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"Now. We meet the rest of the family." Sapphire sighed letting Hope go from the hug.

Klaus had placed Sapphire on the ground in front of her brothers and Marcel. "Hello Brother." Klaus said whilst Sapphire finished dusting herself off. "Yay! Your here!" Rebekah smiled walking towards the girl bringing her into a hug. Elijah looked at the girl confused before turning to her brother. "Who is she brother?" He asked Klaus who was now drinking bourbon.

"She is Sapphire." Klaus said simply looking up to Elijah. "Who?" Elijah asked again. "The mother of my miracle child." Klaus replied placing his glass down. Elijah looked taken back. Turning to girl. "Wasn't the mother Hayley?" Elijah asked causing Rebekah to turn towards him quickly. "No! That woman will not be around my niece!" Rebekah shouted pointing towards Elijah. Sapphire sat trying to pull her back.

"Niklaus?" Elijah said turning to Klaus who was watching amused. "Hayley kill the baby. But a witch placed the baby into our dear human Sapphire here." Klaus smiled pointing to Sapphire. "How comes I wasn't told about the baby?" Another voice said walking into the room. Stopping as he saw Sapphire. A smirk placing on his lips as he sped over to her. "Hello I'm Kol Mikaelson. I don't belive we've met." He said grabbing her placing a kiss on it. Klaus watched in annoyance. "How lovely. Kol is here also." Klaus rolled his eyes turning back to his drink.

"Your uncle is so..." Sapphire stopped thinking. Hope looked up at her with a smirk. "Annoying, overly sexual." Hope finished watching as her mom laughs. "Indeed." Sapphire nodded.

"Get off her Kol." Rebekah said slapping away Kol arms. Marcel sat watching the family laughing. "And what's wrong with you?" Sapphire pointing towards the fake skinned vampire. "Oh nothing. Only that Klaus. Him." Marcel said pointing towards Klaus. "Is going to be a father." Marcel finished laughing. Klaus just rolled his eyes. Sapphire just looked at him confused. "What? Just because you can't be responsible doesn't mean he can't." Sapphire rolled her eyes turning away from the vampire as he stopped laughing. Marcel stopped laughing but this didn't stop Kol to continue laughing.

"Wow, they really thought that low of dad." Hope said watching Kol and Marcels behaviour. Sapphire let out a small laugh. "Please. They believed Nik would have killed you a hour of having you." Sapphire explained looking down at the girl. Hope mouth slowly curled into a smile but stopped the second it happened.

"I like that girl." Kol stated as he pointed over to Sapphire. "Mind introducing yourself." Sapphire smiled as she looked towards Elijah. Elijah turned to the woman with a smile. Sticking out his hand to shake. "I'm Elijah. Klaus brother. It's a pleasure to meet." Elijah introduced with a welcoming smile. One which Sapphire had returned. Sapphire turned towards Marcel. "You are?" She questioned. Sticking out her hand. Marcel took her hand shaking it. "Marcel Gerard. A friend of the Mikaelsons." Marcel smiled shaking the girls hand. "Well. It was lovely to meet you all but I am tired." She said looking towards Klaus who had now finished his drink. "Do you mind if I spend the night?" She asked watching as his straight face turned into a smile. "Come on. Let's get you to bed." Klaus said moving to pick up Sapphire running her up to a bed.

The background changed moving the mother daughter duo back into a bedroom form earlier.

Klaus had laid sapphire softly on a bed. Making sure to cover her over. "Stay." She said moving over. Giving room for Klaus to get into the bed. "Don't listen to what they say.your going to be a amazing dad to our little girl." Sapphire whispered moving to look up at Klaus smiled pulling her closer to him. "Our little girl."he whispered pressing a kiss onto the girls forehead. Watching as her eyes slowly drifted to sleep. Holding her close as he said down. Watching as she moved to place her head on his chest.

Hope watched with tears in her eyes

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Hope watched with tears in her eyes. She turned to sapphire pushing her away from her. " what do you think your doing. Huh!" Hope said looking at her. "You think showing me lies will turn my humanity on your wrong!" Hope yelled. Her voice echoing as they slowly faded out of the memories.



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