[ 1.16 ]

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Hope cried in Sapphires arms

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Hope cried in Sapphires arms. Sapphire sat holding back her tears. She looked down at Hope with a small smile. Happy she had her humanity back and can go back to school and live a happy life. Hope pulled away to look at Sapphire. "Is there anymore memories?" Hope whispered looking into Sapphires eyes. "No. Nothing is important to see." Sapphire whispered watching Hope deflate slowly.

"I can tell you. If you would belive me?" Sapphire offered helping Hope stand. "Please?" Hope begged watching her mother. Still tucked into her side. "Okay. Well after I died... I was buried god knows how far away from New Orleans."  Sapphire began stroking her hand through Hope's hair. "I woke up surrounded by dirt. When I got out I had no clue where I was. So I had to move on." Sapphire whispered. Hope sat up looking at the woman confused.

"Move on?" She asked looking at Sapphire. Wiping the tears form her eyes. "Rebekah calls 5 years later. Telling me how happy you was with Hayley. I want to wait until you was older. So we didn't have to worry about confusing you." Sapphire explained sighing as she looked towards Hope. "Thank you for showing me." Hope whispered. "It's no problem. How about you head to sleep and I'll call Rebekah up. It will give you time to think." Sapphire smiled standing from the sofa.


Hope laid on the bed hearing the talking form Sapphire who was on the phone. She looked down at the number shining on her phone. Pressing it gently letting it ring. "Hope." The voice on the other line said unsure. "Josie." Hope chuckled slightly sighing as she sunk down on the bed more. "My humanity is back." She said softly into the phone. The ruckus on the other end of the like stopped. "Pardon?" Josie questioned.

"Apparently my mom wasn't my mom. She stole me sort of. I got to meet my real mom." Hope explained staring up at the ceiling. "Hayley wasn't your real mom?" Josie asked confused. "Yeah. Apparently a woman named Sapphire Edwards was my mum." Hope said turning to lay on her stomach. "No way. She would send thousands to the school. To keep it running. Hope she really cares for you." Josie whispered towards Hope making her sigh. "She does." Hope sighed.

The two girls stayed silent for a little while before Hope sighed until Hope began sigh playing with the fabric of the covers. "Is your dad... okay?" Hope asked slowly waiting for a reply. "Yeah he out now. He's just sorting himself out." Josie said cheerfully making Hope smile. "And Landon?" Hope asked. Josie's cheerful tone stopped. "He's in a coma. We just need to try and get him up." Josie sighed making Hope do the same.

"I should be returning home tomorrow. I'll see if I can help." Hope said softly swarming Josie love around. "Okay. I have to go. Lizzie needs me. I'll let everyone know you humanity is back goodnight hope." Josie said softly before ending the call. "Goodnight." Hope whispered as the call ended.



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