek. "Your acting more of a mother then hay- mu- Hayley was." Hope stumbled trying to find the name. "You here reliving your darkest memories so I know the truth." Hope said as more tears rolled down her eyes. Sapphire slowly stood up watching Hope.

"I would do anything to make you happy. Even if it means going through Hell and back." Sapphire whispered grabbing Hopes hands. "I was kept from you. Never told anything about you." Hope cried watching Sapphire. "My whole family lied to me." Hope sneered angrily. Watching Sapphire. "I feel weird. I feel..." Hope stopped sighing. Dropping her head to the floor. Sapphire walked over to Hope placing a hand on Hopes shoulders. "You feel emotional." Sapphire finished making Hope look to her slowly. Tear sitting in both of there eyes.

"You used to Love and Lose and it would repeat." Sapphire began to explain. "It's hiding the Lies and the pain." Sapphire continued shakily. "Your finally realising everything would have changed if I was there. You might have had a better life." Sapphire finished watching as more tears fell down Hopes cheek. "I hate it. I hate feeling like this." Hope whispered falling into Sapphires chest as she cried. "Don't worry. I felt the same some time ago." Sapphire smiled.

"Would you like to stop? The memories?" The woman questioned watching her daughter. "No I want to know everything. Do you mind?" Hope asked softly. As Sapphire wiped the tears from under Hopes eyes. "It's perfectly fine with me. If it means your getting what you need." Sapphire said sending Hope a smile. The both of them walked back to the sofa. Sitting down as Hope sat across from her. "How did you become a vampire?" Hope questioned looking up to Sapphire. The woman smiled towards Hope.

"We'll see a memory of that aswell." Sapphire said grabbing Hopes hand. Allowing her to bring them into memories once again.



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