chapter- 24

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This chapter is dedicated to all those lost in the recent shootings in Orlando ,Dallas and elsewhere in America and around the world. Nobody deserves to die, and guns bring death to so many people before they have seen the world, had a family or fallen in love. My entire heart goes to the family's of those lost. What has this world become? BLACK LIVES MATTER! ALL LIVES MATTER SO STOP DESTROYING LIVES.

It has been a week since Ben read through the letter and his happiness is still radiating around him. We all have visited he grave over the last week, Ben visiting it nearly everyday.

Classes have been normal and really stressful, but I guess that is what we must be prepared for. Uni isn't easy.

I sit up in my bed, as I glance at Alex's sleeping body sleeping next to me. He looks so peaceful sleeping and I know I seem weird saying it but he does.
Slowly unwrapping his arm from around my waist. Sleeping in the same bed is permanent now and I rarely sleep in my own room.

Stumbling into the bathroom, I look at myself scrutinisingly in the mirror, what does Alex even see in me? I'm not skinny, my hair isn't perfect, I don't have legs for days, so why?

"Hey beautiful, you're up early." Alex huskily chuckles from the door way behind me.
I smile at him through the reflection of the mirror.

"Not really you're just a late riser, lazy ass!" I chuckle, slapping his arm gently.
"I'm not lazy, but what's wrong you seem tensed?" He asks frowning, massaging my shoulders gently.
"I'm just tired really, I was thinking about Ashley last night and I can't believe that people did that to her. It makes me sick to my stomach."

"There are some really nasty people out there. There always has been and there always will be." He sighs, massaging my shoulders.

"Yeah I guess so and also you're are a really good masseur." I smile softly.

"Well Angel, I don't work out for these muscles for nothing!" He jokes trying to lighten up the suffocating air around us. I frown at him, resulting his small smile to slide off his face.

"But we have class today and we can't lay in bed all day." He concludes rubbing his thumb softly over my cheek bones.

"Alex I was hoping you would forget about class today." I sigh, clutching his hand in mine.

"Now on a happier note, Maya invited us and Ben to a party, would you like to go?" He asks smiling, swiftly changing the conversation.
He's good at changing subjects, it almost flows so well you don't even realise.

"Yeah that might be a good idea!" I smile in return.
"It's at seven and Maya said to wear something nice!" He smiles back, showing his left dimple.

"Are you saying that I never wear anything nice?" I tease him.
He falters and his face drops.
"Of course not you're beautiful!" He replies smiling guiltily.

Applying a thin layer of mascara on my eyelashes, I finish off my makeup. I'm not a massive fan of makeup but I have awful spots at this money in time. Why won't my skin make up its mind and stay decent for once.

I meet Alex in the kitchen, who is propped against the island counter, tapping vigorously at his phone. His nose wrinkling up in annoyance.
"Goddammit why did I run into that!" He groans, running a hand through his hair in frustration before glancing up at me. His face full of guilt and he looks like a kid caught with his hand in a cookie jar.

"Oh I didn't see you there angel." He mutters composing himself.
He looks rather dashing, wearing black jeans, a blue button up and his dark hair messily spread on his head.

He gapes at my simple appearance before straightening up and smiling at me.
"Ready to go Alex?" I smile grabbing his arm and my purse as I walk.

"Sure princess lets go, have you got keys and your phone?" He asks tucking things off on his fingers. I roll my eyes.
"Yes dad I have!" I reply sarcastically, grinning at his cute expression.

"Shut up Riley I just care for you that's all!" He moans in reply pouting.
"Let's get going then." I chuckle gesturing to the door. He nods in agreement, pulling on his shoes carefully and then holding out my purse for me.

What a gentlemen!

After climbing into his car, I connect my phone to the music system.
"Dammit you have discovered the Bluetooth speakers, now my ears are going to bleed to death." He complains pulling a face.

"Hey you like the Arctic monkeys, the killers and Halsey right?" I point out, whilst he chuckles and turns on the ignition.

"No Taylor swift please, her career is over like her relationships!" He groans grinning, pulling out of the parking lot.

I scroll down my music until I find a good song.
Ah got it!
I smirk before clicking on teddy bear and slouching back into my seat.
For the first section of the song, Alex hums along to it but after a while he turns to me,

"Isn't this slightly creepy you know with the murdering and stalking?" He asks bemused. I frown and roll my eyes turning it up louder.

"So what's the party for?" I ask Alex, tapping my nails against the seat.
"I'm not sure I think it's just a party for just having the sake of one." He replies cryptically whilst I frown.

"Did you word that right as it sounds weird?" I laugh putting my hand over his.
"My mind goes crazy when I'm with you angel!" He smirks grabbing my hand to hold.

"Does it now or are you just making an excuse for your dumbness?" I enquire tapping my chin.
"Think what you like Angel!" He chuckles his deep voice Hearn o my ears. Hot guys voices are the best especially when they chuckle and when you are dating them.

"Now let's get our party on!" He shrieks like Regina George.
Gif of the chapter:
Just a lil bit of the arctic monkeys to keep everyone happy bunnies.

 Gif of the chapter:Just a lil bit of the arctic monkeys to keep everyone happy bunnies

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Quote of the chapter:

^ screenshot that and use it for your lock screen it looks super cute!!!

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^ screenshot that and use it for your lock screen it looks super cute!!!

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