More Life: Chapter Seventy-Five

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    The festivities didn't end in the ballroom, although much fun was had. Destiny and her father had the first dance, leading into Destiny's and Aubrey's first dance as a wedded couple. She rested the side of her face against his chest and listened to his steady heartbeat while following his lead on the cleared dance floor. Crowded around them, their friends and family cheered them on, whooping with excitement and laughter and eager to join in on the dancing.

    I was beginning to wonder if we'd ever make it to this, she thought dreamily, her eyes fluttering closed. We've been through so much, endured so much was starting to feel like we'd never see this day. It was starting to feel like we'd always be on the run from something, always be hiding from something. And now here we are... She lifted her head and gazed up at him.

    He was looking down at her. Hair and beard freshly groomed, diamond chip sparkling in his tooth whenever he smiled wide. One of his eyes dropped in a wink. Then he was pressing a kiss to her temple while whirling her around the dance floor. 

    "You practiced this," she accused.

    "Of course I practiced this," he confirmed. "I wasn't going to be out here looking crazy on my wedding day."

    "When did you have time to practice?" she wondered aloud, just as he spun her around again. Her curls bounced and righted themselves as he pulled her back.

    "You've got to stop underestimating me."

    She smiled and shook her head. This is the meaning of true happiness, she thought as she glanced around the room. The faces of her friends and family blurred as he continued spinning around the dance floor with her.

    Then, he was waving an arm in the air, beckoning everyone to join them on the dance floor.

    Destiny had the chance to dance with a rapidly-growing Sadie as well as Adonis. Aubrey danced with his mother, her mother, and older women on his father's side of the family. Food was continuously served without worry of overspending. Drinks continued to be poured throughout the night.

    Someone opened the door leading outside, so they could hear the crashing waves to the beat of the music playing. Eventually, everyone poured out onto the beach and continued partying out there.

    "Are we allowed to make bonfires here, or would that get us arrested?" Aubrey asked with an arm slung across his wife's shoulders. 

    "Light it!" Chubbs shouted with his hands cupped around his mouth.

    Some people excused themselves so they could change before engaging in further partying. There was a lot of shouting, drinking, dancing, off-key singing, swimming and splashing, roughhousing and carrying on. It was a genuine celebration of life, love, and happiness. It was all Destiny could think to ask for. She stood watching everyone and was moved to the point of happy tears.

    With everyone gathered around the modest bonfire, Destiny and Aubrey stood to address their loved ones. Destiny stood with drink in hand, looking up to her husband before starting her speech. "I just wanted to thank everyone again for joining us for this destination wedding. Some of you were asking what was next. Over the next few days, we'll meet up for dinner or cute little bonfires like this one...but it was important to both of us that everyone has time to create their own memories. It was important that you weren't just coming here to watch us get married, but to also make memories that you'll look back on and cherish for the rest of your days. After those few days, Mr. Graham and I will stay here and continue making memories that we'll forever cherish. We're here for another few weeks, once everyone else has left. All activities are optional. This could be the last time we all see each other while on this island, so let's make tonight count!"

    Aubrey's boys clinked glasses and shouted, "More life!"

    "More life!" Aubrey shouted back at them, pointing at each of his boys. 

    The music was cranked up. Couples danced in the sand and cradled each other beneath the darkening sky. The reception lasted long into the night. Behind them, the banquet hall's lights were dimmed. A bright moon appeared in the night sky and still they partied. Gradually, people started retiring to their rooms; Sandi was one of the first, with a sleeping Adonis seated on her lap.

    Aubrey and Destiny were the last two on the beach, slow dancing while listening to music play from a Bluetooth speaker. 

    "I'm Destiny Graham now," she said softly while slow dancing with him.

    "Do you feel any different?"

    "A little bit," she admitted. "There's just something about knowing it's official. I don't know, but somehow I do feel a little different."


    "How about you?" she asked nervously. "How does it feel, being someone's husband?"

    "Too good to be true," he responded. 

    Without even looking at him, she could tell he was staring down at her. She kept her face pressed against his chest. "Yeah, that sums it up."

    "I've dreamt about this day so many times," he added. 

    "You have?"

    "Oh, yeah."

    "You told me about the dreams with the kids, but I don't remember you ever saying that you dreamt about our wedding," she said, her voice quiet.

    He shrugged. "Our wedding looked different in every dream," he told her. "The dreams with the kids were different. The kids never changed, their names never changed. But with our looked different in every single dream. Whenever I dreamt about our wedding, I knew I was dreaming...if that makes sense."

    "Hmm," she murmured. "I've dreamt of our wedding, too."

    "Yeah?" he asked, genuinely interested. "Now, who's holding out on who?"

    She threw her head back and laughed. "The wedding always took place on a beach or near water. Only the color of your suit changed, really."

    "Did you picture yourself wearing a collar on your wedding day?" he asked, gingerly touching the decadent piece of jewelry looped around her throat.

    Her cheeks flushed, even visible in the moonlight. "No, the collar never showed up in any of those dreams."

    "It's beautiful on you," he remarked, a mischievous twinkle in his eye.

    "As soon as everyone else leaves the island, I'm sure you have some ideas on how to use this collar," she teased.

    With heavy-lidded eyes, he looped a thick index finger in the D ring of the collar. "I might have packed some leashes," he teased back. "There might be a doggie bowl for you to drink out of."

    She laughed. "You did not."

    A nonchalant shrug was his only response. "You might be surprised at some of the things I packed," he said. "Our training sessions were always so rudely interrupted. I figured out here, there would be less distractions." He punctuated that sentence by kissing the tip of her nose.

    Realization filled her eyes.

    His grin widened.

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