Ch 1. A Living Legend

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When Izuku was four, he developed a Quirk. A powerful one that could do the impossible, do to the dangers of said Quirk he was forced to pretend to be Quirkless.

He found out about his Quirk when a girl in kindergarten was killed by a car a few hours after school, Izuku had gotten upset about it and wished the girl hadn't died. He got his wish, the girl appearing unconscious before him earning a scream from Izuku.

The odd thing was, his mother hadn't responded to the scream. By the time the girl woke up confused, Izuku had already gone to his mothers room, to find she wouldn't wake up. He had started crying and a few hours later the police arrived, only to find a previously dead girl and a dead woman.

But that isn't the story truly begins, no the story begins nearly ten years later.


Izuku walked down the street silently, thinking about how Kacchan had told him to take a swan dive off the roof of the school. It wasn't fair...he knew he had a Quirk, he just wasn't allowed to use it. His dad told him that his Quirk might help some people, but the price was the lives of others.

He knew his dad was right, but it still hurt a lot to think about. He just wished he had a Quirk he could use without killing someone.

As he walked under a park bridge Izuku gasped as something strong and slimy latched onto him from behind. He began struggling, resisting the urge to take his attackers life. If he did that then he would have to bring someone back almost immediately. His power both ways, at least when he used his Quirk.

Izuku felt the slime go down his throat, filling his lungs and cutting off his oxygen supply. If this continued he would suffocate to death, he couldn't even call for help. Thankfully he didn't seem to need to call for help, because mere moments later All Might came around the corner in a rush.

"Do not worry, citizen!" All Might shouted as he pulled his arm back to punch." I AM HERE!"

With a single punch All Might expelled the slime from him and Izuku turned to see the slime was vaguely humanoid, which meant it was a villain.

"All Might!" Izuku exclaimed in awe, shocked to find the Number One Hero had saved him of all people. He wasn't anything special, at least he didn't think so.

"Are you alright Young Man?" All Might asked gently, looking over Izuku carefully for injuries.

"I...I'm fine, sir." Izuku said after a moment, before he had a strange thought. He had an urge to tell All Might about his Quirk, despite having been told in the past to never reveal it. The urge however was too strong, someone who was near him was dead or dying and the only person that could be was All Might." Sir, are you...hurt?"

All Might froze, something in Izuku's tone clearly unsettling the Hero. Izuku swallowed, not sure of what to say next.

"What do you mean, Young Man?" All Might questioned, though there was a nervous edge to it that confirmed his suspicions. All Might was dying, his Quirk could practically feel it.

Izuku hesitated, he had a free revive stored away. It had been from when he was attacked once in an alley way, he had accidentally killed someone. Thankfully it had been ruled as a Quirk accident, he wouldn't have been able to get into UA otherwise.

"My Quirk can tell me if someone is dead or dying." Izuku admitted softly." I can also revive the dead or heal fatal wounds at the cost of another life. I had a Quirk accident when I was younger, I didn't mean to take someones life....but...I could use that life energy to heal you if you wish."

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