chapter- 6

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The storyline of this chapter has been edited to fit with the previous chapter 5, however please skip to 8 if you don't want to wait for the other chapters to be updated.

Last night I binge watched teen wolf and ate junk food. Yes, even after the fun fair. No, it wasn't a good idea and now I'm laying in bed feeling sick and bored.

Alex went out to talk to Mel as I think they are getting back together.
I'm really not bothered whatsoever that they might be getting together.

I also am not bothered that her orange makeup is going to be printed onto nearly every cushion and that her ref lipstick will be on my newly purchased cutlery.

As you can tell I'm slightly bothered, I think it's the food talking.

Before I decide to grab more ice cream to mourn my cutlery I decide to call Maya.

To be honest my metabolism will die if I keep eating this junk food.

After giving an elaborate explanation on why I am "forcing her" to leave her flat. She finally gives in and claims to be on her way shortly.

As her definition of shortly can differ immensely I decide to hop in the shower and have a good old scrub.

I then hop out of the shower and throw on the first outfit I can find.

Note, it doesn't match and it would probably give Chanel Oberlin a heart attack.

Checking the time I realise Maya will be here soon so I quickly pull my hair into a pony tail and slipping on some comfy socks.

"Hey bitch I'm here." She yells whilst slamming the door open.
"Hey bitch." I roll my eyes smiling at the fact that she let herself in.
"C'mon smile I bought supplies." She says throwing me a Walmart bag.

I sit and open it, I find two tubs of Ben and Jerry's, Oreos and two packets of hair dye.

One is lime green and the other which is carrot orange.
"Er what's the dye for, my gothic era was in grade nine?" I enquire looking at Maya's smirk.
"Well I was thinking that we would prank them to embarrass them and also to do it so you can get back at that really annoying girl." She smiles, winking.

"She is annoying and I think that Alex is getting back with her!" I sigh, no I'm not showing jealousy.

"From what I've heard she isn't very nice. A little bit too spoilt and stuck up apparently." She muses, tapping her flawless nails onto the counter top.
"That's pretty true. I hope she grows on me sooner or later." I chuckle.

"So how is your hunt for a room mate going?" I ask, she's been looking for one for the last month or so as her old room mate moved back to Kansas due to a family issue.
"I've had a few applications but I haven't had the time to check out the details." She sighs, she's had quite a few extra papers to write to catch up with some topics and she's been struggling quite a bit.

"So what exactly do you have in mind for the hair dye?" I smirk this little idiot and his girlfriend or soon to be girlfriend again are getting the biggest prank ever.

"Well as Mel has her stuff here still, including shampoo which happens to be orange herbal essences shampoo. I saw her in Walmart with one of her cronies talking about how it's the only shampoo she uses, also that she left it here so she will probably collect it or if Alex. If they get back together she will use it if she comes round here again." I smile at her plan, which I can't wait to start.

"Wow you really did your research" I chuckle, her stalking skills especially on social media are top notch.
"Oh that's not all of it why do you think I have the green dye?" She states looking at me and rolling her eyes.

"I didn't think about that, maybe for a spare?"I guess having no idea, looking at my nails whilst she laughs at me.
"Well I also noticed that Alex's hair smells like Mint tea tree shampoo." She states, oblivious that it sounds really creepy and stalkerish.

"That is totally not creepy." I say sarcastically but she frowns at me.
"Come on we have to take a trip to the bathroom." She says carrying the bag and dragging me along.

I'm guessing we are putting the plan into action.
We walk on our tip toes to the bathroom, luckily Alex hasn't come home yet and is out of sight and mind.

Thank god!
Once we reach the bathroom we literally fall through the door. I quickly lock the door so we can get to business.
The best spies never leave doors open while they are doing spy work.

As I hunt through the cupboard to find the two shampoos, Maya opens the packets of dye over the sink.

She mixes the dye with water carefully, making sure not to spill any on her clothes.

After I find the bottles we carefully pour some of the shampoo out and pour all the dye into each bottle then we close it and shake it.

(Don't take any ideas kids or you will probably be castrated by whoever you do this too, I repeat do not do this at home)

We have completed our amazing prank this shows them to mess with us. (Well they didn't really do anything it just sounds gritty if I say something like mess with us.)

We walk out and I feel a wave of confidence wash over me, I'm no longer the nervous wreck I was ten minutes ago. I've actually done something slightly out of the ordinary for once.

Me and Maya then waltz back to my room, still no sight of Alex though hopefully he has gone out for tonight as well. I really want a girly sleepover.
"Yes we did it." I yell when we are in my room.

"Yes chick we did, now let's order in a pizza and eat our weight in ice cream whilst watching the notebook." she declares, laughing at my reaction to the comment about pizza.
"I thought you'd never ask." I smirk at her, it's been another great day.
I am looking forward to the results of the prank but I do hope it doesn't permanently damage Alex's hair as he has really nice hair.

Without even using tones of gel and spray, unlike everyone in high school. Those guys looked like grease balls. On the other hand the dye can ruin Mel's hair, it already looks like a haystack. I would probably be doing her a favour by giving her a makeover.

Sorry for such a short chapter I will try and write a chapter around every week and I'll try and write a longer one next time😌
All ideas welcome and ship names for the characters comment below 💖🎉

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