[ 1.12 ]

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"I really don't want to see anymore

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"I really don't want to see anymore. I believe you." Hope sighed looking as Sapphire who had tears in her eyes. "No." Sapphire sighed looking at Hope. "No?" Hope questioned stepping closer. Sapphire also stepped closer.

"You family was arguing the day before." Sapphire said as she started to circle Hope. "What has that got to do with anything." Hope crossed her arms. "So I sent them out for the day. The only ones in the house which I though was just me and the workers, maybe a couple of werewolves also." Sapphire continued before stopping in front of her daughter.

"This memory is going to show you I never left. I was forced to leave." Sapphire started stepping closer. "I take a daily vervain supply. She got me before I could." Sapphire whispered turning to the memory. Hope stayed silent. Just wanting to see what happened.

Hopes crying filled the house. Sapphire rushing around the kitchen to not only put her drink together but Hopes bottle. "God." Sapphire whispered as she pulled out a baby bottle. From the steriliser and moving to make her tea as some water boiled. Making a nice up of tea she placed little vervain leafs in the tea as the boiling water ended. Sapphire sighed placing the tea down walking over to the bottle making it as it was still hot. Sapphire placed the bottle down letting it cool as she went to drink her tea.

As she went to take a drink Hope's crying stopped. Alarming Sapphire. Placing her cup on the kitchen island she ran up the stairs as quick as a human could reaching the babies room. "Hope?" Sapphire questioned as she entered the room. Smiling as she found Hayley holding Hope. "Sorry. She was crying." Hayley whispered as he ran a hand down the babies cheek. "It's okay. I just didn't know someone else was here." Sapphire smiled walked over to Hayley. "I'm going to grab her bottle do you want to feed her?" Sapphire said sweetly. "If I can." Hayley smiled looking towards Sapphire who nodded.

"I was so kind to her." Sapphire said breaking the silence between the two. "I let her in your life. Because she conserved you." Sapphire continued as tears built. "I was going to explain it to you. When you was older." Sapphire said with anger in her voice. "And she ruined that." Sapphire whispered wiping the tears from her eyes.

Sapphire walked back in the room with Hopes bottle handing it to Hayley. "Just give it a small shake before." Sapphire smiled as Hayley took the bottle. "Sapphire." Hayley whispered causing Sapphire to look towards her. "I want you to leave." Hayley stared into Sapphires eyes. "Leave New Orleans. Don't make contact until you are in a town 1000 miles away." Hayley compelled. Sapphire blinked nodding her eyes slowly leaving the room. Hayley sat with a happy look on her face.

"What's happening now?" Hope questioned looking around

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"What's happening now?" Hope questioned looking around. "Where are you?" Hope looked towards Sapphire. "I'm gone. Yet I always had someone to watch over you." Sapphire smiled towards her daughter.

The Mikaelson's walked into the house. Rebekah moving towards the kitchen. Stopping as she saw the still full cup of vervain tea. "Huh. Nik. It seems dear Sapphire hasn't had her tea this morning." Rebekah said walking back into the main room. "We should get her to drink it now." Rebekah pointed to the stairs. Klaus rolled his eyes standing from his seat making his way up the stairs towards Hopes room. "Sapphire?" Klaus asked walking in the room.

Hopes cry's becoming louder as Hayley held her. With tears in her eyes. "She left." Hayley chocked. "She have Hope to me and Walked out the door. In her car with a bag." Hayley turned to Klaus. "She hasn't been back all day." Hayley whispered. "I couldn't just leave Hope without a mom." Hayley whispered trying to calm down Hope. "Give her this." Klaus grabbed a scarf from the draws handing it to Hope. "It's Sapphire it smells like her." Klaus explained to Hayley. Hayley nodded slowly watching Hope play with the scarf. A angry look hitting her face as Klaus left the room.

"She wanted me to have nothing to do with you." Hope said slowly. Stepping towards Hayley. "Yeah. Every time I was mentioned you dragged out of the room." Sapphire said softly. "To be honest. I'm not technically your mother. I was the woman who carried." Sapphire said turning to Hope. The memory around them fading.



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