[ 1.11 ]

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"Where are we know?" Hope asked her voice cracking slightly

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"Where are we know?" Hope asked her voice cracking slightly. "The new house. Currently sat in Klaus's paint room." Sapphire relief walking around. Looking at each of the paintings hanging on the wall. Hope sat watching Sitting in a rocking chair whilst Klaus painted.

Sapphire saw holding a sleeping Hope. Klais watched them with a smile as his paintbrush glided across the canvas. The sounds of classical music sounding behind him "your starting." Sapphire whispered looking up from her sleeping daughter. "What are you doing?" Sapphire asked looking up to Klaus with a smile. Klaus paused looking towards her.

"I'm painting isn't it normal love?" He smirked moving back to his painting. "Not really. Normal for you is killing someone or daggering your siblings. Which you not yet have threatened to do." Sapphire smirked causing Klaus share an amused grin.

"You truly look happy." Hope whispered looking towards Sapphire who watched with a smile. "Yeah we was." Sapphire returned looking towards Hope. "I've never seen him so Happy." Hope whispered watching her father.

"I'm painting." Klaus smiled towards Sapphire who looked back at him with a smile. "Klaus. Do you think we will ever be a normal family?" Sapphire whispered as she watching Klaus. "No Love. We won't be. Yet we could always try." Klaus said softly placing down his paint brush. Walking towards Sapphire slowly. "I've never felt this type of feeing a while." Klaus said as he kneeled next to the rocking chair. "What feeing?" Sapphire said confused as she played with Hope. "Love." Klaus whispered grabbing Sapphires attention.

"I love you Sapphire. I'm glad you make my family smile again." Klaus laid his hand over hers which was holding Hopes. "I love you Klaus." Sapphire whispered back. Sighing as Klaus laid his head on top of Sapphires giving her a small but passionate kiss. Both smiling as Hope let out a small burp between them.

"He loved you and you left." Hope said angry. Her emotions slowly pulling through again. "You left my dad when he loved you. You left me." She sneered towards Hope. "You ready for the next memory. It's an important one." Sapphire sighed as Hope continued to glare.



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