chapter- 8

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How are you guys doing?!
(Listen to the video it has good playlist ideas, it's in the slide whilst you read!)

//Riley pov //
"Okay so I was thinking that we could go to a party Friday" Maya smiles at me , whilst I roll my eyes.
"Do we have to, I'm fed up with parties" I reply , whilst pulling my phone out from the messy depths of my bag.
"Please Riles, this cute guy asked me and I really wanna hook up with him" She pleads, looking at me with puppy eyes.
"So, basically you want me to come with you! Then you are gonna leave me on my own so you can go hook up with a guy" I say picking my nails.
      I'm trying not to look at her puppy eyes, I swear she can convince anyone to do anything with those eyes.Riley don't you dare look at her eyes! Don't. Damn why did I look great.
    "Please your my best friend , and anyways you can always hook up with Lewis the hottie can't you" She says chuckling whilst we walk up to the college kiosk.
"I know I am , but you know how I feel about....."I say before the lady comes to serve us.
"Hello , what would you like today"She asks in her perky I'm forcing myself to sound like this right now voice.
    "Um can I have a ham salad baguette please and Arizona peach iced tea" I ask before turning to Maya.
       "You know how I feel about casual hooking up Mays"I say frowning whilst passing my money to the Kiosk Lady.

     "Yeah well there's plenty you can do , you could always go back to your apartment after!" She says smirking whilst we walk over to a bench and sit down.
"You wish I'm not being present at the fuck till the sun comes up fest at my apartment" I reply sarcastically.
   As Mel and Alex are back together that means that the apartment is off limits unless, I want to hear them having sex all evening and her annoying bitchy voice! However this is good as she might have a chance to use the shampoo, shame we won't be present to see that.

"Okay so will you come with me?" Maya asks yet again.Whilst batting her eyelashes like a hooker may I add, which made her get looks from quite a few weird guys.
"Fine!" I reply, I have lost this one. I swear I won't give up this easily next time.
"Oh and I totally just saw Jeff Williams just stare at your arse" I say to get revenge, Jeff is a extremely geeky ,nerdy kid who has greasy bangs and no life.
"Ew , that's so gross I think I'm scarred for life" She shrieks whilst I sit there eating my lunch. Laughing so hard tears come to my eyes.
"Anyways have you spoken to hot shot Lewis since yesterday?" She asks clapping her hands together.
"He's not a hotshot and no I haven't" I say quietly , biting my lip.

I was going to text him but I didn't know what to say and I didn't want to say anything stupid. I'm not exactly the most confident person when it comes to guys unlike Maya.

In eighth grade I had a boyfriend Jake , who was also my childhood best friend. We broke up as he was gay, I was happy for him as he now has a long term relationship and is happy.
We still talk now and then.But it knocked down my confidence as people used to say I made him turn gay which wasn't the case because he wasn't sure if he was bi or gay then.

"Well that won't do now will it" She says like she's telling off a naughty child.
"Maya!" I say she's sure got a lot of energy today.
"Shush give me your phone!"She demands playfully , I roll my eyes and shove my phone in my back pocket away from her.
She pauses for a second as if in deep thought.
"Well you wouldn't want those photos from your mothers private Facebook photo album of you as a baby spread now would you" She says cunningly looking at me straight in the eye. Those photos are deadly , they cannot ever be seen by anyone else. Great she wins again.

"Fine those cannot be released ever!" I say ,handing her my phone and punching in that code. That girl is way too smart for her own good, No surprises she was offered a place at Cambridge, Oxford and plenty of other universities around the world.I have No idea why she didn't take that chance.
(A:N Riley and Lewis's conversation remember Maya sent the messages)

Me: Hey,when dya wanna meet up?🌟
S.A.B.L:Hey I was gonna text you , Friday afternoon okay?😊🤔
Me: sure, I don't have any classes then! 😅
S.A.B.L: Okay I'll pick you up then,see you in class later then 😉

"You don't have class tomorrow afternoon right?" Maya asks looking up at me and smirking. What has she done now?
"No I don't not in the afternoon" I reply frowning. Oh shit! I bet she's set a date up ,great?
"We'll miss goodie shoes you have a date with hot shot Lewis!"She says shrieking ,I can't help smile and this news. I never thought I could ever get a date with someone like Lewis. He's so nice and such a gentlemen, unlike some people *cough , cough* Alex *cough*.
"Thanks so much I would have never had the guts" I say hugging Maya. She smiles and hugs me back.
" No problem hunty (A:N/sorry ariana reference couldn't help it) any thing to help my innocent virgin best friend get a date." She says laughing.
"Hey I'm not a virgin, you hooker" I retaliate laughing. I'm not a virgin but that's another story.
"Awe I'm sorry that I get all guys staring at my perfect Kim Kardashian worthy sized butt!" She says wiggling her butt whilst walking over to the trash bin.

"Oh dear what would I do without you Kim Kardashian" I say laughing.
"I actually prefer Khloè, she's pretty fleeky and she isn't actually as fake as the others!" Maya replies after pondering for a minute.
We walk to class laughing our heads off.

Maya pov
As we get to the lecture I spot Lewis waving at us from our normal seat. It's nice having a male friend around and he's a good guy. To be really honest if him and Riley didn't have a thing going on I probably would be fucking him right now.

"Look over there ,there's lover boy!" I yell smirking at Riley , whilst a few heads turn our way.
She rolls her eyes in return and we continue to make our way through the packed seats.

As you can see this is another filler chapter but it has important info throughout and some kinda flash back info also I might do a prequel about Maya when this is finished even though that's far off😉

Updating quite frequently because I'm on Easter break however I might not have wifi all the time :)
All votes and comments and reads are so motivational so anything I would be so grateful for!🌊💜
Thank you everyone who has read this and commented and voted I lysm.

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