Ch 8. USJ Part 1

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Izuku hesitated outside the classroom door, it had been about a week since the incident. He had already missed an important class with Toshinori, but hopefully he could catch up with his peers if he worked hard enough.

After he had fallen unconscious, Hikage had used his phone to call Yoichi. He had then been put in the hospital for a week due to extreme Quirk exhaustion. Normally his Life and Death Quirk wasn't that taxing, however he also had One For All he had two Quirks to worry about.

Hikage mentioned the likelihood Izuku had manifested Danger Sense, if the feeling before Muscular's attack was anything to go by. Surprisingly enough, despite Hikage still having his Quirk, Izuku had it too. Which meant that One For All likely didn't just absorb the Quirks, but copied them as well.

Whether or not Izuku had Danger Sense wasn't particularly important though, at least not in the immediate future. The immediate problem was something Hikage had brought up, relating to his death.

There was a high chance that due to having had a Quirk before gaining One For All, Izuku was dying. This came as a shock to Toshinori and Mirai, but Yoichi had just stared down towards his hands tense. His Uncle knew this was possibility, so why had he allowed Izuku to take the Quirk?

Izuku didn't ask that question, but it still weighed on him.

Pushing his thoughts aside, Izuku walked into class 1-A. Revealing Ochaco chatting with Iida and Tsuyu. He smiled softly, glad everything was still relatively the same as it had been.

"Izuku-kun!" Ochaco called out when she spotted him, her smile blinding the room." Are you ok? I heard you got attacked by a Villain, Muscular...right?"

Izuku nodded, not having expected the immediate questions. Though thinking back on it, he really should have.

"Yeah, um...Muscular attacked us and then dropped dead afterwards." Izuku explained, feeling uncomfortable." He died just before making contact with my Uncle."

Everyone in the room paled at that, but Kacchan just stared towards Izuku. Izuku knew that his former friend knew there was something more to the story, which he would be right about.

"I'm glad to see your ok, Sasaki." Shouta's voice inturrupted the reunion, making Izuku turn towards the Underground Hero." Don't think I am gonna go easy on you though, you'll be working just as hard as your classmates."

Izuku just replied with a grin, matching Shouta's own smirk.

"Of course, Aizawa-sensei." Izuku commented." I wouldn't have it any other way!"

Shouta snorted, before turning to the rest of the class. Izuku found his seat next to Kacchan and waited for his teacher to begin speaking.

"Today we will be going on a field trip, the purpose of which is Rescue training." Shouta explained with a sadistic glint in his eyes." Pack you things, you may wear your costumes if you wish. Meet me in the parking lot in thirty minutes, dismissed!"

The class muttered excitedly with each other, Izuku himself was bubbling with anticipation for what was to come. However a dull anxiety was beginning to mount inside, he hoped it was just normal anxiety and not Danger Sense. He'd already dealt with one issue in the past week, he didn't want another on top of that.

Izuku got into his costume, he chose to wear it due to not having a chance in the previous lesson with Toshinori. Once he had put on his costume he looked into the mirror for a few moments, taking in his appearance.

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