[ 1.17 ]

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Hope never expected arriving back at the school

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Hope never expected arriving back at the school. She believed that she would be have no humanity for the rest of her life and spend it running around ruining peoples lives. So when the woman beside her showed her more love in two days then she ever imagined helped it. It made her different.

Now she was in the car driving to the school. Worried about how they would treat her. "You worried." Sapphire said looking over to her as she drove. "I did bad things. I don't know if I'm allowed back." Hope looked down and began playing with her hands. Sapphire let out a small laugh confusing Hope.

"Hope. From I've seen you have saved there life more then you damaged it." Sapphire explained placing a hand over Hopes. "They will forgive you. You just need to let them." Sapphire explained looking towards her quickly. "You going to be okay?" Sapphire asked looking at the road as she drove. "Yeah." Hope sighed nodding sending her a small smile. "Good because where here." Sapphire laughed as she pulled into the two large black gate.

The car pulled up at the doors of the school. Alaric and the twins sat at the door with a smile. Alaric not so much. Sapphire climbed out of the car placing her sunglasses on her head letting her dark hair flick over her shoulder. Hope climbed out her side finding herself standing in front of the twins. Josie smiled stepping forward. "Don't worry we forgive you." Josie smiled bringing Hope in for a hug. "Yeah. I mean if I had the change I would two. Daddy ain't exactly the best." Lizzie rolled her eyes crossing her arms over her chest.

"Go. Go wake the dashing boyfriend. I'm going to go say hi to the family." Sapphire smiled placing a hand on Hopes back. Hope send Sapphire a smile before running off with Josie and Lizzie. Sapphire laughed grabbing the bags as Rebekah walked towards her. "Hay Sapphire. I see you got her humanity back." Rebekah smiled. Sapphire sent one back. "Indeed. She's happy. It makes me happy." Sapphire smiled handing Rebekah a bag. "Come on the family doesn't know your here." Rebekah smirked dragging the girl down the hall.


"So Hope has her humanity is back?" Sapphire heard Kol speak. "Yeah. She's spent time with Sapphire didn't she?" Marcel questioned as Rebekah walked through the door with a large smile. "Todays the day we become a family once again." Rebekah smiled as Sapphire walked into the room. Her heels clicking against the floor. "who missed me?" Sapphire smirked as Marcel and Kol jumped from there seats rushing to the girl bringing her into a hug.

"It's good to see you." Kol smiled hugging Sapphire tightly. "There's our little fighter." Marcel spoke as Sapphire turned to hug him next. "It's good to be back." Sapphire nodded seeing Freya still sat in her seat. "Hello Freya." Sapphire said softly as she walked towards the table. "Hello Sapphire." Freya sighed turning to Sapphire. "You still hate me." Sapphire smirked sitting next to the witch. "No. You make the family happy. So I can get used to you." Freya smiled looking up at her. "I'm glad I actually found you funny." Sapphire smiled leaning her hand on Freya's.

"We're a family again. Minus two. Or three. We're still a family." Freya sighed lifting her glass. The rest of the family doing so. Just as Hope walked through the door with a smile. A boy by her side. "You must be Landon." Sapphire said standing from the chair walking over to the boy. Landon looked at Sapphire wide eyed. "Uh. Yeah. Hi." Landon smiled playing with his hand. "Don't get nervous. I'm not Niklaus." Sapphire laughed making Landon relax. "Join us for dinner?" Sapphire tilted her head looking towards Hope who nodded dragging Landon to the table.

The Mikaelson family say around the table sharing food and drinks whilst laughing. Talking about what ever they missed. Hope sat at the end of the table holding hands with Landon as she watched Sapphire with a smile. Having a almost whole family was different. Yet she loved every second of it.

She loved knowing THE TRUTH



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In the description and I believe at the beginning of the book I had clarified that this was a short story of flashbacks.
I also asked if you would like a longer story of Sapphire and Klaus. The whole story. From when they meet to Klaus's death.

If you would like to see this please comment next to this sentence:


This will help me break up the comments on the book and comments about this.

Thank you all for reading and I love you all so much!!!

- Raven 🌈

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