Chapter Ninety-Eight

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    "I want you to tell me about your day," Destiny said, while lowering to her knees and dragging Aubrey's sweatpants to the floor along with her.

    "It was just a normal da-" He sucked in his breath when her mouth closed over him.

    Her eyes lifted to meet his while she tasted him. "Hmm?" she hummed against the length of him while pulling back. "You've got to give me more than that."

    "Oh, I'll give you more than that," he vowed, his voice dangerously close to being a growl.

    "Was it a good day?" she asked him, and flicked her tongue against the tip of him.

    "Sh...ah, yeah. It was a good day."

    "Did you have a lot of meetings?"

    He laughed and seemed to avoiding looking at her.

    "Hesitation is grounds for punishment," she told him seriously, sitting back on her haunches.

    "Is this you trying to improve my oration skills? My speech? Managing distractions? What?"

    "This is me trying to improve your ability to follow simple instructions," she said flatly, narrowing her eyes at him.

    He laughed again, but must have seen the serious look on her face, because the laughter died down. "I had three meetings scheduled for today," he said, finally replying to her original question. "Wait - no, make that four. Four meetings scheduled for today, all executive meetings and a teleconference with the Toronto branch. Ah, baby..."

    "Who?" she asked silkily, stroking him with one hand while looking at him.

    "I mean, Mistress. Domme Des. Whoever...whatever you want to be called."

    She stopped stroking, rolled her eyes, and stood up.

    "What?" he demanded, spreading his arms out.

    "We don't have to do this," she said. "We can just go back to you training me, because you're not taking me seriously."

    "You're attempting to engage me in conversation while your mouth is on me," he exclaimed. "When your mouth is on me, I'm barely capable of high functioning thought. All I can focus on is how good your mouth feels."

    "We talk all the time."

    "While you're riding me slow? Sure. But sucking me?"

    With an annoyed sigh, she folded her arms across her chest.

    "Here. I have an idea. Permission to demonstrate something to you, mistress."

    She stared at him a long moment. "Granted."

    He swept her up into his arms and sat her on the edge of the desk.

    Her eyes widened and her arms instinctively went around his neck. She was slow to remove her arms from around his neck, but when she finally did, he roughly spread her thighs apart and stood in between them. Then he squatted down, hooked his fingers into the side of her panties, and pulled them away from her center. A gasp slipped out of her mouth as his mouth clamped down on her pussy. She grabbed the edge of the desk to keep herself upright.

    The groans he released while tasting her this time were louder, more aggressive.

    A shudder rolled through her body as his tongue shot inside her. It explored her for a few minutes, then he was pulling his mouth away from her and replacing it with two of his fingers. "Tell me something, baby," he said coaxingly.

    "Anything," she gasped out. "I'll tell you anything."

    "What's one thousand, four hundred seventy-two times eight hundred and ninety-nine?"

    The fog of desire cleared ever so slightly and she stared down at him blankly. "What?"

    "What's one thousand, four hundred seventy-two times eight hundred and ninety-nine?" he repeated.

    She narrowed her eyes at him.

    He laughed and pressed a chaste kiss to her pussy lips before standing. "That confusion you're feeling right now is how I feel whenever you ask me anything while giving me head."

    "Exaggerate much?" she demanded. "I don't ask you algebra problems and equations and shit while giving you head."

    "Asking anything other than how good it feels is too much."

    "Since when?" she muttered.

    He shrugged sheepishly.

    She cleared her throat.

    His brows furrowed. "Yes?"

    "What are you doing just standing there?" she asked him. "This pussy isn't just going to eat itself."

    A slow grin spread across his face.

    "Boy, if you don't stop playing," she said, rolling her eyes upwards.

    He hooks his hands around both of her thighs and pulled her ass to the very edge of the desk. "Whatever you say, Mistress."


    "You look like..."

    "The man who's about to take over the radio airwaves later this year into next year?" Aubrey finished for the man seated in the studio wearing a backwards OVO hat.

    Noah, a.k.a. 40, shook his head. "I was actually going to say 'like shit,' but go with what you feel."

    Aubrey laughed and clapped 40 on the back. "How have you been feeling? Everything good at home?"

    "Yeah," Noah responded, rubbing his jaw. "Things are really good. I still have my health. Still have my wits about me, you know. I can honestly say I've been really happy. I look around and see that our entire crew has their own reasons to be happy, and that just makes me happier, you know?"

    Aubrey smiled and ran a hand over the top of his head.

    "'re getting married. Fucking married."

    "Fucking married," Aubrey repeated. "Yeah."

    "And this baby news?" Noah shook his head. "Nearly killed me. I know how long you've wanted the marriage life, the family life."

    "Not for that long," Aubrey said, seating himself in the free chair behind the engineering soundboard.

    Noah gave him a knowing look. "I'm talking about before this bullshit I-don't-believe-in-love phase you went through," he said. "You've wanted this since things were good with you and..."

    Aubrey's jaw twitched.

    Noah recovered quickly. "You've've wanted this for a long time. So it's great to see you finally get the family that you've wanted."

    "Thanks, man."

    "And it's great to sit behind this board again," Noah said, running his hands over the controls. "Even though this beast is probably a little outdated by now."

    Aubrey grinned. "Whenever I stay here, I still come in here from time to time. Play around with it a bit. Make sure to keep the dust off of it. It still holds up."

    "Aubrey, back in the studio," Noah mused, shaking his head. "Never thought I'd see that day again."

    "It feels good to know that I can still surprise you," Aubrey said, clapping his friend on the back. "Now let me tell you the concept for the album."

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