chapter- 14

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"Hey Ben, what's up..." Alex says blearily before glancing at my stumbling body and pausing.
"Well we had a slight dilemma!" Ben replies, glancing at me.

When I glance back at Alex I see his eyes glaring at my shoulders. I look at him confused then look at my shoulders and see bens jacket there.

"So why am I here?" I ask stumbling over to the plant pot after tripping on an uneven slab. Whilst noticing the spiky red rose, I brace myself for a million thorns to embed into my skin.

But I get pulled into a warm chest.
"Watch out there, I think we need to get you to bed soon pumpkin." He chuckles putting his hand on the bare small of my back guiding me inside, sitting me down next to a glass of water.

"Stay here now, I'll be back in a moment." He says heading to where Ben is standing in the door frame.

He walks out the door with Ben following him and gently closes the door. I slowly sip my water as a pounding headache starts to overtake my brain. Although I hadn't been drinking the headache created by the incident almost called for alcohol to dull the ebb. A clear liquid labelled with a fancy Russian name in silver cursive calls my name.

I unscrew the lid and allow it to fall to the floor with a metallic ring, taking a swig quickly I allow the burn in my throat. After several swigs I feel the burn cascading my senses and pushing back on the dark thoughts in my head.

After what seems like a few million years, Alex returns saying his goodbyes to Ben as he walks in the door.

"Where's Serena?" I ask distastefully, pushing the bottle away from myself.
"It's Selena! Out, drinking no doubt." He replies walking over to me.

"Alright Princess lets get you in bed." He chuckles as I stand up almost spilling my water down myself.
"Watch out there you nearly soaked yourself with water." He says steadying my drunk body. Being temporarily pressed against his muscled chest.

"Alex why do you keep lying?" I ask giggling covering my mouth with my hands. Whilst Alex looks at me with a puzzled expression which soon contorts into one of annoyance

"You are pretty drunk and you hate me, you would never ask this sober. Let's get you to bed." He says bluntly half smiling pulling me into my room.

He quickly mutters something about grabbing water for me and leaves the room, coming back a few moments later.
"Alex I'm not going to bed unless I am told what you're hiding!" I scream impatiently acting like a mad women.
"You are wasted and not thinking straight." He says sincerely, rolling his eyes trying to divert from the question.
"You better come here right now Alex so I can work it out myself then" I say as seriously and powerfully as possible.

He winces.
"I'm not hiding anything, right now bed." I slide down the wall rather dramatically and tears start to leak down my face.

"Woah Riley, get to bed!" He says quickly pulling me up and helping me to my bed, checking I have everything I need he leaves; glancing at me before he leaves the room with an expression of what could be interpreted as regret in my drunken stupor.

Waking up with a killer headache and not remembering much about the previous night is awful! My head is heavy and my brain muddy, I need to stop drinking away my problems but it is getting harder and harder.
I groan, covering my eyes from the bright sunlight streaming through the blinds.

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