chapter- 4

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After a long boring lecture Maya and I head to the parking lot and wait outside for Alex. We wait for at least ten minutes until we see him, literally storming towards the car, shoving his phone in his pocket in.
"Alex are you okay?" I chuckle, amused by his behavior.

"Get in the car." He orders us, gritting his teeth. Me and Maya burst out laughing whilst he glares at us.

"Get in the car, dammit." Me and Maya climb in the back seat, trying not too giggle.
"I swear if you don't shut up, I will leave you here and make you walk home." Since it's quite a way home and I'm too lazy to walk, I shut up almost instantly. Alex never makes empty threats.

After we drop Maya home, we sit in silence until we reach the parking lot to our building.

For some reason Alex looks really depressed as he walks. I try to run after him but because my legs are not very built, it wears me out easily, so I quickly walk over to him.

"Alex, what's up with you?" I ask him, popping the p.
"Nothing." He grumbles. He is never usually grumpy, so I knew he was lying.
"Seriously. Tell me why your all grumpy and depressed" I ask him in a sharp tone.
"I'm not." He grumbles. I hug him really tight, ignoring the fact that he wasn't hugging back.

"Okay, you asked for it. I'm not gonna let you go until you tell me what's wrong." I told him stubbornly. It's quite hard trying to restrain him since he's five times stronger than me and much taller than me. The only thing really good about it is that my arms are around his abs.

"Riley, get off!" He complains.
"Nope! Not until you tell me what's got you in a pissy mood."
"Fine, I found out that Mel was cheating on me the whole time we were dating. Not even with with just one, but like five!"

"Awe Alex..Why do take this so hard she wasn't worth your time.You deserve someone a lot better." I told him, rubbing his back kindly while hugging him.

He opens his mouth like he's about to speak then closes it again then proceeds to open it once more and talk "Um, do you mean that I'm worth someone better?"
"Of course, Alex, everyone deserves the best." I cooed.
"I always took what I thought I deserved and I didn't think I deserved much."

"Of course you deserve the best. Your a good person, Alex. Don't put yourself down." I told him softly, breaking apart the hug.

Once we get inside, I check my phone and see numerous messages from Maya reminding about the party. Great, I was really hoping she would forget.

"Hey, Alex, I'm being dragged to a party by Maya, are you going?" I ask scooting over to where he's standing.

He looks up at me.
"I am going to the party tonight. Do you need a driver as I'm having nothing to drink tonight."
"Yes, thank you that would be great."
"No problem.." he mutters"Ri...Uh,I mean Riley, do you want some pasta?" He offered me as he scooped some out.

"Yes, thank you." I smile at him, he only half smiles back as I take the plate out of his hands.
"Seriously don't stress about the Mel thing, okay? Be happy!" I smile looking at him whilst eating some of his dish.

"I'll try not to. Thank you, I never knew you were so good at giving advice." He chuckles.

"As its nearly 7, I'm going to start getting ready so we can get there around eight" I smile whilst putting my plate in the sink.
"Okay I might as well get changed then." Alex groans.

After I have a shower and brush my teeth I pull my blue two piece dress on with white stilettos. (pictured below)

After I straighten my hair and apply natural but sexy make up I'm ready to go I grab my phone and keys and twenty dollars and stuff it in my purse

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After I straighten my hair and apply natural but sexy make up I'm ready to go I grab my phone and keys and twenty dollars and stuff it in my purse.
As I walk out I see Alex who looks like a Calvin Klein model , he actually has Calvins ,I've seen them in the wash.
He's wearing a black leather jacket ,jeans and a grey tee and he looks very hot if I do say so myself.
(He's Shawn in the photo below)

(He's Shawn in the photo below)

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"Riley.. Y-you look lovely. The guys are gonna be all over you tonight." He chuckles whilst I blush.
"You don't look bad yourself" I say whilst walking over and straightening his collar.
"Let's get going." He says walking out the apartment door and to his car.

After we picked up a stunning Maya, we make our way to the party which by now is in full swing. The music is blaring and the smell of alcohol and smoke is in the air. Basically a typical college party.

"Riley, Maya meet me back here at 1 so I can drive you home." He waves and strolls away to meet probably one of his friends.
"Riley lets go and have some fun!" Maya squeals.

After a few hours and too may drinks I'm pretty wasted and I'm basically falling around everywhere. I bump into a mysteriously hot guy who turns around.
"Omg your really hot, how do I not know you?" I slur and flirt at the same time, grabbing on to his arm for support.

"Um, Riley its me, Alex.. You know me!" He replies with a worried expression, probably calculating how drunk I am.
"ALEX! Come dance with me!" I yell excitedly dragging him to the dance floor.
"Riley stop, you're going to regret this tomorrow!" He insists.
"I won't I promise!" I slur slightly loosing my footing and falling into his arms.
"Okay, Riley lets take you home. I'll go find Maya stay right here." He orders me while I nod, smiling like an idiot.

After Alex comes back with an equally drunk Maya, he pulls us into the car and starts driving to Maya's apartment. He helps her into her apartment and comes back in his car. We then head home.

"Alex? You know that time when you kissed me why did you do it?" I ask drunkenly.
"Riley, honestly I don't know, I think I'm starting to like you though. Your beautiful, funny, and smart." He told me, hoping I didn't remember this in the morning.

"Awe Alex that's so cute I'm going to find Riley and tell her." I giggle whilst he bites his lip then turns his eyes to the road.

After we reach home, he carries me bridal style to my room as I'm literally too wasted now to walk. He tucks me in to my bed, putting a glass of water and tablets on the side for tomorrow.

"Goodnight Alex! Sleep tight." I call drowsily, blowing him a sloppy kiss.
"Goodnight, beautiful." He replies walking out and closing the door carefully.

What do you guys think votes and comments are really appreciated and it gives me inspiration to write❤️🍁

Edited by the lovely pottermudblood !! Go check out her up and coming novel

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