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The new mother and daughter joined back in to the memories

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The new mother and daughter joined back in to the memories. The silence between the two. Sapphire smiled at the memory that was about to play.

Sapphire was around 9-months pregnant. She was walking down the road. A shopping bad on her hand. Phone to her ear as Rebekah talk about what ever she needed. "Yes Rebekah I'm on my way now. No the baby isn't here yet." Sapphire laughed into the phone as she walked closer to the Mikaelson mansion. As she walked through the door the family sat around the table talking with Hayley joining them. "Good day everyone." Sapphire smiled walking in. "I have got your dress." Sapphire smiled to Rebekah handing her the dress. Just as Rebekah went to grab to dress with a smile it ended up falling to the group and Sapphire held her stomach "oh. That felt weird." She breathes slowly standing up with a wince.

Klaus rushed over to the woman placing a hand on her back. "What is it love?" Klaus asked helping her stand. "I don't... I do-." She began to say but stopped as she felt a pop and water down her leg. "I think my water broke." She whispered looking at Klaus. "I think the baby is coming." She sighed rubbing the belly slightly. Relaxing herself as the family began. Rebekah holding Sapphire walking her upstairs whilst Elijah and Klaus rushed upstairs placing towels and everything on Sapphires bed for her brith. Marcel was straight on the phone with a witch doctor we knew trying to them them down to the mansion quickly.

Kol had gotten a bottle of water handing it to Sapphire helping her sister get the human upstairs. Hayley watched with a frown. Knowing that would have been her is she hadn't attempted to kill the baby. Watching as Sapphire wobbled up to the stars stopping every time a contraction hit. Gripping Kols arm tightly. "You okay?" Rebekah asked leaning down to her brushing the hair out of her eyes. Sapphire nodded and began walking up the stairs.

"So this is when I joined the story." Hope said emotionless crossing her arms over her chest. "Yeah. Everyone was so excited to meet you. Mainly Rebekah." Sapphire smiled pulling Hope towards the corner of the bedroom they was placed in a few seconds ago. Stopping her from seeing any view.

Sapphire laid on the bed eye shut as a contraction hit. The doctor looking over her. Klaus stood in the corner of the room watching the doctor carefully. "This baby wants out. We're going to need to start." The doctor explained sitting up slightly. That sentenced panicked Sapphire. Klaus looked towards her as he heard her heart race. He walked over slowly. Joining her side. Slowly grabbing her hand. "I can't." She whispered in tears looking towards Klaus as a tear rolled down her eyes. "Yes you can." Klaus whispered into her ear. Holding her hand tightly.

"I'll be with you every step of the way." He whispered giving her a kiss on the top of the head. The doctor looked at the two with a smile. Coughing to catch there attention. "You need to push now." The doctor smiled placing herself where she was needed. Sapphire let out a scream as she began to push. Placing her head in Klaus's collar bone. "Your doing great keeps going love." Klaus whispered as he held her hand.

Holding onto it tighter as Sapphire continued to push. "Okay. Remember to breathe. I see the head." The doctor said. Klaus kissed the top of her head as Sapphire sat taking a few deep breathes before pushing again. Holding onto Klaus tighter.

Hope watched her 'parents' with a small smile. She's never seen his dad like this. I'm love. She couldn't help but feel some sort of warmth.

The Mikaelsons sat in the living room listening. Waiting. Hayley sat watching them upset. Hoping she would get to see the baby. Rebekah paced the living area. Stopping as she heard the sounds of a cry. A smile spread onto her lips turning to her brothers who held the same smile. "The new Mikaelson has arrived." Rebekah smiled moving to give Elijah a side hug. A smile on everyone's face.

Klaus had slowly walked down the stares the baby girl wrapped in a blanket. Walking into the living area with a small smile on his face. "Welcoming Hope Andrea Mikaelson." Klaus introduced letting the family circle around him. Watching the baby as she slept. "Andrea?" Hayley asked looking up at Klaus. "Sapphire wanted her to have some connection to you." Klaus whispered looking at Hayley.

"How is she?" Rebekah whispered stroking her finger down the babies cheek. "She's asleep. She said she would spend some time with everyone tomorrow. She passed out." Klaus smiled towards his younger sister. Hayley looked down to Hope with a smile yet jealousy. Hope her child would never call her mom. She hated it. She wanted to be Hopes mother. She was going to make sure of it.

Hope watched her family. Mainly Hayley watching her straight face. Knowing this was the time Hayley decided to ruin the family's life. It hurt her. The woman she believed loved her ended up hurting the person who truly did. "I didn't even get to hold you long." Sapphire laughing stopping as she saw Hopes sad expression. "Would you like a hug?" She asked carefully. Hope nodded slowly.

Sapphire walked over wrapping her arms around Hope. Holding her close. As a tear rolled down her cheek. She knew it wouldn't last long. Yet she didn't want to let go just yet.



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