More Life: Chapter Forty-Two

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    "This reminds me of simpler times," Destiny said softly. She reclined back against Aubrey in the bathtub, reveling at how good it felt for their skin to be bare and joined.

    He ran a soapy washcloth up and down the front of her torso. "Everyday, I wish we could go back to those times."

    "The worst is behind us, at least," she told him. "Palmer's trial is coming up. We just have to hold on until then."


    "A penny for your thoughts?"

    "My thoughts are that Palmer has a huge network," Aubrey said, dipping the washcloth in the bubbly, warm bathwater. "I'm worried that even once he's safely behind bars, he'll still have a team of people terrorizing us."

    Destiny frowned. "Once he's in jail, they wouldn't have to follow his orders anymore."

    "Continue being that little ray of optimism, baby girl," he said, running the washcloth down her arm.

    She turned her head and peered at him. 

    To silence whatever it was she was going to say, he took advantage of the moment and leaned forward to kiss her.

    She kissed him back and moaned against his mouth. 

    His free hand dipped below the water's surface and reached around her midsection. Slid down her belly to the apex of her thighs and teased her open.

    A gasp escaped her mouth. Her hands stroked the length of his thighs as she kissed him back.

    As his fingers slid inside her, he could feel himself growing hard against her back. "Fuck, I can't get enough of you." He pushed his fingers in and out of her a few times before he couldn't take it anymore. With his hand withdrawn, he ordered, "Stand."

    The water gently splashed around them as she stood up in the tub.

    "Turn around."

    His tongue flicked across his lips at the sight of her soapy wet breasts. "Come to daddy."

    She lowered on top of him. 

    The moment he inserted himself into her, he bit into her right shoulder. His arms went around her and he clung tightly to her while she slowly bounced on top of him. 

    She bowed her head down and gently touched her lips to his while riding him. Sucked on his bottom lip, just to drive him crazy. Their lovemaking was sweet. Tender. Slow. Taking the time to enjoy it, rather than rushing through it in a heat of passion. Lust and love mingling to enhance every little sensation of touch. Her lips brushing against his, her arms encircled around his neck, her wetness clenching around him, the soft whispers of breath that blew across his face or chest whenever she ducked her head down to hide her moans. 

    He started thrusting to meet her, sending droplets of water over the side of the tub.

    Her moans grew louder and soon, his groans joined the sounds she made. "Oh my God," she cried out. 

    His eyes were glued to her as she tilted her head back, fully enjoying the feel of him. In that moment, a fleeting thought crossed his mind. I want to put another baby in her. It just a quick thought, a flash. The thought was there, and then it was gone. But an echo of that desire was left in its wake.


    The next morning, heavy booted footsteps could be heard all over the house.

    Aubrey came awake with a start once he heard the footsteps running past their closed bedroom door. "What the fuck?"

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