chapter- 1

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Here is my little list of disclaimers:

BE WARNED THE THREE FIRST CHAPTERS ARE AWFUL AND I AM NOT KIDDING, the novel improves as it goes along. But I need to stress that it is unedited and has lots of plot holes.

Also as it isn't proofread or edited there are lots and lots of mistakes.
So if you're a grammar nazi kindly comment on the section that needs revising and changing. If you're rude about it, I will most probably leave the error.

I'm a human, I'm only in high school. I make mistakes a lot.

Authors on Wattpad spend so much time writing these books, enjoy them don't pick on spelling mistakes. Please!

Comments and interactions are amazing and I try to answer any questions etc about my novel. However please don't promote your own books, i will post a book recommendation in most of the chapters after I get enough people asking.
So DM me don't comment.

Now onto the story....

Riley pov:

I'm just about to walk into my new flat embracing the feeling of somewhere new, when someone starts shouting at me. I'm about to start apologising for my horrific parking but the voice quickly catches up with me.
"Hey lady, what are you doing?" A tall guy with dark hair frowns at me, whilst he drags one of his hands through his unruly locks.

"Well I replied to an advert about sharing an apartment with someone called Alexander and I'm guessing that this is my apartment?" I reply with certainty, pushing my glasses up my nose.
"Alex." He answers cracking a small smile.
"Alex?" I ask confusedly, why did this stranger just say Alex to me. I'm probably over thinking like usual, it's probably something really simple.

"I mean it's Alex not Alexander only my parents call me that. So you must be Riley?" He smiles friendly.
"Yes that's me, nice to meet you Alex!" I nod enthusiastically, shaking his hand.
"Nice to meet you too, sorry I was rude I thought Riley was a boy's name. Do you want to come in and dump your stuff in your room?" He asked pointing to a door.
"Sure, that would be great.Thank you."
"Pass me those boxes, I can take them in for you." He offers kindly, opening the door for us.

"Okay, thank you." I pass the boxes full of knick knacks and kitchen ware to him.
"Then come into the kitchen for a coffee or something." He smiles walking into what must be the kitchen after he places the boxes in my new room.

I watch him walk off until I realise where I am and start moving my stuff. Finally, after I dump my boxes of books and university equipment and suitcases I'm finished. Luckily he took the larger, heavier ones. Making it so much easier for me.

My room is pretty basic, it has light cream walls with white blinds and an inbuilt wardrobe. A chest of draws, desk, bedside table, a row of shelves and bed make up the furniture in the room. I can work with this, it's a good amount of space. There is a lot of space to pin up photos and posters, so I can really personalise my new room.

I make my way into the kitchen the smell of coffee lingers in the air.
"So coffee with milk or without?"Alex enquires.
"Milk please?" I answer, when the drinks are ready we sit down at the breakfast bar.
"So I think we need to get to know each other if we are going to be living together!" He smiles at me.
"Ok that's a good idea." I agree politely taking a sip of my coffee. He seems like an interesting guy so why not.

"So I'll go first, what's your favourite colour?" He asks tapping his finger tips against the counter top. Something that is usually annoying but his rhythmic taps hint that he's a musician.

"Well is this twenty questions or something." I chuckle, sipping my drink whilst observing him carefully.
"Something like that, now go on answer!" He replies cheekily.

"Lilac and grey are probably my favourite colours. What about you?" I decide after debating on my head for a few seconds, I'm generally a colourful person but I prefer burnt, darker colours than bright pinks and oranges.

"Dark green, silver and navy blue I would say." He grins, a dimple indenting in his left cheek.
"Nice, now your favourite band slash artist?" It would be cool to see if we have a similar music taste.
"Well you hit me straight with a hard one. I like alternative rock music really with a few rap, pop, punk songs mixed in so I would say pink floyd, Arctic Monkeys and g-eazy. I'm guessing you like indie and alternative music, am I right?" He replies, okay his music taste is on point and gives him definite brownie points.

"Well you my friend have a good taste in music and yeah you are pretty spot on I like Halsey, Pvris, the neighbourhood, lorde and then the arctic monkeys and other indie bands." I reply pretty flabbergasted that he likes cool music and not just the usual grime music most guys listen to.

"Nice I've heard some of pvris' stuff before they're pretty good." He nods, before continuing.
"Okay so. your favourite film?" Well this is a pretty hard one, I love movies so much from zombie movies to romantic comedies.

"I would say probably 10 things I hate about you, world war z and Kill bill vol. 2." I reply after self debating for the second time.
"Ah Tarantino he's one of my friend's favourite directors, he's really into movies and insists that he is one of the best directors to ever exist. But my favourites are probably grown ups and lion, pretty different but both great movies." Alex responds, Grown ups is a stereotypical guy movie but it is for a reason and I've seen lion before and it broke me down to tears. So not too bad choices.

"Who doesn't love a little bit of Adam Sandler?" I joke, grinning. Yeah I'm one of those people that laugh at their own jokes. Pathetic, I know.

"That's very true, I'm a little hungry. You wanna order something?" He enquiries, I am pretty hungry as I haven't eaten since breakfast and it's now six o'clock.

"Yeah that would be great!"

"Ok so you want pizza or an Indian tonight, my treat?" He asks getting his phone out.
"Pizza please and are you sure." I smile. I love pizza. It is my holy grail.
"Ok that's fine with me and of course you've probably been travelling all day it's the last thing I could do." He says typing on his phone.

"Thank you so much, I'm going to go and start some unpacking, could you call me when it gets here please?" I ask placing my cup on the draining board.

After I finish unpacking I go and have a shower, after I'm washed I just let the warm water drizzle onto me. After I'm dried I take off my makeup (which is pretty non existent anyway) and get changed into leggings and a tank top with my fluffy super dry hoodie on top.

As soon as I walk out of the bathroom. I hear someone clear their throat, I quickly turn around Alex was leaning on the wall.
"Rule 3 don't hog the bathroom" He smirks.
"Oh sorry but when did any rules get established?" I question mockingly.
"Ok I'll let you off this time." He jokes rolling his eyes playfully.
"Thanks." I say grinning at his immaturity.
"Next time you're paying for the whole bill." He adds walking away. In his dreams I could never afford a whole bill I can just fork out enough to live off campus and out of the dormitory where all the losers are.(no offence to anyone who does)

After our brief chat I shuffle into my half furnished room assessing the empty boxes scattered around and the foreboding tower of cardboard next to the door. I sure have a lot to sort out tomorrow. Sighing heavily I throw on some pyjamas and slump down onto my new, comfy bed. Checking the few messages on my phone, I see a missed call from my mum so I dial her number preparing for my worried mum.

There's the intro hope you liked it
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