the end

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The final official chapter also known as the ending .
💋💋💋A very shameless plug -I cri- your girl is currently trying to save up for uni and has decided to try and start a kinda business on Depop @/k3ziah in which I'm selling cute earrings,accessories and vintage clothes. If you live in the UK check it out and quote 'shameless plug' to get free shipping
Anything is greatly appreciated and thank u all for the kind comments and support 🍒🍒🍒

The steps you have to take in life, build up your foundations. If I decided to stay in the college dorms I would have never had to put up with Alex, I probably wouldn't have even met him properly. He would have just been a random stranger in one of my classes.

Stepping into that apartment, theoretically changed my life. Now I'm stepping up to receive my graduation diploma. Alex has already collected his and is standing smiling. I've been stressing all week about this moment, worrying that I would trip in my new heels.

Maya of course looks stunning even in the unflattering robe. She's still dating Adam and they're still as mushy and in love.

The dean(head master idk what it is) hands me the cream coloured scroll. Shaking my hands and wishing me luck. A round of applause sounds as I descend the steps.

Making my way to stand next to the other graduates, everyone receives their scrolls in a blur. Speeches are made and clapping repetitively sounds through the auditorium.

My mum is seated next to Alex's parents. His dad managed to make it today, although Alex didn't expect him to. He is pretty certain that his parents are going to get a divorce. His dad is never at home and he fears that he might be cheating on his mom. Alex's mom has always been his anchor and she's always been there for him. His dad has almost always been absent. I've only met his dad once but he was extremely strict and straight forward.

"Now could we all please stand and applaud 2018's graduates."
The dean announces knocking me out of my thought bubble.
We all stand smiling, cherishing our final moments of kind of being kids, I guess. We have to enter the world of work now.

"Five, four, three, two, one!" We shout before throwing our hats into the air. They fly above us like birds.

We all cheer, hunting down our hats.
Alex, Maya, Ben, Adam and I are all going to dinner together with our parents. We all meet my our cars.

Maya is the first to greet me.
"I can't believe this is all over, it's gone so fast. It's surreal that we are all going to get jobs and grow up to have families." She smiles hugging me quickly.
"I really can't believe it but college has brought the best things to me. Without it I wouldn't have met you guys." I grin pulling her into a hug again.

We all go around hugging each other and congratulating each other. The last person to greet is Alex.
"So here we are, graduating college." He exclaims, running his hand through his hair. An action that I've become to love.

"Yep, unless I'm dreaming." I grin, pulling him into a hug. He presses a kiss against my forehead briefly.
"I love you princess." He mutters into my hair.
"Now I think that our moms want to congratulate us." I laugh, pulling away.

"Congratulations Riley, you've graduated, my little baby is so grown up." She smiles, a tear threatening to fall down her face.
"Mom don't cry, at least I can visit you more often now." I reply cheekily, hugging her.

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