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Sapphire Edwards Home:

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Sapphire Edwards Home:

(Imagine it placed in a large clearing in the woods)

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(Imagine it placed in a large clearing in the woods)


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The two girls seemed to be driving for hours

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The two girls seemed to be driving for hours. It was seriously annoying Hope. "Im hungry and bored are we close." Hope rolled her eyes. Rebekah sighed looking at her. "Dont worry. Just a drive through the woods." Rebekah replied as she drove into the woods entrance. Driving past the many trees and bushes. "She lives in the woods?" Hope Raised her eyebrow. "A clearing." Rebekah explained.

Rebekah pulled up to a clearing. A wild range of flowers along the grass. With a dirt path leading to a large house. The two climbed out of the car looking at the house. "Doesnt seem very big." Hope said crossing her arms over her chest. "Thats because she lived alone." Rebekah rolled her eyes. She began making her way to the home Hope following shortly after. Just as they got close to the house the door opens and a lady walked out. She had long black hair with worked perfectly with her deep blue eyes. Resembling Hopes eyes perfectly.

"Rebekah?" The Woman said surprised as she held a basket in her hand. "Whats with the surprise visit?" She asked as she walked down the stairs towards them. "Sapphire. I brought someone." Rebekah smiled moving to hug girl. "Meet Hope. Your daughter." Rebekah smiled as she held the woman. Sapphire turned to Hope in shock. "Thats Hope?" Sapphire whispered to Rebekah who nodded. "Her humanity is gone sadly." Rebekah frowned. Sapphire walked towards Hope looking at her with a smile. "Humanity or not. I get to meet my daughter." Sapphire said as a tear rolled down her cheek.

"Well. I'll let you meet each other. I have some thing in New Orleans to deal with. I'll pick you up in a couple of days" Rebelah told Hope before she turned around making her way back to her car. Stopping by the drivers seat. Giving The two a way goodbye. Hope turned back to 'mother' staring at her as she gave a small smile to her. "So. Why all of a sudden?" Sapphire questioned crossing her arms over her chest. "I just found out about you. Don't believe it tho." Hope rolled her eyes. "If it is true how comes you was never there." Hope tilted her head with a amused smirk.

"Because Hayley is a back stabbing bitch." Sapphire rolled her eyes picking up Hopes bag. Walking to the house. Hope following shortly after. "If you want to know the truth. There's a spell I found. It allows you to access my thoughts and see the truth." Sapphire sighed opening the front door. "And if not true?" Hope titled her head stepping towards the woman as she held the door open. "You can kill me." Sapphire smirked as Hope walked past her.

"So you want to?" Sapphire questioned placing the bag on the floor. "Sure. I'm bored anyways." Hope said with a smirk. Walking over to the spell book sat on the bookshelf. "Is it in here?" Hope questioned pointing to the book. Sapphire nodded watching her daughter grab the book. "Come on then." Hope said impatiently sitting down on the sofa. Sapphire joining shortly after. Sitting in front of her. "Okay." Hope rolled her eyes holding her hands out. Sapphire gave a small smile linking her hand with Hopes.

Hope chanted the spell causing everything around the two to slowly fade leading them into the land of New Orleans. Where there story begins.



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