chapter- 10

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Don't think the gif in the slide works but never mind Rihanna slays people!
"You jerk you let this happen" A shrieking voice yells abruptly waking me up from my slumber. I roll over in agitation and look at my phone 8:50 Jesus princess Mel is up early.
I get out of bed and wrap a dressing gown over me ,so I'm not just in a tank top and shorts.
"What the hell is happening..." I yell but pause at the sight of Mel ,who's hair is bright, bright , sunshine yellow. I burst out laughing.
"Hey nerd, don't laugh at me" she yells, her early morning voice sounds like a pig with a nasal infection.

"I'm sorry I just can't help it" I giggle whilst she death glares at me.
"Pretty hilarious isn't it Riley shame Maya isn't here to witness this" Alex smirks leaving against the door frame.

"You! You did this to me! You will pay for this" Mel screams pointing at me with a pink talon. Then slapping me hard. Very hard may I add. Ouch.
"Alex baby get this girl out!" She yells pointing at me and pouting at Alex. Jesus what a multi tasker.
"Mel that's Riley my room mate she lives here"He replies emphasising lives here.

"If you don't get her out I'm walking out" She yells ,smirking at him. Whilst I stifle a laugh at her now constipated looking smile.
"Bye bye then, there's the door"He smiles opening the door. Whilst her mouth falls open I'm pretty sure someone could drive through the gap between her lips.

*Cue Chanel Oberlin*

"What!" She yells , I'm pretty sure she thought he would chose her but he's a guy and he only wants a sex buddy and girls are just toys

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"What!" She yells , I'm pretty sure she thought he would chose her but he's a guy and he only wants a sex buddy and girls are just toys.

"You heard me get out" He says sharply pointing to the door.
"Mel make sure to collect your garbage on the way out" I add smirking .
Queen bitch Mel : 0
Riley : 1
*queues gif of Riley's expression*

Queen bitch Mel : 0Riley : 1*queues gif of Riley's expression*

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As Mel grabs her stuff and walks out crying. I burst out laughing.
"Well that was eventful" Alex sighs, walking back into his room.
I chuckle then head back to my own room so I am ready to go out on a shopping spree with Maya.
As I grab some clothes out my closet I hear Alex shouting at someone on the phone, probably one of his booty calls.

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