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The two girls landed in a apartment

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The two girls landed in a apartment. A apartment that Sapphire knew to well. The sound of soft sobbing in the bathroom. Hope looked towards the door. "Thats when I found out I was pregnant." Sapphire explains as the bathroom door opened.

Sapphire came walking out of her small bathroom. Holding the positive pregnancy test in her hand. She passed back and forth in her living room. No clue what to do. "How is this even possible! The only time I has sex was when I was 10 and was raped!" the woman muttered as she moved to get a drink of Water. "The hospital. I should go to the hospital." Sapphire said as she picked up her bag and keys going straight to the hospital.

The time skipped in front of them. The sky was now dark and the apartment matched.

The door opened reaviling Sapphire. Walking slowly like she was in shock. She walked towards the mirror looking down to her stomach. Placing a hand on the centre. A small smile surfacing. "I will always protect you. I shall give you the life you need." Sapphire whispered as a tear rolled down her cheek. She soon turned around and walked in to her bedroom. Changing and sleeping away the stress.

"Sadley I couldn't keep that promise." Sapphire said walking into Hopes like of Vision who was still watching around the apartment. "So. Your what the next Virgin Mary." Hope said crossing her arms over her chest. Looking at her supposed mother. "You can call me that. Expressively when you have a man taller then you telling you it's there." Sapphire joked as the apartment faded away.


It was a few days later. They was on the streets of New Orleans. "This is when your dad found out your still alive." Sapphire said pointing to Klaus who had a angered look on his face. Hope turned to him watching her dad.

Klaus walked down the same road Hayley once did. Watching the shop carefully. He picked up his phone dialling the witches number. Holding it to his ear. "You sold wolfsbane to someone a few nights ago. You killed someone very important." Klaus taunted looking through the glass window. Seeing the witch who was looking directly at him. He dropped the phone down and moved to go to the shop as another witch stopped him.

"Isn't that the witch that grabbed you?" Hope questioned pointing to the witch. "Yep. Turns out she was actually very high." Sapphire laughed as she saw the witches wide red eyes.

"The baby isn't dead." The witch whispered grabbing his arm. He was quick to pull away. "Baby removed before baby die." The witch said looking around slowly. "23 Ellis Ave." The witch whispered before turning away. Klaus watches confused. Why would a dangerously high witch give him an address? Pulling out his phone he types the address finding an apartment complex not far from there. He decided to take the risk which seemed quite stupid to some people and see the truth himself.

"That's how we both found out you was alive." Sapphire sighed looking at Klaus. Wanting to hug him. Hold him. "Did you dad love each other." Hope asked softly as she saw the look on Sapphires face. "Yeah we did. You and him was the best thing to ever happen to me." She replied turning away from Klaus looking at Hope.

The room faded again. Taking them back to Sapphires apartment.


"And this when we met." Sapphire whispered staring at the door. Hope looked at Sapphire. A warm feeling touching her. She hasn't felt that since she turned. She looked back to the door as a bang rang form it.

Sapphires head snapped up from the small bowl of ice cream she had. Placing it on the table she got up moving to the door. "Who is it?" She asked looking through the peephole. As she saw a man she slowly opened the door seeing him. He was tall, sandy blonde hair, blue eyes and smirk on his lips. "Hello?" Sapphire asked confused. Watching the man. "Hello Love you have something of mine." He stated watching her. Confusing Sapphire massively. "Pardon?" Sapphire asked tilting her head slightly. He lifted form the door frame staring at her.

His eyes pouring into hers as his eyes began to dilate hers copying. "How about you invite me in." He asked smirking as she did. She opened the door of her apartment wider "come in." She said emotionless. Like she had no control. "Thank you." He smirked as she stepped into the apartment. Looking around as he did so. Sapphire shut the door behind him suddenly looking confused. "How the hell?" Sapphire whispered as she let go of the handle. "You've got my child." Klaus said turning to the woman. She turned around quickly. "How?" She whispered towards herself once more.

"Sit ill explain love." Klaus said placing a hand on her back. Moving her towards the sofa. So he could explain everything.

"He just barged In?" Hope raised her eyebrow. Turning to Sapphire who watched with her eyes watering. "Yep." She nodded looking back at Hope. "Im not mad about it. It lead to the greatest moments of my life." Sapphire whispered sending Hope a small smile.

"So some witch moved your child from the mother trying to kill them. Into me?" Sapphire said placing her elbows on her knees. "Yes. Love." Klaus said leaving back in his own seat. "Your also a Hybrid?" Sapphire asked again. Standing up from the sofa. Klaus quickly rushed by her side. "That baby is important: I don't care about you but that baby has to stay alive." Klaus whispered grabbing Sapphires shoulder. He gave her a small slip is paper before turning around and leaving the apartment. Sapphire watched confused.

"Wait? Dad didn't care about you?" Hope question watching the dad leave. "At first he didn't. But the more time we spent together. The closer we got." Sapphire smiled as the room faded once more.



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