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• Memory One •

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• Memory One •

"We are in new Orleans." Hope said turning to Sapphire who was looking around. Watching as people passed through them. "Yep. You did grow up here." Sapphire smiled. Seeing Hayley running behind Hope. "Turn around." Sapphire said softly. Hope turned around to see her mom rushing to what seemed like a witches shop.

Hayleyran to the shop as the shop keeper was leaving. "Hay, Hay!" Hayley yelled attempting to catch the shop keeper. "Were closed. Sorry!" The shop keeper replied as she began locking up the shop. Hayley gripped the owners hand looking at her. "I just need one teeny, tiny little herb." Hayley smiles looking at the woman. The shopkeeper sighed looking at the werewolf. "What herb?" she replied softly. Stopping her process of locking up.

"A crushed aconite flower." Hayley said softly causing the witches head to snap to her wide eyed. "Wolfsbane? That's a poison. Your gonna kill a wolf?" The witch said quickly pulling away form the wolf. Hayley lifted her band. Showing her pointer finger and thumb close together but not touching. "Just a little one." Hayley replied. The witch sighed. Turning to the shop door. "Give me a moment." She whispered to Hayley as she entered the shop.

"She was going to kill me?" Hope questioned. Looking back at Sapphire. "Yeah. She was." The woman whispered back. Looking to the concrete ground. Hope turned back to watch the rest.

The witch exited the shop with a small bag. "Cut it with jimson weed. A few drops in some hot tea – that should do it." The witch explained handing her the packet. Hayley nodded as she dug into her pocket pulling our a few bills. "Here." Hayley hand holding it out for the witch who denied the money. "It's an ugly town for wolves. You're doing the right thing." The Witch replied locking up the shop and walking away. Phone in hand.

"The next bit is important. If you look over there." Sapphire said pointing to the direction where her past self stood. Walking down the road. Coat wrapped tightly around her. Stopping as she pulled out her phone. "Its you?" Hope questioned tilting her head slightly. "Behind me." Sapphire whispered placing her hands gently on the tribrids shoulders. Pointing at the witch who stood behind her past self. "She will be very important." Sapphire whispered.

Just as Hayley plucked up the courage to drink form the glass. The which rushed to the random woman in front of her. Gripping her hands tightly. Chanting a spell lightly so that Hayley couldn't notice. Once the chanting ended the witch let go of Sapphire running away as the woman looked around confused.

"Now back to Hayley." Sapphire whispered turning to where Hayley sat.

Hayley took a deep breath before quickly downing the tea. Coughing as the wolfsbane burnt her throat. Wincing as the heat from the tea hit the wounds. She placed the cup next to her. Placing her hands on her knees she took a few deep breathes when people showed up behind her. "Dumb Move, coming into the quarter. Your coming with me wolf." A Vampire said from behind Hayley. Causing her to turn around.

"The next part isn't exactly important." Sapphire said looking towards Hope. Watching as she started stared at the spot her mother stood. "She killed me." She said slowly. Realising what happened. "Dont worry. We have more to see." the woman besides her said as she placed a hand on her daughters shoulder. Both fading into the same white light. They was no longer in the streets but this time at the Mikaelson Mantion.


"Now we will see how Klaus Reacts to Hayley's attempt of Abortion." Sapphire said removing her hands down Hopes shoulder.

Klaus dragged in a body of a vampire into the Mikaelson home with a annoyed expression. "This is why I told you never to leave the house. Werewolves are banned in the Quarter. I had a plan, and your little nighttime stroll put it all in peril! Leave him!" Klaus said looking towards Hayley. Rebekah rolled her eyes looking at the mother of her niece. "Hayley, what were you doing in the bloody French Quarter in the first place? Answer me!" Klaus said throwing his hands in the air.

"She doesn't need to tell you anything." Rebekah argued with her bother. Hayley sighed as the burning feeling still sat in the throat. "I..." Hayley began but stopped. Klaus looking at her for a answer. "I killed the baby." she whispered as a tear rolled down her cheek. Rebekah's head snapped to the werewolf in shock. "You did what?" Rebekah asked stepping towards her. Hayley lifted her head to look at the Mikaelson siblings. "I killed the baby. By drinking wolfsbane." Hayley sighed looking towards Klaus who looked angered. He rushed towards Hayley his hand wrapped around her neck. "Nik. What if the baby survived. Let's not jump to conclusion." Rebekah said holding Klaus arm.

Klaus dropped Hayley making her gasp for breaths as she dropped to the ground. "You deserve it. But until we know for sure. You stay here." Rebekah said as Klaus sped out of the house. Leaving the girls.

Hops didn't talk. She just stared at the door her father had rushed out of. Sapphire looked at Hope upset. She new that without Hopes emotions she wouldn't understand this from a emotional level but she could see something was happening. Soon both faded away from the scene.



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