[ 1.15 ]

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Hope walked around watching as the world around them faded

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Hope walked around watching as the world around them faded. They was now in Klaus art room. Baby Hope held to his chest whilst rocking in a rocking chair Sapphire once sat looking at his phone. "What's happening now." Hope asked turning to Sapphire. "I come home." Sapphire smiled making Hope do so also.

Klaus help a sleeping Hope to his chest. Looking at the image on his phone. A photo of Sapphire with a smile on her face as she held Hope. "Call her." Rebekah said from the doorway. "She deserves to see Hope." Rebekah whispered walking towards Klaus. "You deserve to be happy." Rebekah added grabbing Hope. Leaving Klaus looking at the phone.

Deciding to call he waited for an answered. The ringing just echoing in his head. Just hoping she was able to answer. "Hello." A small voice answers. Klaus let out a small breathe as he heard his voice. "Hello Love." He replied looking at the painting he made. "Klaus?" Sapphire said back hoping it was him. "Yes Love. Its me." Klaus smiled thinking of her. "How's Hope. Is she okay? Is she being fed?" Sapphire said quickly as worry rushed through her. "She fine. Rebekah has her." Klaus reassured.

"Hayley also came clean." Klaus added playing with the wood of the rocking chair. "I still can't come home. I am compelled. If I get close it hurts." Sapphire whispered through the phone. "Kol is on his way to break the compulsion." Klaus whispered back hoping she would be happy. "Okay." Sapphire said making Klaus smile. "I'll see you soon Love." Klaus said ending the call moving to walk out of the room.

The memory around them faded. Landing them into a small hotel room. "Is then when you become free?" Hope asked walking closer to the Memory version of Sapphire. "Yep. It's also when I meet your aunt Freya." Sapphire frowned.

Sapphire paced around the room. Waiting for Kol to arrive. Many throughs rushing through her head. The door of the hotel swings open revealing Marcel and Kol. "Hello Darling." Kol smiled walking into the Hotel room. Sapphire smiled rushing into Kol's arms with a large smile. She let go turning to Marcel. Bringing him into a hug also. "Have you had any Vervain?" Marcel asked as they let go. "No." Sapphire sighed looking towards Kol. "Come on I want to go see Davina." Kol rolled his eyes.

Kol placed his hands on Sapphires shoulders looking into her eyes. "Any Compulsion Hayley has given you will not effect you." Kol said staring into Sapphires eyes. Sapphire repeating it softly. Kol let go of Sapphire with a smile. "Let's go home now." Marcel smiled grabbing Sapphires bag taking it out of the hotel room. Kol and her following after.

"That's it?" Hope asked confused looking over her shoulder. "Yeah when your an original you can pretty much do anything." Sapphire shrugged. "Next but isn't so great so might want to buckle in." Sapphire sighed as the memory faded replacing with another.


Klaus stood outside with Hope in his hands and Rebekah by her side as the car pulled up. As soon as the car stopped Sapphire jumped out rushing towards Klaus and Hope with tears in her eyes. "Hay honey." She whispered grabbing Hope stroking her cheek with a smile. She looked up at Klaus who had a soft smile. "Hello Love." He whispered leaning down to give her a kiss. One she greatly returned.

"Yay your back. I was being over ruled by testosterone." Rebekah rolled her eyes as Sapphire looked towards her laughing. Moving to hug her. Watching over Rebekah's shoulder at another blonde who glared at her. "Hello?" She questioned pulling away from Rebekah. "Oh that's Freya. Apparently she is our older sister." Rebekah shrugged glaring towards Freya so she would stop. "I'm Sapphire." Sapphire introduced holding her free hand out.

"I know who you are. Your lucky. I didn't want you to see Hope after you leaving." Freya said emotionally before turning around. "Don't mind her. She's been like that to Kol also." Klaus laughed. "Great. I'm gonna go visit Cami. I miss her." Sapphire smiled. "I'm going to take Hope is that okay?" Sapphire looked up at Klaus.

"Aunt Freya still doesn't like you." Hope smirked over her shoulder. "Oh please she never heard the real story. So she will never know the truth." Sapphire laughed laying her hand on Hopes shoulder.

"Sure thing Love. Her blood still runs through your veins and shall heal you if ever hurt." Klaus smiled watching as Sapphire looked down at Hope. "Shall we go see Auntie Cami. Oh she will love to see you again." Sapphire said in a baby voice making the baby laugh. She looked back to Klaus giving him a small kiss before turning and leaving.


"Wow. This is a lot of memories." Hope sighed as the world around them faded in again. "No it's only one. Just different places." Sapphire laughed.

Sapphire walked down the street passing into a small ally way which had led to Camis house. A smile on her face to be back. Yet as she walked someone stood at the other end of the ally way. Sapphire looked over her shoulder finding the other entrance also blocked. "Your back." Hayley said walking down the ally watching Sapphire. "Yeah. Your really thought you could take away my child." Sapphire sneered watching the hybrid who held a smirk. "No. But I know if I kill you. I will have to be her mother." Hayley smirked grabbing the stroller pushing it to a vampire behind her.

Sapphire turned to watch the stroller. Watching it land in Elijahs hands. "Don't worry she will be safe." He said walking out the ally. Sapphire went to follow but Hayley placed a hand on her back holding her in place. "There no point. Your dead anyways." Hayley sneered placing two hands beside either side of Sapphires head. Snapping it instantly. Letting Sapphires body fall in her arms.

Hope went to run towards the memory as tears rushed down her face. Screaming at Hayley to stop. Sapphire was holding her back. Pulling her into her chest as she soon gave up running to her. "It's a memory Hope. It already happened." Sapphire whispered into the girls ear as the memory faded. Leaving them back into Sapphires home.



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