chapter- 28

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Maya Pov
I press my eyes closed, the painful and excruciating wait is driving me to the brink of insanity.
After Alex had gone back into the house, the wooden frame of the house started to fall down.

Whilst they were inside, the front of the building collapsed. Luckily they managed to escape out of the back door.

But, not entirely unscathed, Riley has suffered from second and first degree burns on one side of her body. Also Alex received second degree superficial partial- thickness burns on one of his legs.
The have been held in the hospital so their burns don't get worse or infected and also for checkups on their lungs and respiratory systems.

The police cars, fire engines and ambulance had arrived by the time they had both managed to get out the building thankfully, they were whisked off to the hospital and are now in the room opposite. Waiting.

Waiting for something that is as serious as having your brothers and best friends lives hanging on the line.

It rips your heart right up inside of you.

I made Adam leave me to go home, he shouldn't have to deal with his messed up girlfriend right now. Even though he was stubborn and tried to refuse, but in the end I said that it was what was best and he left. Defeated.

They managed to capture the arsonists who ended up being Liam, Ashley's ex boyfriend who ruined her and abused her, but you guys could probably guess the next one.

Serena, she was the other arsonist. However she isn't going to a prison like Liam. She's going to a mental hospital, not like the Radley though. She had ended up going crazy and not wanting to be away from Alex.

I know that she was ill but I still could never forgive her, as for Liam he can rot in hell for all I care. He destroyed my already beaten down sister then tried to make my friends and family's life hell.

I class Alex as my brother and family because he is, he was been there when I needed him. His family took me in when I had nothing and helped me build myself up again.

"Hello miss? Would you please come and follow me." A voice asks politely, I look up and see a middle aged woman in a doctors uniform.
"Yes, of course." I nod, collecting all my things up and standing up to follow the woman.
I text Ben and Adam as I go, telling them I'll text them if I have any information.

The doctor leads me through a white door into a ward. Everything is white, it is dauntingly unnerving.

"So miss, Riley Rosewood and Alex Brios are in a private room through here." She nods towards a door with a red stripe on.
"Okay thank you, are they awake?" I ask nodding towards the door.

"Alex was briefly awake earlier but you will have to see, however please don't try to wake them up if they are asleep!" She smiles opening the door to let me go in, she follows me in and closes the door. A pale blue curtain separates us from them.

"Okay here are the details about their injuries." She smiles again, handing me a clipboard.
I read it through quickly, noticing the comments about their burns considerably healing.

"So when can they come home?" I infer tapping the board.
"That depends as Alex should be good to leave when his burns heal a bit more, however Riley breathed in quite a lot of smoke and has had problems breathing."
"Okay. Thank you, can I see them now?" I ask nervously.

"Of course." She replies smiling, she sure smiles a lot.
After pulling away the curtains, she turned to me.
"I'm going to leave you with them for some privacy, please ring the bell if you need any help!" She replies, walking out and closing the door softly.

I walk through the curtain and see them both laying on hospital beds, gauze is wrapped around Riley's side and Alex's leg and hand.

What is the most surprising is the large apparatus next to Riley, which leads down to a respiratory mask on her face.
"Maya? What are you doing in a hospital please don't say Adam knocked you up whilst I've been in here." A voice chuckles from behind me, I pivot around and see Alex sitting up in his bed. A huge grin lighting up his slightly pallid face.

"Shut up you idiot, I came here for you too!" I laugh running to him and hugging him carefully.

"Anyways, have you heard anything about Riley?" He asks his eyes glancing between me and Riley.
"Not really apart from that she will have to stay in here a bit longer than you." I smile meekly at him, knowing his face will fall at this news.

He frowns before indicating to his bed.
"Could you push the bed over there next to her?" He asked sitting up more comfortably.
I walk over, take the break off before pushing the bed carefully over to Riley's.

"Thank you Mays!" He smiles wrapping his hand around her limp one.
"I really want her to wake up, she's only been waking up suddenly in the night when she couldn't breathe." He announces, a clouded emotion washing over his features.

"Me too, Alex me too. She should soon try not to worry." I reassure him, placing my hand on his and squeezing it tightly.

"I really hope so! Anyways did you bring any decent food with you, it's disgusting grub here?" He almost pleads me. I frown before searching through my bag for my crisps and chocolate. I bought them earlier at a service station and I was going to eat them in the car as I left.
But you know Alex can't live on soup. He's a growing boy/man/adolescent.

You get me. I hand over the food saying a quick goodbye to it.

"Thank you so much Mays!" He grins, digging in the the crisps.

"Hey aren't you going to save me any of those you pig? Ladies first!" An unexpected voice pipes up.
"Wiley our awake!" Alex exclaims with a mouthful of crisps.

"Well it would be a pretty weird dream if I was sleeping." She replies croakily smiling.

"I'm so happy! Call the nurse they'll want to know she's awake." Alex says to me enthusiastically.

There are three words I can really say about why I haven't updated in a millennium: severe writers block.

I am so sorry and I hope y'all like the short and snappy chapter.

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