[ 1.14 ]

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"Okay. This is when it reveals. Everyone already hates me." Sapphire sighed moving to Hopes side. Hope looked up at her sending Sapphire a sad smile.

It's been hours. Rebekah would sit in Sapphires apartment looking around as all the clothes and baby stuff she had bought. As she held a photo frame which held a photo of Sapphire and her she had a tear roll down her eyes. "She's gone Rebekah." Marcel spoke as he stepped into the apartment. "No she wouldn't just leave." Rebekah shock her head. Marcel walked up behind the blonde placing a hand on her shoulder grabbing the frame.

"She left Hope and the family. That's all we know." Marcel said softly directing the blonde to the couch. Rebekah sat with a sigh. Looking at the ball gown that she had bought Sapphire that was sat next to her. "I'm going to call her." She sighed moving towards her bag. Grabbing her phone. Scrolling though clicking on Sapphires name. Rebekah held it to her ear. Listening to the rings.

Soon they stopped. Rebekah pulled the phone away seeing the phone answered and was no declined. "Sapphire? You there?" She said into the phone. Catching Marcels attention. "God it hurt. How am I answering I'm not 1000 miles away yet." Sapphire whinged down the phone. Rebekah quickly placed the phone on loud speaker placing it on the table. "I tried to stay close to home. but Hayley..." sapphire continued. Grunting with pain. "How am I breaking Hayley's composition." Sapphire said.

"Hayley compelled you?" Rebekah leaned against the chair. "What did she make you do?" Marcel added joining her side. "She made me leave. I wasn't meant to make contact." Sapphire cried as pain stuck her. "I have to go." Sapphire said ending the phone call quickly. Rebekah and Marcel looked towards each other. "Does Hayley have anything vervain related?" Marcel questioned looking at Rebekah. "No." Rebekah smirked grabbing her back and phone walking out the door Marcel followed.

"You broke compulsion?" Hope said astonished turning to Sapphire. "Yeah. I was human. It hurt." Sapphire said wide eyed. The both sending into a small laugh.


"Oh no. This is when the family find out." Sapphire sighed rubbing her head. Hope looked over to her. "Are you in pain?" she asked stepping closer. "No. Just a bit of discomfort." Sapphire replied.

Rebekah and Marcel walked into the Mikaelson Manner. "Hayley! Where are you you back stabbing wanker!" Rebekah yelled as they got in. "Gosh what is with the screaming Rebekah." Kol sighed walking towards Rebekah. "We know why Sapphire Left." Marcel smirked. Grabbing the attention of Klaus and Elijah. "Parton?" Elijah asked walking to his sister. "Where is Hayley Elijah?" Rebekah smiled seeing Klaus standing in the stairs. Hayley walking down them with Hope in her hands.

"I'm right here?" Hayley said slowly walking to Rebekah. "Great. Give Hope to Klaus." Rebekah told Hayley. Looking confused Hayley handed the baby to Klaus. "Great. Have you had vervain today?" Marcel questioned looking at Hope. "I'm a vampire now. I don't need it." Hayley smirked making Rebekah smile more. "Great." Rebekah smiled stepping towards Hayley. "What did you do to Sapphire." Rebekah compelled. Ignoring the confused looks from her brothers.

"I compelled her to leave." Hayley replied with force. Hayley sighed once she finished dropping her head to the floor. Klaus looked towards Hayley. Walking over. "You did what?" He asked. Glaring at her. "I made her leave. So I could have Hope to myself." She added turning to him. "Get out." He said staring at her. "I wish to kill you. But my brothers love for you over rules that." Klaus sneered her direction.

Hayley looked at the baby in Klaus arm turning around leaving knowing the family hated her. "You can't keep her from her daughter!" Elijah argued. "Oh please. We all know your going to bring her back anyways." Kol rolled his eyes turning away from the family.

"They got rid of her." Hope said stepping to the family. "Yep. She came back tho." Sapphire sighed looking at Hope.



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