chapter- 2

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"Bang bang into the room you know you want it bang bang all over you!" I sing at the top of my voice in the whilst the water from the shower spits down at me, my love for Ariana Grande and Jessie J is eternal.

"Shut up in there will you it's hurting my ears. Actually that's an understatement you're killing them." Alex yells pounding on the door twice.
"Fine diss my singing why don't you!" I yell over the ricochetting water. I hear him chuckle
"Hey Riley can I grab my toothbrush quickly?"He asks politely. So now he's polite when he wants something.
"Sure just let me get a towel on." I call back stepping out of the shower and pulling a cream towel around me tightly.

"Come in, I'm decent."I call poking my head around the shower curtain.
"Ok I'll only be a minute." he replies, walking in without a shirt and omg I can't help but stare!
Those abs oh my Jesus! So I managed to get myself a ripped room mate.

How am I supposed to get used to this?

"Er Riley your staring." He laughs, grabbing his tooth brush out of the holder.
"Oh sorry." I say blushing as red as a cherry, yes a cherry not a tomato.
"You look like a cherry should I go?" He teases resulting in my blush darkening by a hundred shades. As he walks out of the room I gasp Jesus Christ that was a sight!

After, I change into something for my first class. This consists of a pandora necklace, checked sweater, denim skirt, tights and black converse. I walk awkwardly into the kitchen where Alex now in a shirt, is buttering toast.

"Hey Riley you look nice!" He calls glancing to look at me.
"Aw thanks, I guess. What are you making?"
"Just some toast and a mango smoothie want some?" He asks looking at me intently. A bit too intently and after he notices he quickly looks away.
"Ok thanks." I smile sliding on to the bar stool.
"So what classes have you got today?"
"Marine biology at 10."
"I thought you would be a law nerd?"
"Why do you think that?" I ask biting into my toast. My dad is a lawyer and also wanted me to follow in his footsteps but it's not for me.
"Well the law books" he exclaims.
"Nope just a science geek, those books are my dad's, what about you?"I quiz him.

"Well you're lucky as I'm with you I'm studying biology and chemistry"
"Then you can show me round campus and to my classes then!" I smirk at him.
"Nope! I have stuff to do places to be classes to attend!" He replies smirking waving his hands in the air.

"Well you have one today and that is marine biology and I'm in that as well so we have loads of time" I laugh peaking at his timetable on the fridge.
"Well I'm gonna go to the library to get a text book first I'll see you later then. For the tour that is." He smiles pushing himself up.

Riley seems to be a nice girl and I'm pretty sure she isn't going to murder me in my sleep or anything so we are good.

The only annoying thing about her is that she is very persuasive and I'm now showing her round campus for some reason.  Maybe she should be studying law.

Anyways there's Bens party later so I'm gonna have to text her that I won't be at the apartment.

A: Hi Riley im not gonna be in l8r I'm at my mates party c u in biology
A few seconds later she replies.
R:ok :)c u in biology
I laugh at her smilies
R: Ur abusing the winky face! :((
A: ur singing abuses my head ;)
R: jerk...

After looking for over an hour for the textbook I finally found it and am now heading to Marine biology. As I walk down the hall way trying to spy out my class room I hear a kid voice calling after me.
"Hey you looking for Bio?" A fiery red head calls with a Texan accent.
"What do you mean?" I ask blankly, confused at her slang.
"You got Marine biology?" She smiles kindly.
"Yes, yes i do." I smile at her nervously.
"Follow me then." She chuckles at my hesitancy, I'm not the best with new people.

As we walk in I look through the rows to find Alex and smile when I see his friendly face.
"Hey........?" I cringe I don't think she told me her name awkward situation.

"Maya and sure we can sit with hottie over there. She laughs, walking in Alex's direction.
As we take our seats Mya turns around to talk to me.
"Are you going to that party later?" She asks pulling her notes out her bag.
"No what party?" I question raining my eyebrows.
"Well my mate Ben has invited me and I can bring a friend dya want to go?"
"Me?" I ask surprised.
"No your pencil, you of course you idiot." She replies sarcastically.
"Ok then, hey Alex are you going to Ben's party later?" She calls over to him excitedly.
"Ben's? Yeah, do you want to car share and I'll be the designated driver." He offers politely smiling. Well that was a nice thing to do I don't know many guys that would pass up getting wasted.
"Ok that will be great thanks are you taking a friend?" Maya asks enthusiastically.
"Yea my girlfriend Mel." He replies frowning.
"Oh will she be ok about sharing a lift?" I ask biting my lip, surely his girlfriend wouldn't approve of two other girls in his car.
"Sure it will be fine!" He confirms firmly. He then points at the professor, who is clearing his throat for the class to quieten down.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •(EDITED UP TO HERE)
"I'm really not sure about this dress Maya it's a little short" I say looking at myself in the full length mirror. The black mini dress Maya basically forced me into is very,very tight fitting .

"Whatever you look fine and anyways Alex will be here with Mel in a minute so you don't have time to change." She insists ,she looks fantastic in a red and black mini dress with red and black heels.She pulls me away from the mirror and quickly dabs pink lipgloss on my lips.
"There you go beautiful ,your gonna get the guys tonight" She laughs.
As we walk out of my room we hear a car beep outside.
"That must be Alex and Mel lets go got your key and phone ?" Mel asks.
"Yes it's in my bra"
It's the most convenient place okay don't judge.

"Let's go parrrtayyy then." She laughs walking out the door ,I follow locking the door on the way out .
As we climb into the car we glance at each other ,Mel looks to put it gently like a slut and plastic.
"I'm Riley you must be Mel?"I smile
"Yer I'm Mel " She smirks icily, she is wearing a black and pink crop top with a matching mini skirt which is obviously chosen to flaunt her curves and cleavage.
"So Alex what's the party for ?"I say drawing my attention to Alex.
"Just a back to college and a birthday party" he smiles.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
General small talk continues until we arrive at the party , as we step out the car I notice bear bottles and red paper cups strewn over the floor and a lonely drunk using a flowerpot as a place to puke .

As Alex greets the host ,Mel shouts bye and drags Alex into the party whilst the host gives him a sympathetic glance.
He then calls us over.

"Hiya you must be Riley and Maya, Alex said you would be coming" he smiles at us.
"Yes happy birthday Ben"I reply walking until he calls something back at us.
"Be careful in their right"He smiles worriedly.
"Sure" we reply
The inside is a lot more crowded and is full of couples, drunks and people who are hyped by the music. As we pick our ways throw the people Maya is asked to dance by a pretty hot boy.
She looks at me not knowing what to do.
I immediately say yes, go and I grab a beer from the fridge and make my way outside. After sitting there holding the bottle for a few minutes ,I sit back and think why the hell am I here?
Well I really don't know .

After finishing half the bottle I have the dire need to pee. I make my way upstairs to find the bathroom, clambering past smooching couples.
When I find a door that seems to be the bathroom I open it and walk in and to my eyes disgrace there is Mel and a guy that doesn't seem to be Alex in bed .

I run out and literally gasp for air oh shlt he is gonna be so upset as I search for Alex I find him drunk out of his mind playing beer pong .

He really needs to get home asap I call Maya and I explain and she decides to go home with her new love interest ,so I drag him out into his car and put the keys in the ignition.
" Riley I should be driving not you" he slurs.
"Well your drunk and I'm not so I'm driving ok" I reply impatiently.
"Ok then"  He replies before slumping down and closing his eyes .
Falling into a deep sleep

I literally just re read this chapter and realised its so cliqué and unrealistic I wrote this two years ago and it's awful so ya the next chapters are better .

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