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Hope watched as her father stoke his hand down the baby crib

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Hope watched as her father stoke his hand down the baby crib. Looking like he was in thought.

Klaus was thinking. Thinking of his father. Thinking of himself as one. Mainly on if he would be like Mikael. "Your going to be an amazing dad." Hayley said from the doorway. Klaus head turned to look up to her. "What are you still doing here Hayley. You have no significance to this family any longer." Klaus said turning to face her. Leaning on the cot behind him. "I regret doing it. But now... when the baby is old enough that I'm her real mom." Hayley smiled walking into the room.

"No." Klaus said simply standing up. "You are not anything to this child. Sapphire will be her mother. That is final." Klaus pointed at the werewolf. Watching her face fall. "No leave." Klaus said pointing to the door. Hayley turned around slowly. Tears in her eyes. Anger on her face. Watching as Sapphire arrived to the room. "Hay everyone." She smiled looking towards the two. Klaus looked at her. Watching as she stroked the baby bump with a smile on her face.

"Damn. Thats just stupid to even ask." Hope rolled her eyes. Leaning on her hip. Arms crossed over her chest. "That question is the cause for me never seeing you." Sapphire said to the tribrid sadly. Hope just looked at her. The same emotional feeling setting inside of her.

"I'm leaving." Hayley said storming out of the room leaving the soon to be parents alone. Klaus had turned back around. Leaning on the cot. Looking at the white decorations in the piece of furniture. "What's got you lost." Sapphire whispered joining his side. Klaus looked at her with a small smile. "What if I am like my father..." he whispered looking down to the baby bump. "I've never met him." Sapphire smiled slightly placing a hand on his back. Stocking it softly.

Klaus turned around quickly gripping her hand. It wasn't to tight but with was a secure hold. "Good. If he ever goes near you or the baby. I will kill him." Klaus sneered looking into her deep blue eyes. "I don't expect anything less." She replied softly looking into his eyes. Klaus's face softened looking at her. Moving his hand to hold Sapphire's cheek. Laying a small delicate kiss on her forehead. Sapphires eyes closed slowly. Leaning into him.

As Klaus pulled away her eyes snapped open. A exited smile sat on her lip. "I found out something today. Come with me!" The girl smiled grabbing the Hybrids hand pulling him down the hall. Towards her room. A room she had for whenever she fell asleep at the mansion. "Calm down love. You keep pulling me you might just pull of my who arm." Klaus smiled as he let her drag him.

"He never acted like this with mo... Hayley." Hope said softly as she looked at the two. Suddenly turning back to Sapphire. "Why?" She asked suddenly. Stepping towards her. "Everyone treated him like a monster. All he wanted was some love in his life. So when I was forced to leave. It made me feel a little better knowing you was there to make him happy." Hopes mother said placing a hand on her cheek. Giving her a warm smile. Before bringing her into a hug. Holding Hope by her side. Hope made no attempt to move. She actually leaned into the hold as they continued watching.

Klaus leaned on the doorway watching the woman. Watching as she searched through her draws. Pulling out a photo. Looking at it with a smile. She walked towards the bed sitting down. Looking up at Klaus she patted the spot beside her asking for him to sit. Klaus did. Hesitantly.

"Here." She whispered giving him the photo. Klaus looked down to the photo. Stopping as he saw what it was. It a dark picture. A small figure of a person curled up. He listed his head slowly looking towards the girl. "Is this?" He whispered as his thumb ran over the small photo. Sapphire nodded leaning further towards him. Taking her hand pointing towards some text in the top corner. "A girl." Sapphire whispered as she laid her head onto his shoulder.

Klaus looked at the photo. For once during this pregnancy in tears. He was having a baby girl. He looked towards Sapphire slowly. "We're having a girl." He whispered looking as Sapphire smiled nodding her head. The two stayed in that position. Sapphires head on his shoulder hugging his arm. Klaus rested his head on her as they looked at the photo. With joy and love sitting around them. "Rebekah's already filled my house with baby clothes." Sapphires laughed looking towards him. Watching his lips also curl into a smile. "Sounds like her." Klaus replied.

"Niklaus!" Someone shouted form the main room. Causing the two to perk up as the British accent. "Your brothers are here!" Another voice yelled with a more American tone. Klaus looked down to Sapphire. "You ready to meet the family." He smiled lifting her up. Speeding her towards the main room. Her squealing as he did so.

"He was so happy." Sapphire whispered placing her chin on the top of Hopes head. As Hope as turned to hug her. The confusing warm feeling inside of her. Never knowing when she was going to break.



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